MTT. Resort

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*Frisk sees Sans in front of the resort*

Sans: Hey. I heard you're going to the Core. How about grabbing some dinner with me first?

Frisk: Ya.

Sans: Great. Thanks for treating me. I know a shortcut.
*Sans leads Frisk to the side and they teleport in the restaurant*
Well, here we are. So, your journey's almost over, huh?

Frisk: Yep.

Sans: You must really want to go home. I know the feeling. Maybe sometimes though, it's better to take what's given to you. Down here you have food, drinks, and friends. Is what you have to do really worth it? Ah, forget it. I'm rooting for you, kid.

Frisk: Thanks Sans.

Sans: Let me tell you a story.

Frisk: Sure.

Sans: So, I'm a sentry in Snowdin forest, right? I sit out there and watch for humans. It's pretty boring. Fortunately, deep in the forest, there's this huge locked door. It's perfect for practicing jokes. So, one day, I'm knockin em out, like usual. I knock on the door and say knock knock. Then suddenly, I hear a woman's voice from the other side. "Who's there?" So naturally I respond "dishes." "Dishes who?" "Dishes a very bad joke" Then she just howls with laughter like it's the best joke she's heard in 100 years. So I keep em coming and she keeps laughing. She's the best audience I've ever had. Then, after a dozen of em, she knocks and says, "Knock knock." I say, "Who's there?" "Old lady." "Old lady who?" "I didn't know you could yodel." Needless to say, this woman was extremely good. We kept telling each other jokes for hours. I had to leave eventually. Papyrus gets kind of cranky without his bedtime story. She told me to come by again. So I did. It's kind of our thing now. Telling bad jokes through the door. It rules. One day, I noticed she wasn't laughing much. I asked her what was wrong. Then she told me something strange. "If a human ever comes through this door, could you promise me something? Could you watch over them? Protect them?" I hate making promises. And this woman, I don't even know her name. But, someone who likes bad jokes has an integrity you can't say no to. Do you get what I'm saying?

Frisk: Not exactly.

Sans: That promise I made to her... You know what would have happened if she hadn't said anything?

Frisk: Um, no...

Sans: Buddy. You'd be dead where you stood.

Frisk: Um...

Sans: Hey, lighten up, bucko! I'm just joking with ya. Haven't I done a great job protecting you? I mean, look at yourself. You haven't died yet.

Frisk: True. You have done a good job.

Sans: Heh. Well, that's all. Take care of yourself, kid. Someone really cares about you.
*Sans leaves and Frisk moves on out of the restaurant to a shop in the hotel*

Burger pants: Welcome to MTT Brand Burger Emporium. Home of the famous glamburger! Sparkle up your day!
Bratty: Hey! Check it out!

Catty: Ya! Check it out!

Bratty: So, like, What's up?

Catty: You should buy ALL our stuff!

Frisk: I guess I'll take a bag of chips.

Catty: Bratty! We're going to be rich!

Frisk: Um, ya... Bye.

Bratty and Catty: Like, later!
*Frisk goes back into the resort then goes through the door of the Core and goes through the hall. They see two doors and an elevator. Alphys calls*

Alphys: Ready?! This is it! Take the elevator to the top of the core!
*Frisk tries to use the elevator but it doesn't work*
What? The elevator should be working... Well then, let's go to the left.
*Frisk goes to the left*
Ok, you should be able to make it through here.
*Frisk goes through the halls door to see laser*
Looks like you can't proceed until you hit the switch. But those lasers when you do. Um, They'll come in the order orange orange blue. Got it?

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