How it all started!!

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Now, before you come at me with the, "oH iS tHiS sOmE jOkE?!?" listen hunny, you clicked on this!! So buckle up shitheads!!

And before I go on, please be weary, I will say things in demons tounge but i will translate it for you.

Our story began just as the world was created!!
There was two places, Evensphere(which is now heaven) and the land of love, there is of course, one god in different worlds but now there's like what, 30,000 different versions?? I can't count. Its really stupid the amount of people willing to believe that only some gods will bring you good and the rest bad. We all have good powers just you humans are really shit at seeing that.

But I do not judge you for what you believe in!! Its just you have to understand anyone and anything can be good and bad!! But anyway, not the point. The earth was indeed created by stones from different planets but god did create life. But so did the love relm god, some dicks think that Adam and eve was a boy and girl. Bitch eve was trans and adam was a fucking dude. I don't understand why you guys think that this is some war just get a fucking grip.

Anyway, obviously evenspheres god created adam and our god (aka cupid) made eve. It was like meant to be. Totally. ( it really wasn't)because you know in the Bible when it says that eve became evil. Well shit this is where i come in!!

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