Shock and Scotch

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Third person
Marquise has been buried in work lately, there had been issues with a gang trying to pick a fight. Not the best idea to take on such a large and aggressive mafia. But they were reeking havoc. Attacking warehouses and trying to rob his men. Their robberies haven't been successful but have killed many of his men.
He decided to take the night off. Working your brain too hard doesn't make it work better, quite the opposite. He texted his right hand and third in command to come to his office for a drink or two. He needed some low key relaxing. He turned off his laptop and put it in the locked drawer in his desk.
His two friends, Brian Parrish, second in command. And Otto Mays, third in command.
"Taking a break?" Brian asked. Marquise nodded. "I've been telling you as much. Glad you got your head out your ass." He joked. Brian, Otto and Marquise have been friends since middle school. Like brothers. They were the only ones that could blatantly disrespect Marquise and get away with it. And he was grateful they do say stuff like that. Being someone feared and powerful, most people just agree with him to stay on his good side. Having them as his advisors was helpful to Marquise. He needed people to tell him when he's wrong, give ideas and not just agreeing with his own, and someone to call him out when it's needed.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry for giving you shit when you told me earlier. You were right." Marquise said.
"Of course, im always right" Brian joked.
As Brian and Marquise talked Otto poured them glasses of scotch and passed them out.
"It's just those damn Vipers," Marquise started, taking a sip. "They're getting on my fucking nerves." He took yet another sip.
"I think you should go about this differently. You're going on defense which only makes them feel that their mission is being accomplished; weakening us. However we could go on the offensive and send them into defense. Find their warehouses or trap houses and return the favor." He said calmly with a slight smirk.

This conversation went on for a little while till a text halted it.
The ping turned Marquise's attention toward his phone. He grabbed it and checked the message. His eyebrows raised and eyes widened as he read it. He hadn't realized he froze. Otto and Brian tried calling him but didn't get a response. They looked at each other communicating with their eyes. Brian shrugged and got up going behind Marquise to see what had his friend so stunned. He took a sip and read, spitting it out as he realized what had his friend so damn shocked.
"Holy fuck Marq!" He exclaimed, snapping him out of his daze. Marquise let out a long breathe setting down his phone and drink. He rubbed his face in thought.
"The fuck happened?!" Otto asked becoming increasingly worried.
"He got a girl pregnant!" Brian exclaimed.
"Some girl trying to get his money?" Otto asked skeptically.
"She said telling him was a courtesy, and didn't beg for his involvement." Brian said summarizing the text for him.
"She's not like that anyway." Marquise added, his eyes still staring off.
"You want us to check her out?" Otto asked not wanting his friend to get baby trapped. "Just give us her name and number and I'll run a background check." Marquise slowly nodded. He shouldn't think so hard on something that might be a lie.
He grabbed his laptop for Otto to use and Brian handed it to him. "Her name's Candace, her number is XXX-XXX-XXXX" He read out.
The room was silent for a few minutes as Otto worked.
"This her?" He asked as he spun the screen toward Marquise. Marquise walked from behind his desk and sat infront of it. And took a good look.
"Yup that's her." He said taking an anxious gulp of his scotch.
"I don't see anything dirty. No gang or crime affiliation." Otto said as he browsed through her record. "I don't see any issues with her, so you want us to check her out in person?" He asked respectfully.
"I think that's a good idea... Tomorrow though. Let's sleep and then you two do some recon on her." Marquise said, leaving no room for argument. The two nodded, took the last sips of their drinks and went to their respective rooms.
Marquise having a harder time falling asleep, thinking about the beautiful girl from the bar, and the thought of him being a father.

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