the eighth chord - "the queen"

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 Alaeca was both surprised and anxious when Yuna informed her that a man named Ronov Atriche asked to see her in the king's study. She had counted on exploring the palace alongside Yuna and becoming familiar with the king's timings. As much as she disliked the idea of having to see him on a regular basis, it was an inescapable part of her role.

When she had tried to pick fancier clothing, Yuna had hinted that Alaeca try and get used to the Xindinan clothes provided, instead. So she wore a formless, off-white dress with black flowers embroidered along its skirt and unflattering cap sleeves. Compared to her multicoloured collection, the Xindinan portion of her closet was comprised of soft shades. As a follow-up, Alaeca pulled her hair up because of its atrocious semblance to the dress.

Yuna had been beside herself and complimented Alaeca in every manner thinkable. Alaeca smiled wanly before the two of them headed towards Arventh's study. Knowing that the king would be occupied elsewhere, Alaeca strode with both grace and ease. She was familiar with the name 'Ronov Atriche' - Adys had mentioned him on occasion.

"Queen, queen, queen!" A man appeared before her. Alaeca's heart leaped into her mouth, and she bit back a curse. He circled around her in a fixed rhythm, "It sounds lovely - Queen Alaeca! No? My name is Ronov Atriche, but you must address me as either 'Ronov' or 'Randt'. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

He spoke so quickly that Alaeca paused for a moment to piece together each word. Ronov peered at her with a smile that lit up the patch he stood in. Alaeca inhaled, "R-Randt? A nickname?"

Ronov shook his head, glossy hair flying in either direction with each motion. He stroked the thin moustache. "This is Randt."

Alaeca first looked at him in bewilderment, but an irrepressible grin broke out on her face upon comprehension. Ronov chuckled - it was a hoarse sound, unlike the cheery voice that had startled her. "What a lovely smile."

Her face warmed. "Pleased to meet you, Ronov."

"Here," Ronov held out an arm. "I'll show you the place. And we can talk freely."

Alaeca latched on to it, and looked over her shoulder at Yuna. The maid bowed and left. Ronov pulled her along the hallway. "The dress is beautiful. I mean, you are beautiful in it. Some of the clothes in your possession, you know, belonged to Arventh's mother. They're quite lovely, yes?"

 So they're a gift of sorts. Alaeca smiled and replied, "They are." Maybe I'll get used to them.

"How do you find Xindin?" Ronov asked. "Unwelcoming? Cold? Different?"

They approached the wide stairs facing the main entrance, where Ronov slowed his pace for her convenience. Alaeca descended the steps while he held her hand, "Truthfully, no. It's my third day here and I've already met very kind people."

"Rivex being one of them?"

Alaeca eyed him. "Yes."

"He had an upset with Arventh last night," Ronov shook his head sadly. He shrugged before she could inquire about it.

Ronov led her through wide marble pillars to the right of the staircase, and she could make out buzzing sounds of clinking and talking. Ronov stopped in front of an unsealed entrance, motioning for her to do the same. He went in first, and soon the noise disappeared. Ronov called her inside.

Alaeca's fingertips were ice cold when she entered the kitchen. She could not approximate the number of people present, but their eyes quickly ripped away the shred of hope she harboured for a warm welcome. A burly man in a stained apron fell into bow, and the others followed suit. Alaeca meekly requested them to rise. Ronov cleared his throat before the silence became suffocating. "You can ask them to make anything you like. And come in here to get anything you like. Isn't that right, Hagel?"

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