the fourth chord - "the friend"

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Royal Palace of Xindin: 168 of Karraien Calender

                Arventh stepped out of his carriage first. Several clumps of curious citizens waiting to see his bride were situated at the black gates, speaking amongst themselves. Within the palace grounds however, only nine people were expectant of her arrival: Rivex Calche, the region's Overseer, the Head Maid and six of her underlings.

                The king nodded to the driver after one of the male servants unloaded his luggage. The driver grinned a toothy smile before heading around the palace to park the carriage. A slight gesture from Arventh called the Head Maid, Borel, towards the second carriage, where Alaeca waited. Rivex cleared his throat, approaching Arventh with a slight frown. "You didn't take a maid with you for the journey?"

                "Is that how you welcome your king?" Arventh glared. With a tight jaw, Rivex pointed his chin towards Alaeca's carriage. Borel wore a respectful smile, and held Alaeca's hand while she stepped out. Arventh walked towards her, attentive of her tired condition. Borel stepped away from Alaeca.

                Arventh pressed his lips together, but the woman remained intent on avoiding eye contact. The side of his mouth twitched, but just as he turned away, Alaeca's head tilted upwards to face him. Instead of the forlorn, cold countenance he had witnessed in Fyndan, her unnatural silver eyes were unrelenting and ablaze. Momentarily frozen by her gaze, he almost didn't see the slight smile on her lips.

                What is she thinking?

                Out of exhaustion, Arventh walked away from her, only stopping at the Overseer's shoulder. "I'll take care of anything left in a few hours."

                "As you wish," he smiled, heading towards the entrance with the king.


                Alaeca watched the king's back grow smaller, and only when he disappeared did her shoulders sag in relief. Again, he had said nothing. But... neither had she. Had she already made the king angry right when she had stepped foot in his kingdom?

                "Borel will take you to your bedchambers," a man standing nearby bowed before her. "Welcome to Xindin, my lady."

                She studied him thoroughly, confused by the sincerity in his smile. Before speaking, she cleared her throat. "You... are?"

                "My apologies," he chuckled. The sound calmed her; it was pure and without any detectable malice. "General Rivex Calche, my lady." Alaeca returned the gesture, showing him a warm smile. As Borel led her forward, Rivex followed a few steps behind them. "I hope you aren't too offended by Arventh's behaviour."

               First name basis with the king, huh? Alaeca looked over her shoulder, "Why would I be?"

                "So you are offended," Rivex said. Alaeca was silent, opting to keep a neutral facade.  The grand palace before her was at least four times larger than Fyndan's, and undeniably more well-kept. Elliptical mosaic windows decorated the outside surface, while the palace's face was of white marble. It appeared to be three stories tall, though from the height of the structure, the number was probably larger. Like her home in Fyndan, Alaeca assumed the foundational portions, as well as those that supported the structure, to be brick.

                "No orchestra," Rivex murmured, "Official ceremony. Welcoming feast."

                Alaeca chuckled. Those formalities would have adversely proven detrimental to her mental stability. She was grateful for the modest reception, whether it was intended for her benefit or not. She would not use them as leverage against the king; in fact, she highly doubted it would hold any meaning.

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