It's a Good Thing We're All Wizards

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It was a brisk day in Ireland, and to any bystander, the countryside would have had a few straggling, foreign hikers exploring the moor. To any wizard, the 'hikers' were actually a few high ranking officials, famous professors,and the Boy Who Lived, all grown up. Harry Potter stood with Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes, John Watson, and Greg Lestrade on top of a hillock near the Irish coast. A few miles away stood the ruins of a mansion. There appeared to be no activity at the dilapidated building, but they knew better than to go strolling up in broad daylight. James Moriarty was there, Sherlock and Harry were convinced of that, and they also knew that as a powerful wizard, he had probably cloaked the place. They needed time to come up with a plan and to enact it without being discovered.

"Do you think that it's heavily fortified?" John asked, his military experience kicking in.

"No, he's been traveling alone. And he killed all of his people back in London. He wouldn't have stopped somewhere else to get new recruits because he would be afraid we'd catch word of that. He's alone, except for Seamus," Mycroft said impatiently.

"There's a powerful spell guarding it," Harry put in.

"Obviously, Mr. Potter," Sherlock drawled, irritated with Harry's statement.

"No- well, yes, but that wasn't what I was getting at," Harry said. "You can feel the power of the spell. It's almost as powerful as a Horcrux. I've encountered spells like this before. There's something out there that will get rid of it, but we would need to be closer to find it; it will be invisible," Harry continued, staring hard at the house.

"What's a Horcrux?" Greg asked.

"Don't worry about it, Gavin," Sherlock said, suddenly interested in Harry's suggestion.

"If we could call in-"

"Shut up, Mycroft," Sherlock said. Mycroft looked taken aback, but stopped talking. Sherlock stared hard at what was left of the house and Harry did the same. John joined in, and knew better than to ask any questions, even though he was curious. Lestrade and Mycroft followed suit, trying to help in any way they could.

The sun was high in the sky and the day grew warmer as time passed. The distant edges of the moor shimmered with the mirage of the heat. The group of men stared at the building silently for hours. It was almost sunset when Harry finally spoke, "The mirage is still there."

"Thanks for that, Mr. Potter, but I don't think any of us are blind yet," Mycroft remarked.

"It shouldn't be there, the rest of them are gone because the sun is setting. That must be the spell. I don't think it's actually in ruins, the mirage is shaped like an actual building," Harry explained.

"A powerful spell, indeed, Mr. Potter," Sherlock smirked.

"Our people were crawling all over those ruins not too long ago, how could it be an actual building?" Lestrade demanded.

"Did you not hear what I just said? It's a powerful spell!" Sherlock cried, exasperated.

"So what do we do about it?" John asked, getting down to what was important.

"We need to find a trigger, which means we need to get closer," Harry said.

"We can't, he'll see us!" Greg exclaimed.

"So we cloak ourselves. Darkness would usually work, but we'll need to be looking so we'll have to use magic," Harry said, his excitement growing as he remembered the good old days when he broke the rules frequently and fought Voldemort with Hermione and Ron at his side.

"Well, then, it's a good thing we're all wizards, since we need to use magic," Sherlock muttered sarcastically. The group pulled out their wands and casted cloaking spells on themselves. Then Mycroft conjured a storm to cloak them some more, just in case.


James Moriarty saw the storm rise up from the horizon and knew they were coming. He had known that it would only be a matter of time before they turned up and tried to sniff him out; he had assumed that it would take them longer than this, though. The Holmes brothers were intelligent, but it should have taken them longer to find him! It must have been Potter; Lestrade and Watson weren't smart enough to think to come back here. Potter was smarter than he seemed, and didn't need Hermione's help after all.

Moriarty began fortifying the house and the illusions he had created to shield himself and his son. They couldn't find them, not yet, that would ruin the game, and if they ruined the game, Jim would do something he would deeply regret.

He watched the men begin searching the exterior of the house trying to find the chink in his magical armor; all of his illusions were in place. He would give them credit for being smart enough to try; he hated when his opponents were really stupid, that made it boring. At least this group kept him on his toes.

He stood next to his son calmly. He was ready for the end. Jim heard them yelling to each other; Potter had found the way in. They searched the house room by room, coming progressively closer to the room where the father and son were. Seamus was unconscious and did not know what was going on, but it would be better that way.

They were outside the door now and attempting to break it down. That was silly, they weren't pretending to be Muggles anymore, they should be using magic. Moriarty rested his hand on Seamus's shoulder. The conversation of Harry Potter's new friends was growing in volume.

They finally broke the door in. Moriarty looked at them for a split second. Sherlock, Mycroft, Potter, Lestrade, and Watson raised their wands. In the time it took them to begin saying spells, Moriarty smiled.


They all shouted spells at the same time. Moriarty smiled as multiple flashes of green light hit him in the chest. His body was flipped backwards into the wall where it fell to the ground with a sickening thud. He was dead. But his son was no where to be found.

Author's Note

Hello, my lovely readers! I'm sorry that it had taken me so long to update. Unfortunately, I will be taking another break from writing because I have to study for some major exams that are coming up. I will be back with new updates as soon as I can be! Please vote and comment to let me know what you thought!! Thanks for sticking with me! xox

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