D'You Want to Know Something Absolutely Trivial?

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Seamus must have fallen asleep, for when he opened his eyes, it was dark in the room he was sitting in. He was waiting for his eyes to adjust, but before that happened he heard something. Or rather, someone. There was someone else in the room. Seamus was pretty sure it was a guy because the person's breathing was deep and loud. Were they seriously guarding him? He was tied up and they had taken his wand. Should he call out to the other person? Maybe it was that Geoffrey bloke. He was already kidnapped and Irene wasn't there to smack him with her whip; he might as well risk it.

"Hullo?" Seamus said.

"Hullo?" A high Irish lilt mocked. Geoffrey.

"Why am I here?" Seamus asked.

"Because I want you to be here, Seamus."

"What use am I to you? Wouldn't you rather take someone important, like Harry?"

"So quick to throw your friend in the path of an oncoming train! I like you. Plus, I don't want Harry Potter. I want to see him and his new friends dance."

Dance? What was the bloke talking about? How was he going to make Harry dance?

As if reading his mind, Geoffrey continued, "I don't mean dance as in a jig. I want to see him follow my trail. I want to watch him run every which way like a chicken with a severed head. I want to see him panic and race to fulfill my requests. That, Mr. Finnigan, is what I mean by dance."

He was a sick, twisted man. Seamus could hear the desire for these these things to occur in his voice. Seamus could see the light in the man's eyes, even in the dark. He was excited.

"So that's just it? You get off on other people running mad doing what you wish?"

"No, I 'get off' on committing crimes. My body count would be enough to turn your stomach. The infamy of my crimes would make you wonder why you haven't heard my name before. My name is not one that is well known. It stays in the shadows, like I do, only slipping from the tongues of those who wish to die or are dying. If someone speaks it and lives, they are there by my wishes only. Very few in my web of terror know my name, and once they outlive their usefulness, they will never have the chance to reveal my identity."

"I know your name." Seamus challenged.

The man laughed darkly, "Seamus, you only think you know my name. Do you really believe that I would tell a prisoner my name? I'm mad, Seamus, oh so mad, but I'm not that mad!"

"You're like Voldemort, aren't you? You're trying to mimic him, be the next one like him!"

"Oh, no, no, no! Voldemort wasn't nearly as fun as me! He only wanted power. I have power, but I want so much more. You want to know something, Seamus? I. Own. Crime. I know all of it. From the tiniest bit of vandalism to the most brutal and carefully executed homicide. I know who did it, I know where they did it, I know when they did it. And you want to know why? BECAUSE I PLANNED THEM! EVERY LAST CRIME WAS MINE! MINE!"

"You're sick!" Seamus shouted.

"Oh ho ho! Seamus, my boy, you have no idea. And since we're here chatting, while your friend and my friends are off looking for advice from Hermione Weasley, why don't I just tell you what I'm planning next, hmm? You're not going anywhere any time soon, so why not? Why not have a little fun? You want to know why Seamus?" He drew out the why.

Seamus sighed, sick of the games, but left with no other option, "Why? Can't you just go kill some bloke? Why would you tell me your plans?"

"BECAUSE-" and he was cut off by the sound of "Staying Alive" by the Bee Gees. Seamus was very confused, he didn't know the song. Where was it coming from? Geoffrey pulled out an electronic, Muggle device. "Excuse me for a moment," Geoffrey said and Seamus shrugged.

"What?" He snarled into the noisy thing. Someone on the other end was talking. Fascinating. Seamus would have to ask Hermione what it was if he ever got out of there. "They're WHAT?" He yelled. Seamus jumped, startled. Something had happened that Geoffrey didn't like and Seamus feared for his life. "Now why would I tell him? Do I look like an idiot? Do you actually think he'd believe me. Don't tell me that's what people do when confronted with truth, I've seen Star Wars, they never believe them at first. Oh you think he would? Well, he's right here, why don't I ask him?" Geoffrey said sarcastically to the person in the contraption before turning to Seamus.

"Say, Seamus, d'you want to know something absolutely trivial?" The sarcasm was still there.

"Sure," Seamus replied nervously.

"I'm your dad."

Author's Note

Dun, dun, dun! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter with our crazy criminal and his son :) Please vote and comment to let me know what y'all thought! xox

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