Hogwarts Hogwarts Hoggy Hoggy Hogwarts Teach Us Something Please

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James Moriarty stood in the shadows of Knockturn Alley with his cloak turned up against the wind and rain. There was no way he was ruining his Westwood suit; it was new. He had changed his facial features with a simple charm and was walking briskly towards a store that specialized in dark objects: Borgin and Burkes. They would be able to supply him with whatever he needed to finish his mission. They also would have large quantities of Polyjuice potion on hand, which was excellent because he was feeling rather impatient and lazy and he did not want to brew it himself. It was also helpful because he had killed most of his henchmen and had no one to brew it for him.

Moriarty entered the shop and  rolled his neck to prepare for the task at hand.  "Good morning, sir," the shopkeeper said from behind the counter, surprised to have customers so early on a Tuesday.

"What's so good about it?" Moriarty snapped. The man's eyes widened and he muttered something under his breath before disappearing into the back room. Jim was left to browse the store at his leisure. It was dark and musty, and the air crackled with the dark magic waiting to be unleashed from the many objects on display. He found several dark artifacts to his liking and placed them on the counter. He continued among the shelves and came across a necklace that was dripping in emeralds and black diamonds. It was designed to suit a queen; it would be perfect for her.  He picked it up and placed it on the counter with the others.

The shopkeeper still had not returned from the back of the shop and Moriarty still needed the Polyjuice potion; it was the most important item on his list. He sighed impatiently and tapped on the counter. The man appeared before him, "Did you find everything you were looking for, Sir?"

"No, there's one more thing that I need," he replied breezily, ready to leave the musty shop.

"And what would that be?"

"Polyjuice potion."

"I'm sorry, Sir. The Department of Magical Law Enforcement has forbidden-"

"Forbidden the sale of it? Yes, that's what they do. But you know what? I don't care. I need that Polyjuice potion."

"But, Sir-"

Moriarty rolled his eyes and pulled out  his wand, "Avada Kedavra." He sighed and tucked his wand back into his pocket. As he rounded the counter, he nudged the dead man out of his way with his foot and swept the items into his pockets, then began digging around for the potion. The Department of Magical Law Enforcement may have prohibited the sale of several potions, but that didn't mean they weren't on hand. He found them quickly and added them to his pockets; he was ready.

Jim left the store with a spring in his step, humming a BeeGees song and flipping the open sign to closed. He walked farther down the street and disappeared into thin air with a crack.


Harry, Ron and Hermione stood around the table staring at the scrap of paper that Sherlock had left on the table. Hogwarts. That was the last place they wanted Moriarty to go; all of their children were there. If Moriarty went to Hogwarts, Hermione and Ron might break their act to go rescue their kids.

"We don't know for sure that that is where he will go," Hermione said rationally.

"Right, he could go anywhere," Ron said, trying to be hopeful.

Harry grimaced, he knew better than to believe that they'd get lucky and Moriarty wouldn't go to Hogwarts. It was just some feeling he had, a heavy weight in the pit of his stomach, and it was warning him that something was going to go wrong.

Harry turned to his friends, "Well, that's a start, I'll take the list and start doing some research about each of these places and then I'll get back to you."

"You can't do this alone, Harry," Hermione said.

"She's right, mate. Remember what happened that one time we tried doing our homework without Hermione? We failed miserably. This you really can't do alone," Ron added.

"I'm not going to be alone, I'll have Sherlock."

"Where is he, then?" Ron asked, giving Harry a skeptical look.

Harry looked around, but Sherlock was no where in sight, "Good question."



"What is it, Sherlock?" Greg asked exasperatedly from behind his desk.

"He's g-"

"Shut the door first, Sherlock. We don't need the entire department hearing; they'll lose their minds and give away what we know."

Then it was Sherlock's turn to be exasperated. He pulled out his wand and with a flick of his wrist, shut the door and then proceeded to cast a silencing charm so no one would hear their conversation. "He's going to Hogwarts."

"How do you know?"

"Garth, when will you learn to just listen to what I have to say and stop questioning it? He's going to Hogwarts, I just know it," Sherlock began pacing around the small office like a mad man. "He knows his way around the castle, so it will be easy for him to get in. And he also knows a lot about the teachers that are there. We need to have an inside man- no, we already have one, John. Quick, Greg, where's your owl? I need to send a letter."

Greg was so startled that Sherlock had actually used his name that he couldn't even respond. He didn't even remember where his owl was.

"Don't stare at me like an imbecile, just give me some ink and parchment! I have to alert John. He's our only hope, which isn't fantastic, but-"

"Sherlock, don't you teach at Hogwarts?" Greg asked.

Sherlock stopped where he stood, surprised. He had forgotten about his job. It was the only career he'd actually held; usually he was just a consulting detective. He mind was spinning quicker than a whirling dervish as he tried to figure out what he was going to do. Should he rely on John? He usually could, but sometimes John made mistakes. Sherlock didn't make mistakes. Sherlock was reliable, calm, and calculating. He could figure anything, and everything, out. But Moriarty wouldn't reveal his plan to Sherlock. But it wasn't  like he'd tell John his plan either, unless he was going to kill them. He needed someone else... Someone innocent and easily corruptible.

He knew exactly who.

"I'm going back," he dropped the parchment and quill and left Greg Lestrade's office. Sherlock walked quickly out of the Ministry of Magic, a smirk on his face and his long coat flapping behind him in the cold London wind. Sherlock Holmes had a plan, and he'd be damned if James Moriarty figured it out before he wanted him too.

Author's Note

Hello, Witches, Wizards and Muggles! I'm sorry that it took me so long to update; I've been really busy. Hopefully the next update will come sooner than this one. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  Please vote and comment to let me know what you thought. Thank you so much for your support! xox

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