𝐨𝐨𝟐. 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫

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Matthew was way out of place in front of the whole of student body — and the fact that his 'arch-nemesis bitch' as Eli called Noel — and her friends watched him made him nervous

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Matthew was way out of place in front of the whole of student body — and the fact that his 'arch-nemesis bitch' as Eli called Noel — and her friends watched him made him nervous. He gulped before letting out an awkward laugh, "All right, how you doin'?" Some people clapped, like Eli and Klitz, while others clapped loudly like Noel and her friends. Matthew cleared his throat, "Okay, uh — let's start off with Operation Get Samnang." Now that made people cheer.

"Yeah! Samnang baby!" A teen yelled and Matthew nodded. Once everyone quieted down again, Matthew spoke, "Uh. Well..we did it. We raised the money — so now we can bring the genius Samnang out of Cambodia and bring him here to study at Westport." He cleared his throat, "Speaking of which..um..Samnang sent us a new tape." Before Matthew could even finish his sentence — Gregory yelled, "Show that shit!" Everyone began to cheer.

Willow laughed at her boyfriends words and Lee was one of the few to cheer — Noel simply yelled out also, "Show it..!" She loved yelling at him. So, Matthew played the tape, "Hi, everyone! It's Samnang!" As the voice of the genius came through the speakers — everyone cheered. "I'm very excited to be coming soon — are you excited?" He asked and everyone yelled out confirmation. "I told my class that I'm coming to America, they were very sad. But I am so happy!" As he spoke — a kid in the back row yelled, "I want to bang you!"

Everyone cheered from that. "Go Cougars!" Samnang cheered and everyone yelled, "Yeah!" They all clapped and cheered as the screen faded to black. Even though Matthew was going to continue speaking — the bell rang and everyone got up to leave. "So, let's go to the strip club." Willow said as they walked out of the gym.


The group of four walked through the halls — at this point, none of them cared if they were going to get in trouble for skipping, if anything — "Sorry!" Noel lost her train of thought as she bumped into a boy, she luckily didn't fall down as her brother caught her before she even stumbled. Looking up, she saw the face of none of than, "Tim Klitz — aren't you one of Matthew Kidmans friends?" She asked with a smile and tilt of her head. The teen nodded, "Uh, yeah — one of his only friends actually — Matthew isn't that popular with the crowd here.." He laughed nervously.

"Are we still goin'?" Gregory asked — arm wrapped around Willows shoulders as he looked between the two — "Yeah, we are — hey," Noel addressed Klitz, "we're going to that one strip club sort of far away from here, wanna come?" Lee groaned at her generosity but before Klitz could answer, Eli and Matthew walked up beside him, "Oh, well if it isn't the mythic bitch known as Noel Hammond." Eli said with a grin. Noel couldn't help but laugh, "Oh my god — you're so funny Eli — you know what'd be funnier? If you just, shut the fuck up for a second."

Eli couldn't help but scoff — Matthew cut him off before he could speak, "Look Noel, I'm sorry that I took away your scholarship but can we please leave it behind us now? Please?" Noel rolled her eyes before looking at Klitz again, "You coming or not?" Klitz gulped as he looked at his friends, he looked back at Noel, "Uh, no..thanks for the offer though — I need to go to class." He answered. Noel gave him a smile before she walked past him, "The offers always on the table." She said before her and her friends walked out.

The four got into Gregory's truck — Matthew and his friends watched, "What was she offering — drugs?" Matthew asked and Klitz shook his head, "She offered to take me to a strip club." Eli's eyes widened, "Holy fuck! Wait!" He yelled, "I take it back!" He said as he put his hands against the windows on the front doors of the school.


The strip club was fun — they didn't need to drink or anything but they could freely smoke inside. They all sat around a table — close to the stage — Noel and Lee smoked whereas Willow and Gregory were getting dances together. They were all regulars here, having played as The Weirdos here and there at the club. Exhaling smoke, Noel looked at her brother, "Maybe I shouldn't be so mean to Matthew." Lee looked at her with wide eyes, "What do you mean? He took a big thing away from you, of course you should be mean to him!"

Noel waved him off, "Nah, it's the school's fault — no actually — it's Kelly's fault." Lee shook his head, "Don't hold it against Kelly — he's a good guy!" Noel put her cigarette out in the ashtray, "Oh don't even — he knew what he was doing by taking us to Vegas right when we turned eighteen dude. Kelly's not an all around good guy." Feeling hands on her shoulders, Noel froze.

"What about me sweets? Last time I checked you had fun there."

It was Kelly. Leaning down he kissed her head before sitting down next to her. "Hey Lee, how you doin'?" He greeted and Lee nodded, "Good, how 'bout you?" Kelly nodded, "I've been better — still doing my porn thing y'know? Actually, I found the perfect girl — stage name is Athena." He lit a cigar, "She's new to the business but she is oh so good." Noel rolled her eyes — sure, Kelly was kinda her friend but he was very pushy towards her.

"Lee, is it alright if I take Noel here out for a smoke?" Kelly asked and Lee nodded, "Go ahead." Noel looked between the two males before she spoke, "Um, hello — excuse me — I'm not deaf, I can hear you, and I can answer for myself." Kelly looked at her with a smile, "Well, sweets, lemme take you out for a smoke." Noel looked him up and down before sighing.



When Noel accepted Kelly's offer for a smoke she didn't expect them to be in his car — it was a cool ride but a little too intimate for a smoke.

"Kelly, I swear if you—" Noel was cutoff by him. "You're about to graduate huh?" He asked and the question surprised her. She nodded, "Uh...yeah, why do you ask?" Kelly looked over at her with a grin, "Have you thought of any stage names for yourself?" Noel smacked him on the arm, "No you fucker! I'm not gonna be a pornstar that's gonna be owned by you."

Kelly grabbed her arm, "Baby, baby, babycalm down now — I'm just asking cause I'd be very happy to be your first producer. To be known that I made you." Noel looked between him and his hand — his grip was tight.

"Look, Kelly, if I was going to do porn — I'd tell you — but I'm not so, let go of my arm." Kelly let go and his jaw clenched, he was mad but her answer wasn't a definite no. "Can you please let me out of your car now?" Noel pleaded and Kelly simply unlocked the door without saying anything. "Thanks." Noel said before quickly getting out of the car and going back inside the club.

Kelly watched her go back inside.

He put out his cigarette.

"One way or another."



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𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 , 𝚝. 𝚔𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚣Where stories live. Discover now