𝐨𝐨𝟒. 𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

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The school day went by fast and soon enough — Noel had become friends with both Eli and Klitz — Noel and Eli had a lot in common and talked through the one class they had together about video games as well as porn

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The school day went by fast and soon enough — Noel had become friends with both Eli and Klitz — Noel and Eli had a lot in common and talked through the one class they had together about video games as well as porn. Noel went home with Lee, her brother having skipped school the whole day cause of his hardcore hangover. Nighttime soon rolled around and as Noel watched some random b-movie in her room — her phone rang — and by her phone, it was the house phone.

"Telephone for you!" Her mother yelled and Noel ran down her stairs — she wore a tank top, shorts, and socks as her room always became hot in the middle of the night — grabbing the phone out of her mothers hand, she spoke with a friendly tone, "This is Noel." The sound of a guy came over the receiver, "Noel? This is Klitz...I'm at Eli's place right now and he—we were wondering if you wanted to come over and uh..hang out?" Noel placed a hand on her hip as she responded, "How did you get my house number?" Klitz started stuttering before he cleared his throat, "..uh — the phone book?"

His answer made her chuckle, "I'm just messing with you Klitzy — what's his address?" Grabbing a piece of paper and a pen, she wrote down Eli's address before telling Klitz that she'd be there in a few minutes. Eli's place wasn't that far from her which was quite a surprise, going back upstairs, Noel changed into a long sleeve shirt, jeans, and a pair of boots that she easily slid on. Going back downstairs, she grabbed her car keys before going into the living room, "Hey mom, I'm gonna go to a friends house — don't wait up." Noel said and her mom waved her goodbye, too focused on the true crime show that was playing on the television.


The drive went by fast and as Noel pulled up to Eli's place with rock music blasting from the radio, she parked in his driveway. Getting out — she locked her car before going up and knocking on the door — Eli answered quickly and he gave the girl a grin, "Mrs. Hammond, glad you could join us for tonight's festivities." He motioned her to enter and she did, "Uh — don't tell me we're having an orgy tonight." Noel joked as Eli closed the door behind her — placing a hand on her back — he guided her to the living room couch.

"Close but no." He answered before motioning for her to sit down. Looking at the couch she saw Klitz, he gave her a friendly smile which she returned — she sat down next to him, the couch dipping even more from her weight making her leg touch Klitz's. Eli grabbed a vhs and held it up, "Lady and gentleman — I present to you the best thing I've ever seen." He placed the vhs in its player before pressing play. He sat down on the other side of Klitz and smiled as he watched the tv project the intro to a very cheesy porn.

Noel had already seen this one and she got the appeal — but it wasn't for her — she watched as Klitz tensed up from being uncomfortable and out of kindness, she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder — that seemed to make things worse as he jumped a bit. The three watched as a girl got pounded by a guy — her moans were loud and Klitz gulped before he spoke, "Dude, I'm kind of uncomfortable watching this with you." Eli didn't take his eyes off the screen, "Shh dude — you just have to learn to like it." He placed a hand on Klitz's thigh which he quickly smacked away.

"If Klitz doesn't wanna watch this, then we should change it Eli." Noel said as she leaned forward to look at Eli. He waved her off but before he could say anything, the doorbell rang. Klitz got up instantly and went to answer it, Eli kept looking at the screen, "I'm all wet. Can I come in?" A voice came from the door and Eli quickly got up, Noel decided to follow and there stood Danielle — all wet with her shirt tied up to show her mid drift. Noel couldn't help but giggle at the two boys expressions. "Uh...uh..." Was all Klitz could say before laughter came from next to Danielle.

Out walked Matthew, "Uh, hey guys — this is Danielle." He said as he pointed at the giggling blonde. "You must be Eli and Klitz, right?" She greeted and the two nodded. She saw Noel, "Hey stranger." Noel gave her a smile. "Hey, come on — we're going out." Matthew said to them and Eli and Klitz looked at each other in shock. Danielle scratched her neck, "Can I use your bathroom first?" She asked and Eli nodded, "Uh..yeah, it's over here to the left." She nodded before walking between them and to the bathroom. Matthew chuckled at their expressions as Noel walked over to stand next to him, she nudged his shoulder in a kind gesture and he smiled.

"Dude." Eli said breathlessly and Matthew nodded, "I know."

"Dude." Klitz repeated and Matthew nodded again, "I know."


The five of them ended up going to a wild house party — Danielle having drove them — she had changed into a crop top, jacket, and jeans. She lead the four into the party and everyone stared at her. Eli, Klitz, and Noel walked behind her and Matthew, "Dude, what're we doing here?" Klitz asked Eli and he nodded, "Yeah, I know." He looked around and as they walked up to the porch, a fight broke out. "Guys, seriously, it's gonna get broken up like any second now, right?" Klitz asked and Noel interlocked her arm with his, "Relax Klitzy, I'll protect you." She teased but her words and her touch made him feel a little better.


Walking into the backyard, a guy shoved into Klitz's shoulder making both him and Noel stumble backwards, "Fuck off!" The guy said and Klitz quickly responded, "Sorry!" Noel couldn't believe what had just happened and she left Klitz's side as she went up to the man and tapped him on the shoulder, "Excuse me?" The man turned and his expression became flirty as he looked at her, "Hello there.." He said and before he could continue — Noel smacked him — "Go fuck yourself." She said, fury just radiating off of her, the guy held his cheek and Noel swore that he would start crying.

Walking back to Klitz, he was completely shocked, thankful, and a tiny bit aroused. "What?" She asked and he couldn't help but let out the breath he was holding, "Why'd you do that?" Interlocking her arm with his again, she shrugged, "Cause you didn't deserve that — I'm lucky that my brother taught me the best way to smack someone." Klitz chuckled at that and Noel couldn't help but like the sound.

The two walked over to Eli who held three cups that were filled with beer. Noel grabbed hers and Klitz's and handed his cup to him. He grabbed it with a silent thank you before taking a sip of it. Noel drank hers rather quickly, "Where's Matthew?" She asked and Eli pointed as Matthew walked up to Danielle — who was talking to a guy that went to their school — but Matthew just got in between them and grabbed Danielle by the waist.

He kissed her and almost everyone watched. Noel smiled at the sight, "Dude." Eli said in disbelief and Klitz took a sip of his beer as him and Noel responded in unison.

"I know."



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𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 , 𝚝. 𝚔𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚣Where stories live. Discover now