Chapter 5: Dinner With Karma

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Nagisa POV:

When we got home from the place I got a text from Karma

"Well that happened."

"Yes that did happen Karma."

"Anyways I'm going to jump straight to the point! I have tomorrow off so I am wondering if you and Akari can eat some lunch with me?"

"I work tomorrow so I can't do lunch but I can do dinner if Akari is okay with it."

"Okay that works!"

I got off my phone and went to help Akari with dinner. We were treating ourselves today because we got filet mignon. When we finished dinner we sat down and started talking.

"So today was interesting wasn't it." I asked.

"Kind of, I've  dealt with questions my entire life, but some of the questions were really personal... especially the last one." We both turned red at that one. I meant what I said. I would love to marry Akari in the future. But as I said that's for the future.

"Oh you said you had something to talk about Nagisa."

"Oh yeah, Karma texted me earlier and asked to see if we could join him for lunch. I told him I have work tomorrow, so I couldn't join him for lunch. So I told him that we could him for dinner as long as it was okay with you." I smiled at her.

"Oh I would love to!"

After that we cleaned up the table. I texted Karma to say that Akari was okay with dinner and I sat down to watch TV with Akari.

Akari leaned on my shoulder, "I'm glad I met you Nagisa."

"I'm glad I met you to," I kissed her.

"So I've been wanting to talk about this for a while but I didn't know what to say. About the last question. I-I w-would love to... marry you."

I looked at her stunned, but all I could do was kiss her, "in the future one day I will propose I promise." We hugged. We got up to dance a bit with each other. After that we got in bed.

"Hey Nagisa I have a question."

"What is it love?"

"How much do you love me?"

"More than anything!"

"I love you Nagisa." She pulled me into a really deep kiss, it turned into us making out.

We pulled away from each other but Kayano wasn't done. She pulled me into another kiss until we almost ran out of breath.

"I love you to Akari" Then we fell asleep

***Time Skip After Nagisa Got Home From Work***

"Welcome home honey!"

I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her, "I missed you."

"I missed you to!"

"Anything happen today?" I asked.

"Yes actually, Rinka and Chiba dropped by today!"

"Oh it's been a while since I've seen those two how are they doing?"

"There doing just fine, did you know that they were dating?"

"No I didn't, glad to see those two are doing  well together."

We talked a bit until Karma called me on my phone.

"Hey man you ready to go?"

"Oh yeah let me just grab some things and than I can get going!"

"Okay see ya when you get hear."


I grabbed Akari and asked if she was ready to go, which she nodded, and we headed out. When we got there we entered and saw Karma waiting for us there.

"Oh hey lovebirds I was waiting."

"Did you get a table set up?" I asked Karma.

"Oh yeah follow me."

We followed him to a table and ordered some drinks. Then we started having a conversation.

"So how have you two been doing lately?"

"Very good, how have you been?" I responded.

"Good also. So what have you guys been up to?"

"Not much I had work lately so not much except for what happened yesterday." I responded again.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot about yesterday. So marriage huh." Karma teased us.

"Hey me and Nagisa talked about that question it's personal."

"Yeah you guys are probably getting married soon anyways."

"Karma stop talking about it." I about yelled at him.

"Fine, fine." Karma said.

"I have to go to the restroom be right back." Akari said.

After she walked away I spoke to Karma, "so are you in a relationship Karma?" He blushed.


I figured you would get with someone there's Okuda, some other person. I was going to say Nakamura but she got married so not her."

"Okuda lives across the country I couldn't get with her."

"I mean you could you just gotta talk to her!"

"Fine I'll talk to her as long as you leave me alone about it."

"Fine whatever." I think I turned into Karma in that moment.

"I'm back boys did I miss anything," Akari said as she sat down beside me.

"Nothing hun, just me and Karma talked about his love life, which he doesn't have." I turned into Karma again.

"H-hey, you said you wouldn't talk about it!" I giggled again.

"You guys ready to order."

We looked over and saw Isogai. (He is a waiter.)

"Oh, hi Isogai."

We ordered our food and told Isogai to have a nice day.

After that we ate, had a good time, and eventually had to go home.

"See you later Karma." I yelled as we walked away.

"Invite me to the marriage guys." He waved back.

***Time Skip When They Got Home***

"That was fun." Akari said to me.

"The love birds are finally home." Jessica said.

"I thought you were staying with your boyfriend?" Akari asked her.

"I was, just I came home early. How have you been the last few days, I saw what happened on the news yesterday, I lost my phone so I couldn't call."

"Oh sorry about your phone, but we have been good." She hugged me.

"Anyways we gotta get to bed we had a busy night we had dinner with a friend." I said.

"Goodnight you two."

Akari and I got in bed and fell asleep, we were to tired to day anything."


I apologize for the holdup, this was way later than I wanted it too. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed, and until next time! PEACE!

How it Should Have Been [NagisaxAkari(Kayano)]Where stories live. Discover now