Chapter 5

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Vivi blinked as she looked in their surroundings, clicking her flashlight on as she shined it around her. The walls seemed empty, but the room was filled with multiple shelves that consisted of several snacks and foods. The store wasn't that big, and she felt a little cramped having to stand with Mystery inside.

She felt herself clack her tongue as she looked around, stepping around in the aisles and observing everything. One of the complaints related with the sightings was that people would tend to claim to see items flying across the room or of shadows spotted within the aisles. A lot of things came into Vivi's mind as to why they could be debunked or proven false, but she just shook her head as she continued looking around.

Mystery sniffed the ground as he looked around for himself, appearing to be around the freezer aisles. The dog hadn't been acting strangely ever since they left the van, and Vivi was starting to get the impression that they weren't near any ghosts at all. If so, then they'd be wasting time searching through a miniature supermarket.

Vivi, after several moments of looking around, ended up sighing. "Come on, Mystery. We'd best search the rest of the area than in here."

Mystery perked his head up from the aisle and walked over to the female, whom had placed one of the devices on the counter after turning it on. She motioned for the dog to follow after her out the door, whom had complied as he trotted behind her. Vivi closed the store's doors and clutched at her scarf, shivering at the increase of the cold weather.

"Geez, did it just drop down 20 degrees?" Vivi asked as she looked at one of her devices, eyes widened. "Guess they don't call it the 'Frozen lake' for nothing, huh?"

Mystery simply blinked before tilting his head. Coated with fur, he didn't even notice the weather decrease. Vivi shook her head.

"Ah, well. Arthur must be having it worse. His jacket isn't the warmest..."

She placed a finger to her chin in thought. "You know, thinking back on it, he really acted strange. I mean, I can understanding the stuttering...It is pretty cold out, but it's like he's trying to hide something..."

She turned to Mystery. "Would you know anything about it, boy?"

Mystery blinked a few moments before opening his jaw, as if about to say something, but closed it as he looked to the ground. Vivi sighed.

"Oh, right. You're a dog. Can't really speak, huh?"

Mystery whined, brushing up against her as he gave her a worried look. Vivi gave him a smile before patting his head.

"Don't worry. As soon as we solve this case, I'm going to ask him about it. Maybe he's just not feeling well."

She then walked down the stairs before flicking her flashlight back on, shining it in the areas around them. Each of her footsteps echoed from all the puddles she stepped in, and Mystery eyed their surroundings carefully. Vivi noticed this and shrugged. He always was an observant dog.

"O-Okay, this shouldn't be too bad. A few steps to the right should lead me towards the restrooms and the campsite should be farther down. R-Right."

Arthur's hands shook as he stared at the map clutched in his hands. He felt sweat roll down from his forehead, and his whole body shook. He felt his teeth chatter as he glanced up from the map, only to see a tree standing in his path. Walking past it, he then eyed his surroundings with hesitation.

Why did everything have to be so dark!?

Oh, right. The flashlight.

Arthur reached into his back pocket and took it out, clicking it on and shining it around him. What entered his sight was of multiple dead trees and of insects he couldn't recognize. He felt himself sped up a bit; trying to avoid to step on anything he would regret.

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