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Billie's POV:

(A/N: Billie has long blonde hair in this story)

I find myself eating some vegan pizza while watching a movie with Kehlani in her arms. Well she fell asleep 30 minutes in the movie so I was the only one watching it. Eventually I got tired and shut down the computer. I got up to throw the pizza box and put the computer back where Kehlani got it from.

I got under the covers. As soon as I did I felt arms wrap around me. I faced Kehlani seeing a small smile as she quietly snorted. I smiled as I seen her, I scan her features seeing how beautiful she was. Everybody talks about how hot she is and all but nobody notices how cute and pretty she actually is.

I eventually drift off to sleep.

~ In The Morning ~

My eyes struggle to open properly once the sun immediately hit my face. I sat up seeing Kehlani standing there awkwardly. "Sorry, I shouldn't have opened the curtains yet." She said scratching the back of her neck.

I chuckled. "It's all good," I said as I stared at her clock. "Ugh!" I groaned out as I crawled out of bed. "You should've woken me up sooner." I say as I entered the restroom connected to her room.

"I know it's just I couldn't find myself waking you up. You look so adorable when you sleep." She said making my cheeks red. "Shut up!" I said as I found a smile on my face as I seen my reflection through the mirror. "Do you have a spare toothbrush?" I ask. "Yeah check the cabinets." She yelled out.

I open the cabinet and seen a unused toothbrush. I picked it up and brushed my teeth. I splattered some cold water on my face to wake me up. I left the restroom seeing Kehlani staring at me as soon as I stepped out.

"You good?" I ask. "I think." She said. "Do you have any spare clothes I could use?" I ask. "Yeah I picked an outfit out for you." She says pointing to an outfit laying on the bed.

I approached the bed scanning the outfit. It was a cropped black laced shirt with a mini white skirt. It looked like something a porn star would wear to shoot a video. She had to be joking.

I laughed as I seen the outfit. "You want me to wear this?" I said chuckling. "Mhm I do, blondie." She said smirking at me. "Fuck no! Get me something else, you'll never see me wearing this small ass skirt that will show half of my ass!" I said. "Damn you figured out my plan." She pouted. I roll my eyes playfully.

I threw her the skirt. "Jeez I was joking." She said laughing as she stood up. She headed to her closet and looked around. She eventually picked something out and gave them to me.

"Here you go." She said. I eyed the outfit making sure it wasn't no skirt. I don't mind skirts, I wear skirts for school uniform. Guess I won't wear uniform today, hopefully they don't tell me shit.

"Thanks." I said as I headed to the restroom to change.

Billie's Outfit:

I stared at my self in the full body mirror

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I stared at my self in the full body mirror. I didn't know if I liked it or hated it. I can't image Kehlani wearing this at all.

I left the restroom which caught Kehlani's eyes once I closed the door. She looked up from her phone to give me all her attention. "Shit you look good." She said. "Thanks, where'd you get it?" I ask curiously. "I didn't get it, my mom did like a few months ago. But we don't see each other often so she doesn't really know my size or how I dress." She said shrugging.

"I didn't really like it but kept it for the effort. And I knew you'd look hella good in it." She said smiling. "Do you like it? Cause if you don't I can always get you another-" She said before I cut her off. "It's fine, Lani." I said. She immediately blushes at the nickname.

"Let's go before we arrive late." She said as she held my hand and interlinked it. I smiled at her warm touch. We went downstairs. "You hungry?" She asks. "Not really, i'm used to not eating breakfast." I said. "Alright so we go straight to school." She said as I nod.

~ At School ~

We arrive as many kids stare at her car as we arrived as if she was some kind of celebrity. We both got out the car and many people's jaw dropped as they seen both of us. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Seconds later I felt hands on my hips. "C'mon let's go." She said as she put her arm around my shoulder. We walked into the building finding many people whispering to their friends as we entered.

"You!" Aliyah yelled out from across the hall as Blair chased after her trying to control her.

"Huh?" Kehlani said. Aliyah approached us as she got my wrist to pull me away from Kehlani. "Aliyah calm down." Blair said. "No! This bitch called my fucking friend a slut that shows her body to the internet for followers!" Aliyah said.

"What?" I asked in confusion as I stared at Blair that had a disappointed face. "Check instagram and look at what she commented under your posts." Blair whispered. I did so and it was true. Kehlani commented nasty comments under my post.

I stared at Kehlani blankly. I felt betrayed, why would she do this. She said I made her feel safe but later on comments nasty stuff under my posts.

"What's going on?" Kehlani said. "Stop acting like you don't know you two faced cunt!" Aliyah shouted. Aliyah pulled out her phone and showed Kehlani the comments. "I never did this." Kehlani said as she stared at me hoping I'd believe her.

She looked hurt when she seen me staring at her with betrayal. "You don't believe this right?" She says fake chuckling. "Leave me alone." I said softly staring at the floor. "Billie please! I promise you I never did this! I was with you all night I wasn't even on my phone when I was with you!" She said as her voice cracked.

"I don't wanna talk or look at you right now, can you just please give me space. Find another tutor." I said. I actually thought last night meant something. I thought her and I would be friends or something.

She sighed as a tear fell down her cheek. "Okay, I understand," She said as she faced closer to me. "I'd never say anything like that to you." She said as she grabbed my chin as our faces were centimeters away.

"If you ever wanna talk you know where I live." She said as she left to the restroom. "You were with her last night?" Blair asked. "Yeah, she asked if I could stay the night." I said. "Did you and her do anything. . . you know." Blair said. "No we didn't we just ate and watched a movie." I said blankly.

"Okay good, she doesn't deserve you babes." Aliyah said as she held me. I smiled knowing my friends genuinely cared about me. "Aliyah," I said. "Yeah?" She asked. "Who first told you about the comments?" I asked.

"There's a school account that talks about drama and all. Nobody knows who is behind the account though." She said as the bell rang.

"Now let's get to class." She smiled as I nodded.

Private School || Billie Eilish, Kehlani & 070shakeWhere stories live. Discover now