Can I?

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Billie's POV:

I looked at her as her face expression softened hoping i'd accept her apology.

I never asked for a apology, I just wanted to talk to her. "No need to apologize, but can you promise me something?" I ask. "Anything." She said. "Look you know I don't like it when you get high," I sigh. "You want me to stop?" She asked. "No- Well it would be great if you did but maybe start smoking less." I said.

She looked at me with a blank facial expression.

"Okay." She said. "What." I say. "I'll do it less often. I've been trying to quit but it's not easy at all." She said.

I smiled and scooted my chair closer to hers. "So we're still going to that thing later right?" She asked. I eagerly nodded, "Yes! But can you tell me please." I say with a pout. "Nu-uh don't give me that bull shit." She said as she crossed her arms and looked away.

"Please." I say. "No you'll have to wait." She grinned. "Whatever." I chuckled. I kissed her softly which leaded to us making out. I stopped and notice how awkward Dani looked.

"Oh Dani this is Kehlani my uh. . ." I said. "Girlfriend?" Dani said trying to complete my sentence. I looked at Kehlani, "Something like that." Kehlani smiled.

"So what were you guys doing?" Kehlani asked. "We were trying to catch grapes in our mouth!" I said. "Yeah you tried." Dani laughed. I gently smacked her in the shoulder. "I did put one in my mouth!" I said.

"But other then that we were talking about how we were gonna hang someday and mess around with instruments." I said as I felt a pair of arms hug me from the back. "Yeah you should definitely tag along." Dani said. "I don't really play any instruments." Kehlani said. "It's okay baby, i'll teach you." I said as I turned to face her.

She kissed my cheek as she had a cheesy smile on her face. "I'd like that a lot." She smiled. "But first what instrument are you interested in?" I asked. "Hm a guitar sounds nice." She said. "Which one? Electric, bass or acoustic guitar?" I asked. She spun my chair making me face her.

"Electric looks sick." She said. "Well I don't really know how to play electric but Dani knows!" I said. "Huh? What?" Dani said zoning out. "Oh well Lani wanted to learn how to play the electric guitar." I said. "Oh I can teach you!" Dani said.

"Great!" I said. "But when?" I asked. "I'm free on Thursday." Dani said. "Yeah so am I." Kehlani said. "Okay great! But where?" Billie asked. "My place." Dani shrugged.

The bell then rang.

We left the classroom and made our way to Kehlani's car. "You're gonna love this princess." She said as she kissed me. I smiled into the kiss.

                     ~ Half an hour later ~

"We're here!" Kehlani said. "Where are we exactly?" I say examining the place. "Just follow and you'll see!" Kehlani said as she got out the car and walked to my side and opened the door for me.

She interlinked our hand together as she kept walking. I was so confused it looked like a abandoned forest. We walked till she pulled some leafs out of the way.

There was a white field. My mouth flew opened. "Come, sit." Kehlani said. I sat down on picnic blanket. There was a huge bowl of fruits, food, painting supplies, blankets, and 100 dollars bills all over the place. As some 100 dollars made a heart around us when we sat.

I noticed red roses from afar as well, they sticked out the most. "So do you like it?" She said as she bit her lip anxiously. "I love it oh my god!" I said as I tackled her to a hug. "How did you do all of this?" I asked. "Well I used to come here a lot with my family before ya know." Kehlani said.

Private School || Billie Eilish, Kehlani & 070shakeWhere stories live. Discover now