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Dani's POV:

I looked at my reflection through the mirror seeing how red my eyes were. "Oh hi Dani." The 5'2 girl said with a smile. "Um hey." I say. "Remember me?" She giggled. "Yeah." I say nervously chuckling knowing I was lying.

"How could you forget about me?" She smirked as she stepped closer to me. I backed up as she got closer. "I've been thinking about that kiss lately." She said playing with her hair. "Kiss? What kiss?" I mumble.

"When you first came to this school. We met here exactly." She said. I must've been high. "I can't stop thinking about you." She confessed. "We've kissed each other once and barely even talked to each other since." I say. "I know but I want more of you." She said getting closer.

I slightly pushed her. "I'm sorry did that kiss mean something to you?" I chuckle. "Did it mean nothing to you?" She said. "Not really, it was just a kiss." I shrug. "How would Kehlani feel about that kiss." She said smirking. "She wouldn't care, that kiss happened before me and Kehlani were even together." I say.

"Look I love Kehlani, we're in a healthy relationship. People like you ruin that. Don't ever come close to me again. Okay." I say as I grabbed her chin forcing her to look at me. "We good?" I say. She slightly nodded, "That kiss meant nothing to me." I say letting her go.

"Besides I was high I would never kiss you." I say leaving the restroom. I can never catch a break.

I walked back to the classroom.

Once I got there from a distance I seen Malik, Kehlani and some other girl. I knew it was them as soon as I seen Kehlani. I recognize my love from a mile away.

I checked my phone real quick as a I got a text message. I quickly replied and as soon as I looked up my heart dropped.

Kehlani's POV:

"Lani." I hear instantly making me push Malik away from me. "Baby!" I say. "Baby?" Emery chuckles. "Look I know it looks bad but-" I say as she cuts me off. "I go to the restroom for two fucking minutes and come back to this?!" She says.

"Let me explain!" I say. "I don't wanna hear your explanation, what can explain you kissing my friend?! I let so many things slide but that doesn't mean you can go kiss others. Why would you think I would be okay with this?! I've been to good to you." She says as her voice cracks.

"Baby please," I say in a calm tone. "Listen to me." I say holding her hand. "You lier! You're pathetic Malik!" Emery said as she slapped Malik as she left.

Dani had one single tear rolling down her face, "Im just gonna go, i'm really not in a mood to talk right now." She says sighing. "Baby please hear me out!" I beg. "I think it's best for us to not speak to each other for now." She says as she left inside.

My heart stopped. "Fuck!" I say as I punched the wall. It hurt, really bad. I deserved it. My knees felt weak as I slowly fell to the floor with my back on the wall.

Malik sat down next to me on the floor. He didn't say anything, he just hugged me tightly. I sobbed covering my face. "Why did I do that?!" I mumble. "I'm so stupid." I say. "Look it's okay," Malik said as he lifted up my chin. "I'm sure she's just a little confused. Once she's ready she'll talk to you. She loves you." He says.

"What if she wants to break up?" I say as my voice cracked. "She loves you, she'd never." He smiled. "Just give her the time and space." He said. I sighed as he wiped my tears. "I'll go to the office and get the copies while you go clean yourself. Okay?" He smiled.

I slowly nodded as he got up. He helped me up as he took me to the restroom and left.

I looked at myself through the mirror, I was a mess. I ran my fingers through my hair combing it. I cleaned my face as I looked ny reflection through the mirror. I sighed just staring at my reflection.

The door swung open as a girl came in. She gasped as she seen me, "Oh my god Kehlani are you okay?!" She said. "Why wouldn't I be?" I awkwardly chuckle not knowing who this girl was.

"Uhm your breakup with Dani." She says furrowing her eyebrows. "What?! Where'd you get that information from?" I laugh. "The tea page posted it." She said. "What?!" I say as I immediately checked my phone.

It was true. It already had tons of views as it barely got posted.

Kehlani cheated on Dani with Malik! Can you believe it! Dani caught them making out! Dani's single and ready to mingle ladies! Isn't it crazy how Kehlani's always cheating on her partners?! Giving very much hoe 😬

"This is not true!" I say. She shrugged, "The tea page never lies." She says. "Well they are right now." I say. "I mean this isn't your first time cheating." She says. "Excuse me?" I say. "You cheated on everybody you've been with." She says.

"What are you trying to say." I chuckle. "I'm just saying." She shrugs. "If you don't know shit don't say anything." I mumble fixing my hair.

She gave me a look, "Well that's what others say." She says. "Who's others?" I ask. "Don't worry about it." She says with a tone. I gave her a glare, "Think of me however you'd like. I really couldn't care less." I say trying to keep calm.

"I mean you're just like the others." She says. "Who are the others?" I say. "Your friends, Blair, Aliyah, Larray, and Nailea." She says. I stopped my movement and turned back to look at her.

I laughed, "Call us a hoe all you want cause you don't get no play." I shrug looking at her up and down. She was a nobody, messy mascara, hair all over the place, ashy arms and legs, dry lips, and uneven eyebrows.

"I'm just saying, the truth hurts doesn't it?" She giggles. "Wait a minute, I know you," I smirk. "You're the girl that got passed around by the entire basketball team." I laugh. "What?! No!" She says. "They're all my homeboys, they told me." I say.

"Kehlani?" I hear. I seen Malik behind the girl. "I was waiting for you outside but you took long." He said. "I was just about to leave, my bad." I say.

I left the bathroom, "What took so long?" He asked. "Oh I was just catching up with her." I say.

As soon as we opened the door everyone turned their heads to look at us. "What took you guys so long?" Ms.Santana asked. "Um we got stopped by admin." Malik said. "They were to busy making out!" A voice said. Ms.Santana looked at us before looking at Dani who had girls all around her.

"Whoever makes another comment like that will be giving homework and will have to spend their lunch tomorrow with me, I don't wanna hear anything like that." Ms.Santana said in a serious tone.

"I'd like to spend lunch with her." Malik said smirking. I laughed, "Of course you would." I laugh. "Who wouldn't?" He says still smirking.

"Take a seat." Ms.Santana said. We nodded and went back to our original seats. It hurt seeing Dani surrounded by girls. "Hey, stop staring at them." Malik said.

"It's hard not to." I mumble. "She loves you, if only you know how she describes you. That's real love, Keh." Malik said. "What if that's all over?" I say. "It won't, she's to in love to end things with you." Malik said.

"Now let's stop talking about her and respond back to my 8 pool game." Malik laughed. "Fine you're gonna lose though." I giggle.

The entire class I couldn't help but stare at Dani. We made eye contact several times and instantly looked away.

Only one period has passed by and i'm already missing her, I was so used to being with Dani all the time it felt weird without her.

I needed Dani.

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