That Girl Is Trouble

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Billie's POV:

Today was perfect. I'm falling for her. Even though people warned me I shouldn't. Something tells me they're wrong. She has been nothing but great to me.

Nailea falls to the couch. So does Kehlani to the L shaped couch facing the other couch. "Fuck my legs hurt," Kehlani complains. "Just like my card." Kehlani mumbled. Nailea then got a call. "Hello?" She answers. "Pero ma," She says groaning. "Okay i'll be there." She say. "I've got to go my mom needs help with something." She says. "Kehlani get your stuff." She says as she gave her the bags.

Kehlani dug in the bags and got out jeans, hoodies, shirts, and 2 pair of shoes. We must have the same liking.

"Alright i'll call you later." Nailea says. "Thanks for today!" She yells out before closing the door behind her. "I have to go to the restroom, but these are for you." She says giving me everything. She rushed to the bathroom.

I gasped. How did she know. I found it strange she kept asking for my size but now I know why.

I was technically begging for her to not buy me anything. Everything I wanted was right in front of me. I then got a call from the group chat, Aliyah, Blair, and I.

"Hello?" I answer. "Girl where have you been?!" Aliyah said. "We went over to your place and you weren't there!" Blair said. "Yeah we had to spend the day without you, sadly." Aliyah said. "Where were you?" Blair asked. "I went to the mall with Nailea-" I say before I get cut off by Blair.

"What?! Like one of the most popular girls at school?!" Blair said. Blair absolutely hates dramas that are hers but instantly loves them when they aren't hers. She's the first one to find out about anything. She says she knows "people" and has "resources" but we don't even bother to ask any questions.

"Yeah?" I ask. "Dude how!" She said. "Yeah! I heard she's like really mean and all." Aliyah added. "She's not mean, she's the opposite. She's the most sweetest and prettiest girl i've ever met." I said. "How did you even manage to hang out with her? You literally don't talk to anyone other then us." Blair says munching on some food.

"Well uh I was with Kehlani." I said. "Billie sweetie, that girl is trouble." Aliyah said. "No she's not, you guys just believe everything you hear. Kehlani is very generous." I said. "Okay what is something she did that's "generous" according to you." Aliyah said. "She bought me everything I wanted. I begged her not to but she secretly did." I said.

The bathroom door then opens. "Look guys I have to go. I'll call you guys later." I said as we both said our goodbyes. "Who was it angel?" She says sitting down next to me. "Oh it was just Aliyah and Blair." I said smiling. "That Aliyah chick scares me." She says. I cackle. "How is Aliyah scary? She's the most funnest and energetic person I know." I said. "She has death stares." Kehlani says.

I laughed. "No really! Every time I walk past you or breathe in the same room as you she's always giving me a death stare." She says. "Yeah she doesn't like me being around you." I say truthfully. "Yeah I can tell," She sighs. "Why?" She asks. "I don't know she says that you're trouble and you're toxic cause of your uh relationship with Amanda." I said.

"Amanda is in the past, and I am so done with her. She was the bad guy in the relationship, I wasn't. All though it looked like it." She sighed. "But my feelings for her were fading away." She says.

"Can I ask, why?" I say. "Well I found out she was cheating on me so it hurt. Eventually I would hook up with other females and people caught me and made me look like the "bad guy" but never knew about Amanda cheating first. It just wasn't meant to be." She said.

"Oh, i'm sorry." I say. "It's fine, right now i'm just looking for someone else that can make me happy you know. A real relationship." She says. "Oh," I say. "Do you have anyone in mind to you know. . ." I ask. "There is someone but I don't know if they're ready yet." She says scratching her neck. "But let's talk about something else." She says.

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