Chapter 1: The Normal Day

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Going to school everyday was always hard for me. It not only forced me to leave my comfort zone and talk to people, but I have to face the fact that people always looked at me weirdly. It wasn't because of me, however. It was my dad. He was recently on the news and not for a good reason. He murdered 5 children at the local pizzeria and hid the bodies. Many people think the bodies were stuffed into the animatronics there, but that was debunked when they noticed there were only 4 animatronics and 5 missing children. Either way, my dad was arrested and I was placed under the care of my new foster mom.

I don't have any other family. My mom died in a car crash when I was 3. My grandparents were never around, so I always thought they didn't exist. I had no aunts, uncles, cousins, or siblings. It was just me and my dad. We were happy up until he was arrested.

Any way, I was walking to school since I lived close to it. I had one earbud in, listening to whatever Pandora radio played. My hands were placed safely into my jacket pockets. My backpack hung on my shoulders. My footsteps were the only thing you could hear except for the occasional bird and car. It was a nice day out. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, and everything was peaceful.

"Look, it's the killer."

"The killer's here."

"Gonna murder some kids like your dad?"

I ignored all the comments as I walked into Crystal High School. People stopped their conversations just to give me angry glares as I walked through the hallways. I went straight to my homeroom and made my way to my seat in the back of the classroom, nodding my head to Mr. Mitchell, the homeroom teacher.

"Hey, Mike. Hey, Jeremy," I said, taking my seat.

"Hi, (Y/N)," they said in unison. They were my only friends, but they ignored me when others were around. I didn't mind. I wanted them to keep their high school status of, 'You're okay to be around.' We hang out on weekends without any students knowing though.

"So how's it going?" Jeremy asked, quietly. He was a quiet, shy person. He had dirty blonde hair and soft blue eyes. He was short, but still taller than me. He wore band T-shirts and jeans with sneakers everyday, with a hoodie, but he still fit in. People enjoyed his company.

"Still terrible. At least Clara, my foster mom is nice to me," I responded.

"Did you hear about the new students?" Mike asked. He was more of a bad ass. He had really short black hair, but covers it with a cap that says 'Security.' He had brown eyes and is taller than both Jeremy and me. He wore a blue flannel with jeans and his sleeves rolled up.


"Apparently there are 5 new people attending Crystal High. One of them is in our homeroom."

"Hooray. . . More people to glare at me," I said sarcastically. I facedesked on the desk in front of me.

"This is your chance to make more friends," Jeremy whispered.

"I don't want to ruin whatever reputation they are going to get."

The bell for homeroom rang and everyone began filing into the classroom and taking their seats. Mike and Jeremy stopped talking to me like I told them to and Mr. Mitchell began speaking.

"Heyo, class. So before I begin attendance, I need to make an announcement. As you may or may not have heard, we have a new student in our homeroom. Come on in," he said, turning to the doorway.

An extremely tall guy walked in. Let's just say all the girls started drooling and all the guys looked at him, ashamed of how they don't look like this new guy. He had longish red hair that spiked up a bit and amber eyes that pierced your heart, like a wolf's. He wore a red tank top with a black vest over it and jeans with red Converse. One of his ears was pierced with a skull and crossbones and he wore a bored expression on his face. He looked like a bad boy and believe me when I say, he was hot.

"This is Flynn Fox. Be sure to welcome him to Crystal High." Mr. Mitchell turned to Flynn. "You can sit in the empty seat next to (Y/N)," he said, pointing to the seat next to me. Flynn shrugged and began striding to the seat. He turned to get a good look at me and smirked enough so you could barely tell.

My. Mitchell took the attendance and let the class talk until the bell rang. I took out my sketchbook and began drawing a stuffed animal that looked like it went to hell and back.

"So, you're (Y/N)?" Flynn asked, his voice rough and deep. I just nodded, not even looking at him. "Beautiful name, Sweetheart."

I stopped and sat there looking at my sketchbook, shocked. A girl turned around and gave me a glare.

"She isn't beautiful at all, unless you like killers. Maybe you and I can get together sometime, Handsome," she said, smiling at him. This was Eleanor, the popular girl.

"A killer, eh? Sounds sexy."

Eleanor and I looked at each other, then at Flynn, who was chuckling.

"By the way, no one controls what I can and cannot do and think. So I would back off if I were you, Ugly," he said to Eleanor.

The bell rang and I ran out of homeroom. Everyone heard what just happened and I wanted no part of it. Soon everyone in the whole school would know what happened and either Flynn or I would be beaten by the football team or the sassy popular cheerleaders. I hurried to my next class, ignoring the looks and whispers I earned, trying to figure out what happened.

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