Chapter 4: Lunch Break and Tears

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I sat next to Bonnie who sat next to a blonde boy and Chica sat between Flynn and a brunette boy.

"Hey, Chica. Who's this lovely young lady?" The brunette asked.

"This is (Y/N)," Bonnie said.

"You've met her already?" the blonde asked.

"Yeah," Flynn said.

"Well, I'm Freddy," the brunette said, giving me a warm smile.

"I'm his twin, Gavin," the blonde said, giving me the same smile.

"Hi," I said, quietly.

The twins had identical faces and were exactly the same height. They were taller than Bonnie, Chica, and me, but shorter than Flynn. Freddy had short brown hair and bright blue eyes. He wore a brown short sleeved hoodie with a microphone design appearing out of the pocket over a white tank top. He wore jeans and black Converse.

Gavin had short dirty blonde hair and dark gray eyes. He wore the exact same hoodie, only it was a golden yellow, over a white tank top with jeans and black Converse as well. He has a white and yellow lanyard attached to his belt loops and a few piercings on his right ear.

"So, your school is separated by 'social classes' huh?" Flynn asked.

"You're either popular, a nerd, tolerable, or me," I said.

"What's your story? Everyone's been trying to keep us away from you and we have been wondering," Bonnie asked. I didn't meet any of their eyes. I just looked down at my plate of food, contemplating whether to tell them or not.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to," Gavin said, his smooth voice seeming very calming to me.

"You know the murder of the 5 children at the pizzeria?" I asked. They all nodded. "My dad. . . He's the. . . the murderer."

Time seemed to slow and I figured they were giving me weird looks. I kept my head down, not wanting to see their angry expressions. However, I felt someone's arms wrap around me and pull me close. I turned to see purple.

"It's okay," he said. "No need to cry or be upset. We know you aren't that type of person. You're not like your dad." Bonnie pulled away from the hug and wiped away some tears I didn't know were falling.

"We won't judge you by your family," Freddy said.

"That's what I told her," Chica piped up.

"Thanks guys," I said. "So, how's your first day been?" I wanted to change the topic.

Everyone started answering, causing a huge mumble of words to mingle together. They all stopped and stared at each other. I started laughing and they soon joined in. Then I felt a liquid fall on my head and stream down my face and onto my clothes.

"Oops, looks like I accidentally spilled my milk on poor little (Y/N)," someone said. Eleanor! "Oh please don't kill me. It was only an accident." She spoke in a very fake and childish voice. Her posse walked over and started laughing and joking.

"Oh no! The killers gonna kill you!"

"Run and hide!"

"She's got that look in her eyes!"

They laughed at me. Eleanor took it one step further by grabbing my arm and throwing me to the ground. Her group started taking any foods and drinks they could find and pouring them on me. Everyone in the cafeteria was laughing. Everyone except Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Flynn, and Gavin. They were glaring at the populars. Tears formed in my (E/C) eyes and I got up and tried to run. Kendall and Dylan pushed me back.

"The killer has emotions?"

"She's faking to cover up her crime."

I pushed past them and ran to the bathroom. I locked the door and cried. I was drenched in drinks and had food in my hair and stuck on my clothes. Why did they have to ruin all my happy moments? Just when I thought I could fit in, the populars made sure I knew I couldn't.

"(Y/N), open up. Please, let me in!" Chica called. I opened the door to let her in. She immediately started helping me get the food out of my hair and off my clothes. "They're jerks, (Y/N). Don't let them get to you. You are an awesome girl and an amazing friend. Just remember that."

"I'm going home, Chica. I can't handle it today," I said, sniffling.

"Are you sure?" I nodded. "You have a phone right? Call or text me if you need anything okay? I want to hear from you tonight." She wrote down her number on a piece of notebook paper and handed it to me. I walked to the office with Chica and called Clara to come pick me up. We waited for a bit and Freddy, Bonnie, Flynn, and Gavin came to see me.

"We went to the guidance and principal's offices and told them what happened," Gavin reported.

"Thanks. Just be careful. Don't let the populars do the same thing they did to me to you," I said. They all nodded and each gave me a hug. The bell rang and they all went to class except for Freddy. He stayed with me until Clara got there.

"I just wanna let you know, I will always protect you, even if I just met you," he said. I nodded, not able to speak. "Maybe we can all hang out sometime, get to know each other and stuff." I smiled and hugged him again.

"Thank you," I whispered. I let go and Clara walked into the office. I waved to Freddy as I left with my step mom. When we got in the car, she asked me if I was okay. She wanted to know what happened so she could solve this issue. We got home after a few minutes later and Clara and I sat in the living room to talk.

"I know this is difficult and I want you to know that I will be there for you. If you want to talk to me, you can. The door is always open for you," she said.

"I know Mara," I said. Mara was what I called her. It was a mix between Mom and Clara since it was awkward to call her either. "I'm grateful too. You've been the best mother a girl could ask for."

"That warms my heart. I'm going out to buy some baking supplies. Do you need anything?"

"Can you get some things to make muffins?"

"Of course. I want you to just relax, okay? Call me if there's any trouble." Mara got up and left. I decided to take a nice, warm shower and get into more comfortable clothes that consisted of gray sweatpants and a (F/C) sweater that was a few sizes to big but still looked adorable on me. Then I sat in my room on my (F/C) bed and watched (F/S) until Mara got back.

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