The Reprise.

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     It's been a year since Frank died, and Brad and Janet come over every now and then. They really DID make Rocky famous.
     Tonight is my proof that I have followed in Frank's footsteps. I only wore his clothes. All of his makeup was still in the same spot. I slept in his old bed every night, but every now and then I'd sleep in the room Columbia walked me to on the night we arrived here. Tonight is the night that I revive Frank.
     With using his old formula for Rocky, and, a piece of Frankie-love that he used for Rocky, I made it possible. I would have him back. As everything was in preparation, I heard a knock on the door. It was Brad and Janet, so I let them in. They Hugged me and stepped back. Janet said, "Feeling nervous?" I nodded and she gave me another hug. I then saw someone who I never expected to be actually clothed. Rocky! Two girls were hanging onto him and he waved. "Still not a talker, huh." I said to the two, waving back.        They agreed, and we all went to the ballroom. They saw how different it was, and were shocked.
     You see, I've only been in the ballroom a few times since "It" happened. Seeing it brought back the horrible memories of when I lost him. Another knock was at the door. I knew who that could be! I went and opened it, and there they were! All of the Transylvanians. Each shook my hand. It must have been weird for them to see me in Frank's clothes. My curls were longer than his were— and not as tight. One Transylvanian said, "Pleasure to formally meet you, Dr. L/N"
     I was taken back by this. I was definitely not a doctor. But I slowly shook their hand and said, "Please, call me Dr. Furter."
     After meeting all of them, we made our way into the ballroom, and the party began. Until it felt like it came to a standstill. This was when another — this time unexpected — knock was heard. My attention went for the door, and I brought Janet with me.
    We stopped at the door and slowly opened it. When I did, my hand was half outside of the door for a split second, tapping it finger-by-finger. When I fully opened it, though, what stood there gave me a shock treatment sensation.
     There stood a badly-dressed man, with his arm around a fair-looking woman. They were soaked by the rain— and the man began to speak. "Hi! I-uh- would you mind helping us? You see, my car broke down a couple miles down the road. Do you have a telephone we could use?"
      I smirked, and looked at Janet. She gave the same subtle smile and nodded. I turned back to them, and said:
     Come on in! You've arrived on a rather special night— It's one of my affairs!

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