Used to it.

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I am currently at the age of 15, still locked here, nothing new. Obviously, I'm used to it, being here with the same routine. Bored with life, living my teenage years unhappily. Writing about me because I ran out of ideas. It's already midnight but I don't feel tired, nothing's wrong but nothing feels right either. Should I just sneak out and run away, kill myself or just stay and let fate be in control of my future? I've always been like this, I am constantly haunted by the idea that I'm wasting my life. I can't explain the feeling I feel right now, it's like I want to cry but there's no tears falling, that I just stare blankly into space and feel my heart break into pieces. It's not that I'm sad, it's just that I feel empty. I just need a break from everything for a little while... A voice says "close your eyes, you're still young, the universe is endless and somehow everything will be okay" I don't know where it came from, it might be in my mind, the moment I hear it, I'm in peace it vanishes all my thoughts away, I close my eyes and try to fall asleep.

It's 7:30 in the morning, there's grogginess that seems to weigh me down. I guess that sleep is not enough, it doesn't help if it's your soul that's tired. I know I'll survive. Somehow I always do.

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