Chapter 11

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Last Time...

The door opened ever so slightly to reveal Grandma Tracy who made sure her boys each had a blanket, were tucked in and kissed on the forehead before she left the room with a silent ‘I love you’. John shifted slightly in his sleep but he gently settled after Scott and Virgil unconsciously stroking his hair. Jackson smiled from the doorway while his cousin snapped a picture of the rare sight in front of her. Kayo sent the picture to a variety of people who smiled at the picture. Those included Grandma Tracy, Colonel Casey, Jackson, Brains and Parker. Everyone slept well the night knowing their family were all safe under one roof.


Midnight struck and a huge explosion quaked the walls of the mansion where peace was startled. Scott Tracy woke up in a fright as did his brothers. John sluggishly got up only to cough as he struggled to breathe. The whole room was engulfed in smoke and fire laced the doorway to their escape. Alan and Gordon snapped into action but not much could be done. Scott raced to find an extinguisher but found none. Virgil held a confused twin against him, who frantically looked around feeling very mixed. Gordon reached the window to find it wouldn’t budge. “Gordon duck!” Alan shouted as he threw a chair at the window only for it to bounce off it. Gordon looked bewildered as did Alan at the chair and the glass. Scott pulled the two younger tracy’s to the floor as smoke built up in the room, getting thicker by the moment. 

Scott pulled his brothers closer as Virgil came back with five wet clothes to cover their mouths with. John was pale white as he froze, unable to assess the situation. The poor boy was exhausted and shaking due to the lack of sleep and well the lack of anything. Virgil pulled his twin underneath him, giving him the cloth. Alan started coughing first, worry overtook Scott as he struggled to breathe. John went silent, having passed out due to smoke inhalation. The five boys could hold their breaths for a while due to their training but John was still hurt. Virgil felt his eyes slipping when all three awake boys shook him awake. He silently thanked them through nodding. A shrilling sound came out of nowhere as the glass shattered, Virgil recognised it as a gunshot, remembering a time with his grandfather on the ranch. 

“SCOTT! VIRGIL! JOHN! GORDON! ANDY, I MEAN ALAN!”, following the voice, Scott stood up hearing a familiar aircraft he gasped in shock at Thunderbird One hovering next to the window. Scott recognised Jackson in the seat of One and his hands shook but he helped Alan and Gordon get to unsteady feet. Kayo stood on the wing of Thunderbird One as Jackson eased the ship closer to the window. Kayo reached Alan, pulling him onto the wing before helping Gordon on. She led them inside Thunderbird One before she headed back out to help the elder three. 

Gasping in shock when she couldn’t spot them as fire exploded out of the window, she screamed “Scott! Virgil! John! SCOTT!”. Looking back at the hatch she didn’t want to be the one who had to tell the youngest two what had happened to their brothers. Firing her water cannon at the window to clear some of the flames for a few minutes, she stepped to stand on the window ledge, very aware of how unstable it was. She reached forward with her hand covering her mouth with the other. Out of nowhere a hand grabbed hers. Scott all but jumped out of the window with Virgil behind him bridal carrying an unconscious John. 

Kayo pretty much slung herself into Scott’s unexpected arms, he pulled her close feeling her fear. The two have been getting closer lately and  with the John and Virgil situation. They found themselves even closer than before.

Virgil rushed past the two into the hatch of Thunderbird One and into the medical bay section, setting his unconscious brother down. He applied the burn cream to John’s left arm, mindful of his brother’s fear of needles he inserted an IV into his arm before placing an oxygen mask over John and himself. Scott passed out other masks to his brothers before settling in between the shaken two on the spare chairs in the medical bay. Virgil and John had taken up the medical bed. Kayo stood in the doorway. 

Scott turned to her, “Why did you let Jackson fly one”. Kayo smiled, “I didn't, he said he could fly it, so he hacked it to come here and rescued all of you. Picking me up on the way. Any more questions about him, you better ask John once he wakes up as I think Jackson’s been shown by a little somebody a bit of everything” gesturing at the twins. Virgil bluntly ignored the statement and instead opted to stroke John’s hair instead. 

“What happened?” Scott’s question rang through all their minds. Jackson appeared in the doorway squeezing past his cousin, “don’t worry she’s on auto-pilot, heading for your island and so is Thunderbird Two with Parker guiding her in or Brains I can’t remember”. He stopped by Gordon and Alan passing a small backpack to them. They smiled when they saw the contents of the backpack which was a few handheld game devices, a blanket, a few hoodies, crisps and most importantly earphones for the pair”. Scott caught the backpack for him, smirking at the contents, Virgil looked at his and Johns and nodded at Jackson.

“Kayo?” Scott questioned.

“Jeff Tracy happened!” Silence emitted around the room. No sooner had the words left Kayo’s mouth. The alarms started blaring. Jackson and Kayo made for the cockpit, Jackson reached the chair and controls with enough time. It became clear Thunderbird One was being targeted. Flying the aircraft was one thing but avoiding missiles was another thing. The Hood sat in Thunderbird Two worried when he saw the missile streaks, he went to open the comm channel when something metal was pointed at his head. Kayo knew Thunderbird Shadow was attached to Thunderbird One so with a quick kiss to Scott’s cheek she made her way to Shadow. Scott turned to meet smiling brothers who locked themselves into chairs. Virgil secured him and John in the medical tube in case of any problems.

“Hang on!” Jackson spoke into the intercom. Scott gripped his brother's hands, not a fan he wasn’t flying his own damn ship.

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