Chapter 15

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Last Time...

Kayo went to bed with a smile that night unaware of the experienced eyes watching from far beyond her reach. Grandma Tracy smiled from the doorway before quietly shutting it and heading to bed herself. It would be dealt with in the morning, her grandchildren needed their sleep. Most importantly they needed each other.


There were benefits to living on a tropical island and the weather was one of those benefits. Sadly it had its disadvantages and Alan always found it out the hard way, especially when the sun seemed to directly filter through the curtains straight on to his face. Thankfully Alan wasn’t the only one being assaulted by the sunlight as Gordon groaned due to having the same predicament. Alan smiled at Gordon’s face when it wrinkled up in disgust at his sleeping pattern being disturbed so being the little brother he was made Alan feel the need to do something. Carefully Alan reached for the icy water Virgil kept in his bedroom for some reason and he held it above his victims head before tilting quicker than Scott could say “Thunderbirds are go!”.

A squeal emitted from Gordon’s throat when icy water directly hit his forehead. Gordon had sadly become a victim of Alan’s mischief, he would be getting the little bugger back soon, Alan felt like backing up when he saw the look that had spread across his brother's face. Before Alan could run, a hand wrapped around both their waists and the two looked at who they had woken up and shrunk on themselves. A very grumpy Scott frowned down at them before pulling them out of the room and towards the living area to get some edible food before their Grandma started cooking. Leaving behind the sleeping twins, where Virgil sighed deeply into his brother's almost white hair finally happy for silence. 

But that was not to be because Grandma Tracy came strolling in Virgil’s room and spoke, “Virgil. Colonel Casey is on her way. I think we are all ready for an explanation. Get ready and meet us in the living room”. Grumbling to himself Virgil moved, grabbing a few clothes before walking into the ensuite he shared with his twin, the best thing about connected rooms was the private bathroom the twins had. Originally Grandma Tracy claimed it was because they were the same age but later it turned out, it was because they could keep it tidy and it meant they would have to clean it themselves rather than doing the family bathroom. Virgil soon emerged out of the ensuite fully dressed in some jeans and a shirt, the weather was quite warm so he wouldn’t need a jacket. Turning when he heard a groan from none other than John Tracy who tried to hide from the sunlight, Virgil smiled before closing the curtains plunging the room into darkness. A happy sigh left John as he tried to snuggle deeper into Virgil’s bed but found it impossible, he sleepily opened his eyes and smiled when Virgil came into view. Virgil left a soft kiss on his brother's forehead before quietly leaving and shutting the door and heading in the direction of the living quarters.

Scott Tracy didn’t know what to expect out of this ‘family meeting’ more like a shouting match. He watched Gordon and Alan mess around like they did every morning, he found it quite amusing watching his siblings try and put cereal in each other’s hair when the other wasn’t looking. A cup of coffee appeared in his view revealing Virgil who watched with tired eyes at his crazy siblings. Virgil took his regular seat at the kitchen table they didn’t use often, Scott went to take a seat when he heard footsteps to the left. It revealed Colonel Casey followed by Jeff, Lucille, Lady Penelope, Brains and Parker. Their entrance was all it took for Alan and Gordon to find their seats on either side of Virgil while Scott remained standing behind Virgil. Grandma Tracy took the head of the table seat showing who had the status in this conversation. Colonel Casey sat down opposite Grandma Tracy while the other sat opposite the Tracy boys with the exception of Brains and Kayo who leaned against the kitchen counters. 

Colonel Casey flickered her eyes across the room and connected them with Kayo who nodded for her to start. “Can we confirm that this will be a civilised conversation, no one is recording and I am aware an explanation is in order about what happened and why it happened. Correct?”. Synchronised nods came from those in the room. “Who wants to start?”. No sooner did the question get asked, did everyone share equal looks. Scott frowned, “How about you start at the very beginning?”. Colonel Casey nodded before turning to Jeff and Lucille Tracy who frowned at the response.  

Colonel Casey started:

“About 30 years ago before you Tracy boys were born. I was approached by the just beginning astronaut Jeff Tracy about a project in dealing with chemical weapons. He insisted I look over the plans and make a decision. I did have a look over the plans and I thought it was insane so I told him so. I denied that the project would help at all in the world and I would shut it down if anything happened with it. My job was intelligence in the military and I could access many things but when Tracy Industries and Miles Powers was just getting off the ground, it had me curious as to why they were always put together in meetings and conferences. 

Skip to a couple years later or more specifically eight when you were born Scott. Jeff brought up the project again and I agreed, looking at all the research I noticed the significant difference it could make on the world of medical history. Mainly I stayed out of it but it got to a point by the time Alan was born I noticed there was something wrong about the project which is when I found out the medical was just a cover up and Miles Powers were rivalling Tracy Industries hugely. I knew it would either go out with a bang or split ways. 

For years I have been trying with the government to take down Miles Powers due to the fact they were using their creations to harm humanity for instance creating fake avalanches but impacting many families including your own. The one thing I didn’t understand is why Tracy Industries wanted anything to do with weaponry which could possibly destroy the world but then it all made sense.

Jeff and Lucille Tracy were jealous of one thing and that was their son. See, your brother John was particularly good at anything to do with computers and that included hacking the FBI and plenty of military sources. I'm proud of my godson but he needs to stop sometimes. Jeff was embarrassed that the Hood was creating his own technology with the help from John and Jeff tried to pin it all on the Hood making the man go out for revenge especially when Jeff caused the loss of his brother Kyrano or so he thought. Lucille had a small company which worked on nuclear weapons and chemicals such as what John was injected with. She wanted control in society and she wanted to cure things but she forgot that not everybody is the same person and these chemicals affect people differently. She treated people like guinea pigs and caused more harm than good. Almost like the Black Plague, I know most of this information because of John hacking sources he shouldn’t be but without him we wouldn't have found out hidden conversations between the Miles siblings and Jeff Tracy.

Whats even worse is Jeff Tracy paid a man and paid off a man to hopefully scare his son through rape. But, it didn’t work so when you built Thunderbird Five you made sure to include as many faults as possible and not let him come home often. Jeff Tracy you do realise you are dead to your son and he couldn’t care less about you. 

Scott, Virgil, Gordon, Alan. I admit I am not innocent in any of this as I let it slip under my nose but you must understand they will get the justice they deserve including Lady Penelope if she doesn’t watch her tongue”.

The Tracy brothers wore mixed emotions on their features at their god-mothers speech. Some of it made sense but they couldn’t wrap their heads around why their so-called parents would want to do these things. Especially when Jeff himself made a company to save people around the world. Ruth Tracy cleared her throat to gain everyone's attention. 

“Jeff, Lucille. I ask you to answer this question in all honesty separately”. Jeff and Lucille wore identical frowns before nodding. 

“Is family more important than your work?”

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