Chapter 19

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Last Time...

It was like an invisible weight had been lifted off his shoulders. For once in his life John didn’t even know what to do, so he did the only thing he knew he was capable of doing. He openly sobbed out-loud. Arms quickly surrounded him from all sides, skin touched skin. Falling in a perfect place, almost like it was natural. Finally John Tracy let go of all the emotion he had bottled up over the years, for a long time John had been watching his back, projecting his own safety unaware the safety had been right in front of him. All it took was his brother's touch. John melted into the touch of his loved ones. Scott, Virgil, Gordon and Alan. John had discovered a nature he had forgotten about, brother’s love.


Hey Virg,

You're probably going to be the least out of our brothers to hate me at this point. Before, I will mention anything. I must apologise for not telling you everything, you are my twin and you must know it's not that I didn’t trust you to tell this all to you. It was because at the time I figured everything out, Virgil you were going through a tough time, you had your heart broken by none other than your ex Sandra but by your parents. Jeff had told you not to pursue an art career, he was trying to control you as he tried to get rid of your dreams.  

Virgil you own half of Tracy Industries and International Rescue, Scooter has the other half, just so you are aware. Once I hacked into Jeff’s account when he went missing. I found he was the reason why Sandra left you, he gave her money so she would leave and you could focus on engineering. Her hateful comments over email was done via his own email address, he had disguised himself to cause you pain. If you do not believe me, there is a memory stick in the envelope with loads of documents and information of records of these conversations.This includes any money you are owed. I can also get Jeff’s old emails up as I have the exact date when this happened. It’s not hard to hack into Jeff Tracy’s account since his passwords are easy.

You also own the stuff Jeff was required to give you and that included the art gallery you were intending to buy when another buyer stole your chance. With the help from the Hood you now own it and that island with your lodge on is yours. The rest of which you own is on the memory stick in a file labelled ‘items Virgils can’t live without’

You must know I have done this out of all your interests. Your parents were creating weapons of devastating impact. It would cause future panic, illness and cause more problems to safety. I don’t know about you but I would rather not have any future Tracy’s growing up under a nuclear war created by an ex-billionaire astronaut and his wife.

On a personal note, I’m sorry if I've caused a rift in your life. If it's too much, I can leave and not look back. The last thing I wanted was to cause an issue amongst us brothers. Just know that even if you hate me with your guts. I will always love you. Grandma left us all a gift, you will find it on the memory stick labelled ‘Virgil’. If you're having trouble processing any of this, there are documents on the memory stick confirming everything I have already said. 

Everything else will be explained on the memory stick - I promise!

I love you my twin, I always will,

Love from,


Virgil felt so much emotion take over his body, it felt like he would explode. He loved his twin so much that he will have to remind John of it. Together he and Scott pulled all their brothers closer to their own bodies, the four brothers working together to shield their vulnerable brother from the world. Virgil looked over, sharing a smile with the fish of the family. Gordon smiled back tugging Virgil closer as his thoughts spiralled over the letter he had just read.

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