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Pov y/n
Alex wasnt the only one to loose someone in the spring of 2002 just on the other side of london a knock in the middle of the night came on the unsepecting girls door .the door had to be knocked a few times before i climbed out of bed taking my bonnet off my head and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes i yawned in my pjs trodding down the stairs of my cul de sac house in north london i saw a bright torch shining threw my window and heard mutters threw the door way
"Mabey we should break it down?"
A quiet voice said
"Nobodys breaking anything down"
I opened the door and look at two police officers wearing bright high vis shirts and polished boots and hats with a tall lady behind them in a sharp stripped suit
"Can i help you do nini get in trouble again?"
I asked perpelexed on the meaning of waking someone up so early on a morning
"No your older sister nicole we found her..."
The police men seemed jittery but with the time the tone and the woman she could've guessed what it was byt that was impossible her sister went on daily about loving every bit of life even the lonely parts she would never........she could never
"We found her hung up in her bands tour van were so sorry" they all lowered there heads and the woman in the pin suit came forward and grabbed my wrist and i yanked it away my (y/c/e) pierced her dull gray dead ones
"You young lady have no legal gaurdian so for the time being your going to go into care got it"
She was rude short tempered and snappy but at this point what else choice do i have my parents passed away young and my sister was my only relative and now shes gone im alone.....before i realised it tears welled up in my eyes the officers had a soothing look on there faces as one reached out to hold my shoulder i moved it back
"Can you please give me until morning to pack my things"
The woman in the suit was about to interject when the police officer stopped her and nods
"Im sorry for this miss have a nights rest"
He tipped his cap and i shut the door and fell against it in tears not caring if they heard me or not i need it out of my system i dont rember the last time i cried i didnt cry when i was born or when i hurt myself in primary school I never cried yet I couldn't contain myself she had sat and braided my hair more times than i rember i let all the memories flood my brain and aftet they did i took a deep breath and looked up i didnt have control over my life but i was gonna control what i could i got my sisters big suitcases and packed her stuff and mine clearing the bed sheets and pillows as well as coat and make up from both our rooms when folding up one of her jackets I found a card for the bank she intershipped at "royal and general"  in small black letters with a gold key at the bottom of the logo i stuffed it in one of her pocket and looked around her room leaving tbe place you had spent your life wasnt easy it was impossible putting all of her photos and certificates tucked away in a case it felt wrong leaving her belongings like this so i packed what i could and sat at her window where she would brush my hair and tell me stories of adventure and fun giving me random life lessons ill miss those i miss her.

Before i had realised it i had fallen asleep on her window sill and it was the next morning i dreamed of nothing but blackness surrounding me its how i felt like i was in a void nothing felt real without her so I begrudgingly stretched and walked into the shower and went over what the police had told me in my head none of it added up her sister loved life and appreciating jts beauty even the hardships a knock came on tbe door and I quickly threw on a hoodie and jeans and went downstairs opening it seeing them police and social worker from last night i kept my head up and walked to the social workers car taking tbe suit cases with me.

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