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She had made it across onto the mattress a rancid smell came from it and she almost gaged but took a deep breath seeing the window and rusty stairs outside that looked like theyd never been used before. She opened the window slowly and took a step out to test the waters it seemed slightly unstable but she needed to know the truth she controted her body to fit threw the window and looked at the outside smoggy london air she smiled just seeing the london veiw again

before she heard footsteps coming to the window she rushed down as many steps as she could suddenly she caugh her foot in a stair that broke off and slipped having one foot dangle down and holding onto the sides for dear life not being able to scream or be found out miss lorelle leaned over the stairs side smoking and dropped her cigarette before she looked down and saw her a pair of arms wrapped around her back pulling her into an apartment and she fell back onto her rescuer hitting her head in the process and falling unconscious.

She woke up a few minutes later seeing a gash on her thigh and sitting in what looked like a carbon copy of miss lorelles flat but with nicer furniture and alot cleaner she looks at her leg and groans a tall muscular figure walked over to her she climbed up the couch scared as question raced threw her mind...

Fox pov
I was about to go outside for my afternoon cig when i saw a girl could be older than 15 struggling between a broken stair must be lorelles new kid she was clearly distressed so i stood up grabbing her and pulling her out she had no balance i must've caught her leg when she was pulled from the stairs and hit her head falling on me the poor girl tear stained cheeks and a bloody leg she still clean mustve lost someone today I lifted her up and placed her on my couch and raided my apartment trying to find my first aid kit hopefully i didnt wake her she looks so familiar mabey shes walked around here before .

I walked over to her leg to see her wound it was deep any of kid wouldve screampt bloody murder for that type of pain i walked back over to find my kit i heard a quiet rustling sound she must be awake.

Third person pov
Fox stood over her ans she covered her face in defense He let out a breathy chuckle
"If i wanted to hurt you I wouldve done it while your unconscious"
He walked to the kitchen and found a dusty green box and smiled
"Wanna explain to me what happened"
He sat by her leg and she shook her head
"Do tou have a name"
She blurted out
"Well im ben you mustve moved into miss lorelles"
He got a cotton swap and starts cleaning it
"Yea i lost someone i dont have a choice"
"Im sorry about that kid and im sorry about miss lorelle"
She looked at him
"You know how bad she is?"
"Of course i do everyone dose but anytime you try to report her she always gets away with it"
She sighed and looked at him knowing he wasnt a liar
"Do you have a car?"
She asked curiously looking around
"No sorry"
He finished wrapping her leg
"Im sorry i cant be of more help kid but anytime you want to come stay and get away from the ogre just try not to rip your leg off"
She smiles and he turned away to make some tea and when he turned back she was gone as if she had never been there but shouting from outside could be heard fox peaked his head out of the window and watched as the young (y/c/h) girl rode away on a stolen skateboard he laughed to himself.

Y/n arrived at a small corner cafe shop with the van and casper leaning against it he was a tall lanky 19 yearl old with bleach blonde hair and a pale complexion he looked at y/n stopping on her stolen skateboard and smiled offering her a hug she denied it
"Im really sorry..."
"Please dont people always say there sorry like they have something to do with it"
She said casper nods understanding she didnt wanna talk and opened the van she instantly crawled in and looked around and something immediately clicked in her mind she was bearly tall enough to stand up straight in this van which means even and knealing height on her sister the noose would still dangle to low to kill her and she would never do something like this in her bands van someone was lying the police are telling two different stories but she confirmed for herself that it couldn't have been suicide she climbed out of the van and looked at casper
"What bridge did the police say she jumped off of"
Something snapped in her mind and she got on her skateboard with thoughts and ideas racing threw her mind she suddenly heard a police whistle snap her back to reality as one jumped in a car and started following her she went faster on her board and her eyes darted around for an escape route she saw a truck well heard one and followed the sound the police where close on her tail she took deep breaths trying to go faster she recognised the police voice drom last night she felt bad but had no time the truck was going on the intersection now was her chance she had leaned back as far as she could to the point her hair touched the ground and slipped under the van as it passed and the police car was forced to stop as she skated on a small wave a guilt came over her rhe officer probably just wanted to see if she's alright .she got distracted and didnt hear the truck coming towards her before she was pulled from traffic she looked behind her and saw a man well dressed and groomed looking at her
He asked and looked deep in her eyes she elbowed him in the throat and backed away grabbing her skateboard she looked at him
"Woah calm down calm down i work at royal and general"
He held up his business card she took it and it read alex blunt in gold letters
"You worked with my sister"
"I did i was going to come see you i heard about the news and asked where you had been placed can you put down the skateboard now"
She put it down slowly and looked at him
"Can i buy you a drink?"
"Im underage"
He chuckled
"I know"
He started walking and she was curious to find the truth so she follows behind

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