Truth breaker

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It had been almost coming up 12 weeks since they had been in the camp kitsune fit into her natural place with the guys in k-unit and well cub just stayed back. Training was good apart from the fact that y/n had no upper body strength so wolf eagel and snake all decided to help her when she did her first full pull up they all high fived and celebrated with some stolen marshmallows and even though this trip wasnt helping the pair become closer they where still civil to each other the night of the pull up celebration y/n had snuck away from the fire and saw the blonde washing mud out of his ears and she gave him a marshmallow stick He looked up at her
"Im only being nice double 0 nothing"
She flipped him off and walked away
He yelled
She screamed back and went to the boys and punched snake in tbe arm for laughing alex laughed and ate the marshmallows.the next week was same ol same ol at lunch in the mess hall alex was walking to his seat and suddenly got tripped over his food went flying he looked at the group laughing d units always pricks but there smiles were soon wiped off there faces when they all got squirted with muddy water they all looked at kitsune and she crossed her arms looking at them
"You crazy bitch"
One of them stood uo and got in her face she smiles and looked him in the eyes
"Woof woof"
She smirked as alex hit the bend of his knees and he knealt infront of her she grabbed his chin
"Pick it up"
He looked at her
"I aint scared of no posh kid that got sent here to be put straight go cry to mommy oh wait"
He smirked she clenched her fist and fox grabbed her hand
"He aint worth it"
She pulled her fist down and slammed his stew into his face the hall burst out laughing and she walked out not saying a word alex followed her back to the bunks she put a head on her bed taking a breath
"Are you good kit?"
He peaked his head around
"I dont wanna talk about it"
"Yea and i dont wanna be a in a shitty booy camp with black mold but here i am"
He smiled she didnt even attempt to retort she was too tierd her knees buckled and her torso dropped alex caught her holding her up and helping her onto her bed and tucked her in looking st her
"Alan forget your last weakness you dont know your limits"
He walked out telling the sergeant it was thag time of the month and he cleared his throat and nods blowing his whistle.

The next day in training alex was on the assult course while y/n were practicing a speed test all the k-unit were cheering her on and fox stayed with alex
"So are you ready for tommorow?"
He watched him carefully slide down the wooden beams
"What you mean the killing house? Cant be that bad"
Fox chuckled
"Ah young confidence nothing like it"
They smiled at each other as he watched him glide threw the course a loud yell could be heard all eyes where above the lake where the zip line was a thud hit the ground and water splashed everywhere and y/n was stuck in the middle of line holding onto her harness with all she could
Alex yelled and ran to the lake the whole unit where together and the sergant was desperatly looking for a way to help as the tree put more pressure on the harder it was to hold on She didnt scream of cry all of her energy was focused it staying up but the tree had other plans it had enough weight to break the line and she came tumbling down and landed in the rivene rushes the k-unit all followed on the river bank as she was hit in the back off the head by a branch her semi concious body lay ontop wolf ran in picking her up in his arms her clothing completely soaked threw cub put his jacket over her and looked at the back of her head
"Not deep shes lucky"
The sergant ran to the ground holding her
"Wolf bring her to the medical bay immediately and the rest of you find out what was wrong with that wire"
He blew his whistle and ran off to the bay with wolf.

Alex ,fox,eagel ,snake all inspected the areas around
everything looked normal
"Guys I found something!"
Fox yelled and he stood over the stump there was fresh saw dust at the side
"Someones been planning this for awhile"
Cub looks at it
"Who couldve why did they theres no motive everyone here loved her"
They all looked perplexed
"Mabey we should just tell sergeant first"
They all nod and walked to the med bay seeing kit was now awake and wolf was stitching the back of her head unfortunately to get to it she had to take out her braids so now her natural kinky curls shined in the sunlight
"Bet your head feels better"
Wolf smiled at her she nods and smiles back
"Thanks wolf"
She turned around and hugged him sargent walked in and looked at all of them
"Well any news?"
He looked at the k-unit
"The tree it was cut it didnt just fall"
Alrx held out of a hand of saw dust
"Someone tried to kill me? Why?"
She stood up and wolf stabilised her
"Have you gotten into a feud with anyone here"
"Only that one guy a couple weeks ago but it couldn't have been him i saw him lined up behind alex before i went on the wire"
"Its true"
Fox chirped up and said
"I am truly sorry for this"
Sergeant looked at her
"Its ok i tend to have that effect on people"
She chuckled brushing it off still holding alexs jacket tight
"Your on rest for the rest of the night cub will bring you your food"
"Aw what i aint no serv-"
Fox kicked his leg and he grumbled under his breath
"Yes sir"
He groaned she smirked at the sight as sergant walked out to do his duties wolf helped her back to the cabin and she lay down on her bed they all waved her bye but alex snuck bavk in locking the door
"Someone knows about us"
"I was thinking the same thing"
She looked at him he paced around the cabi
"I think i have a way to trap them but you have to trust me"
"Not fucking likely"
She hit him with her shoe
"Ok ok"

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