Day breaker

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The elevator ride was long and tense but when there journey had finally come to a close the door opened up and they walked passed a menagerie of brown oak doors one that read ian+ Nicole she stopped dead in her tracks to look at it the well groomed man stopped and looked at her
"Ah yes anthor one of our interns ian him and her where great friends"
"I never heard of him before"
She looked confused staring at the door as if it were to tell her a story
"Well everyone here knows about you your sister loved you adore talking about you. You may not rember me but you were in this office when you took your first steps"
He chuckled and smiled looking at her
"And now your all grown up"
"Do you have the key"
He nods and smiles
"Unfortunately wr cant open it thought sorry"
He smiled and ushered her into his office it was pretty bland plant pot desk in the middle back fireplace mini fridge all that good stuff she sat down putting her bag down she. Sat in the chair across from him and looked him in the eyes
"I know this may seem forward but your sister was very passionate about politics may i ask where you stand?"
He looked her in the eyes as if to challenge her
"Well I hate torys and labour is good in theroy but both of them are still old by two okd white dudes who both have problems with racsism in there parties"
"So if the torys had a poc female youd like them?"
She chuckled a bit
"Its not that simple if she dosent stand for what i want id prefer to vote a man in id prefer voting someone in who srands for what i do and happens to be white than someone who is completely against all of my beliefs and spreading harmful rhetoric who is poc and or female"
He nods
"Your sister raised you well"
"Well im sure you know about my issues that caused me to leave school she taught me how to be well spoken and not loose my temper even over the dumbest of questions"
He smiled looking at her and stood up she leaned back in her chair ans looked up at the figure
"And please tell me what do you think of crime and the system as a whole and those who protect it"
She took a deep breath
"Burn it down start over apart from secret service that was mainly started in the world war policing institutions come from the abolishment of jim crow laws"
"Making them inherently racsist"
"Exactly we need to start over this country can be great there are so many under utilised systems in this country if people with more money billionaires used it for good instead of a tunnel to mars we wouldnt been in so much trouble i mean it's ridiculous we have droughts in one place and over rainfall in anthor we have famin and obesity"
He looked at her and smiles
"You have a good moral compass it will take you far in life"
He stood up straight
"Well i will go get your sisters will ill be back in 7 minutes stay rught here"
He tapped her shoulder and walked out she waited a minute just sitting before being sure he was gone and taking her action she stood up checking all his desk for a key of some sort or a fob nithing but paper work on paperwork but the strange thing was all the papers where blank nothing on them. Once she had fully rooted threw his room y/n opened the door and looked for any tape or marbels it was clear she went to rhe door and looked over it it was a bit warn and older not made of a hardwood she then looked at the lock it was a 3 point pin tumbler classic not hard baby level lock picking she took a pin from her hair and jammed it in the door it took a few seconds but she jimmied it open and smiled.

Across the street the man with thr tall figure watching and smiling pleased with his work
"Yoy are putting there lives at risk"
She hissed and looked down
"No im hoping they will rise to the challenge she certinaly has"
They continue to watch the pair as she heard a thud from outside she took a step onto the balcony and saw the sandy blonde from school about to slip off she grabbed his arm and pulled him up they both looked into each other ones her flamey (y/c/e) meeting his frosty green ones she dragged him inside and looked at her leg as the bleeding started again she groaned
"Why the hell are you in my uncles office"
"It says ian and Nicole who do you think she was"
She stood uo straight and looked at him as he got up
"Your dead sister"
"Ding ding ding we have a winner now help me look"
"Look for what hiw did you grt in"
"Listen are you gonna play detective all day or help me look and i give you answers"
He nods and so di she as they began there search ut was almost and exact replica of the other rooms but something felt off alex had managed to crack open the door while y/n looked behind every photo
"Hey i got something you know anything about stormbreaker?"
She walked over to him and shook her head
"Never heard of ut"
She leaned over the chair and his shoulders and looked at it with him
"Looks like some kind of..."
Y/n stood uo like she realised something
"If this. Door was locked and this is some secret file"
She looked at him
"Why wouldn't the windows and draws be locked"
"And if your sister and my uncle worked here why is there only one desk and one seat"
They both had a look of relisation on there faces she looked at the two figures in thw doorway smiling one a tall strong muscular man who towered iver all three of them
"This isnt a bank is it"
Alex said
"Who are you?"
Y/n looked at them
"Why was my sister working here? Did you help her disappear?"
"So many questions"
He muttered
"But im afraid were not authorised to give you the answers same for you alex"
The other man lifted hus hand and alex saw he was holding a gun
She yelled but it was too late the man fired there was no explosion or splatter of blood the gun spat at them both alex felt something slam into his heart and y/n felt the same pain in her thigh the file tumbled out of his hand and she was the first to go down her knees hit the floor then her torso dropped as alex fell back into nothing ness.

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