My First Spanking

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This is the story of the first time my now husband spanked me. He had playfully smacked my rear, and threatened to turn me over his knee in jest many times. More recently he had started to seem serious about using spanking as a method of motivation, and deterrent for unwanted behaviours. I had no idea it would lead to the dynamic we now have. I remember this spanking well, and the new feelings it brought forth. I remember feeling like we must have been there at least half an hour only to realize we were only about ten minutes. I remember feeling like my butt was on fire, that it must have been scarlet and being disappointed with the reality, my tolerance not built up.


Home from University for the summer I spent most of my time not working hanging out at Jake's parents house, friends coming in and out, lots of time poolside. It's closing in on the end of break and I had just wrapped up my last shift at work before
a two week break and have a lot to prepare.
Laying on his bed, kicking my feet behind me I am setting up my schedule spreadsheet while Jake showers before heading out to grab the groceries needed for the evening's festivities. We have friends coming for a pool side barbecue hangout.
Towel around his waist he comes up behind me grabbing a fist full of booty.
I wriggle under his hard touch "Hey! Owiee, be gentle you!"
"Don't go telling me what to do", he says cracking a big smile "you know better than that"
Rolling my eyes, I giggle as he grabs the other cheek roughly.
"Text me the brand of veggie burgers you want, and if there is anything else you want me to grab" he says slapping my butt lightly and heading to his closet.
"Okay, do you already have a list for everything else you need?" I ask glancing over my shoulder as he drops his towel.
"You know it", he says pulling on his boxers and turning around catching me having just eyed his naked bod and giving me a cheeky "you're bad" kind of smile.
I gave him my best look of mock innocence in return.
"I might head over to the gym while I'm out but I will be back by 2 I'm sure, make sure you remember to call and make your blood draw appointment today"
"Uh huh", I say knowing that's the third time he's reminded me this week.
Coming over and sitting on the bed beside me he grabs my chin forcing my attention and gaze up to him.
Pushing my laptop over and leaning up on my side I oblige.
"I know you hate getting your blood drawn, I get it, but knowing your levels is important and you need to make that appointment"
"I knowwww", I say annoyed and also feeling well loved.
"Alright, so that's going to happen today or you are going to make your first trip over my knee for a real spankin'" he says almost excitedly daring me to test him.
Rolling my eyes and smiling at him to hide the flutters in my stomach at his threat I roll back over resuming my position.
"Uh huh, uh huh, I get it - I will make the appointment today"
"Ladies and gentlemen, mark your calendars, Sia has agreed without argument and only a hint of sass", in a mock announcer voice with his hands cupped around his mouth.
"I should threaten to spank you more often" he chides smiling and giving my butt a couple light smacks.
Picking up his gym bag, and heading out his bedroom door he calling over his shoulder "text me and make that appointment!"
"Yes, sir", I shout back mockingly but I know it makes him smile.
Looking at the time it is only 11, our friends will probably start arriving around 2 but there is no set time.
Finishing up my task I change into my bathing suit and rub myself down with sunscreen before grabbing a cover up and heading out to open the pool for the day.
I open the pool, skimming the small amount of debris while listening to a true crime podcast. I decided to make myself some iced coffee and chill poolside while I listen. I resign myself to calling to make the appointment when the episode I was engulfed in finishes.
Laying down the hot sun kissing my skin, a nice breeze keeping it from feeling too hot, iced coffee in hand, listening to horrible crimes - This is the most relaxed I've been all summer.
"Siaahh," the soft voice of my bestie breaks through, waking me.
"Oh man!", I say laughing "I was right out!"
"Don't worry, no drool that I can see," she says laughing "I'm hear early, sorry!"
"Don't be silly", I chide pulling her to snuggle with me.
"Oh shit, what time is it?", I ask looking at my phone [1:05] "ugh, I have to call and make my appointment, one sec"
Calling the number, I groan as I hear the automated message "you've reached the office, our office hours are 9-5 Monday to Thursday and 9-1 on Friday"
"Ughhhhhhhh" I say putting my phone down and explaining the situation while leaving out the possibility of a spanking in my future.
"Oh well, I will have to just call Monday morning"
Looking at my now melted iced coffee I suggest making some new ones before more people arrive.
Armed with caffeine we decide to wade in the pool as our friends begin to trickle in.
It's now just after 2 and I glance down at my phone, Jake had texted a half hour ago "Sorry, I know I said 2 - I shouldn't be much longer than that but got caught up at the gym. I got these burgers - hope those are good! Didn't get a text"
"Almost everyone is here, just hanging in and around the pool, those burgers are perfect! Sorry totally forgot to text, see you soon"
Almost as soon as I send it Jake walks through the doors, loudly greeting his friends. I can't help but smile at this sweet handsome man of mine. After making his first round through our friends, he strolls my direction, crouches down to give me a kiss as I lift myself from the pool to meet his lips.
Handing me his phone he says "Would you get some tunes going? I'm going to go start the barbecue"
"Sure! You need any help?"
"Nope, you stay in the pool, once I've got the first round done I will join you"
Music pumping, friends starting to eat, drinks are starting to roll. I see Jake's best friend take over the barbecue as he hops in the pool making sure to catch my eye.
Leaving my place on the side of the pool where the girls are gathered to chat I walk over to meet him.
"Hey beautiful", he says looking me over admiringly and reaching out to feel my naked skin. 
"Hello handsome", I say back letting him run his hands over me.
"Get that appointment made?", he asks as he reaches my butt. Clearly trying to be flirty, assuming I had done it and ready to praise me.
My face definitely gives me away as I sink myself into the pool, leaving just my eyes above the water. His facial expression changes quickly to that of a man having been disobeyed. My body freezes and to my surprise it's not my stomach that gets butterflies this time. He comes closer and all I can think to do is rise up and spit the water from my mouth at him in defence. Only slightly amused Jake's gaze hardens and I'm lifted from the water.
I squeal as I'm hoisted over his shoulder and he's carrying me out of the pool.
"Excuse me gentleman", he says parting through a few friends on the patio
"Jaaakieeee" I groan kicking my legs and he lands a hard smack to my upturned butt.
"Ah!" I can't help crying out.
Down the hall with me still over his shoulder he turns into his room and skillfully closes the door behind him with his foot.
Sitting down on the edge of his bed he positions me over his left knee my legs between his and my upper body laying on his bed. One hand resting on my upper back and the other kneading my bottom he takes a long breath.
Unsure of what to expect, still fluttering and holding my breath.
"Sia", he says sternly breaking the silence "What did I ask you to do when I left this morning?"
I close my eyes, breathing in but not answering as a smack lands on my left cheek.
"Owe! Jake!" I squeal
"Oh love, you just wait" he says smacking the other side "answer please."
"You reminded me to make my blood draw appointment", I say anticipating the next smack as I felt his hand raise off of me.
Coming down one after the other.
Smack, smack.
"Yes, and what did I say would happen if you chose not to?"
"You would spank me", I say quietly
Smack, smack
"Louder please Sia"
"You would spank me", I say clearly this time
"Right", smack "so why then" smack "was that appointment" smack "still not made?" smack accentuating the question with his hand.
"Ow! Uhhh," I whine "I did call, but the office closes early on Fridays" I say in my defence.
Unimpressed with my excuses he lands a hard smack to the middle of my cheeks.
"Might be a reasonable excuse if I hadn't reminded you several other times this week and that wasn't readily available information, my love"
smack, smack, smack, smack
He grabs at my bottoms, pulling them from legs.
"I'm sorry!" I say as I try and cover my stinging and now exposed behind.
"Hands by your head Sia", his unwavering tone has me obeying without even thinking.
He takes a deep breath
"We are going to talk about this more, for right now I want you to understand that I'm spanking you because you seem to struggle to take proper care of yourself. These appointments are important, eating throughout the day, drinking more than coffee, taking your medications and vitamins are all things you struggle with and it's unacceptable"
smack, smack, smack, smack
I squirm but stay in place over his knee, moving my hand down to wrap around his leg.
"Do you understand?", he asks with an err if authority I have a feeling I need to get used to.
"Yes, I understand", I reply in truth
With that he returns his attention to my now pink cheeks landing smacks alternating cheeks.
smack, smack, smack, smack
His rhythm and the force of his hand is unchanging as I begin to whine with each landing blow. Now I'm pleading before I can stop myself
"I'm sorry, please, I'm sorry", still I manage to keep my hand around is leg but squeezing hard and my other hand is hovering as I try to keep it at my face.
"I know you are, but I want to make sure this is still felt tomorrow when we talk", he says grabbing my free hand with his, intertwining our fingers and pinning it to my lower back. All the while not changing his rhythm as he smacks lower, catching the area of my butt where it meets my thighs. It's particularly tender and tears begin to swell, pouring over as I bury my head in his bed and submit. My whimpering isn't a deterrent and he continues until he is satisfied that I will in fact be feeling this tomorrow.
As he lands the last smack his hand softens and he lightly rubs over my reddened cheeks.
"Alright love, you are going to get up and go stand against the wall, hands behind you but no touching your ass okay? I want you to think about why that appointment is important, think about why I spanked you tonight, and think about how this feels, understood?"
"Yes", I say sniffling and bringing my hands to wipe at my tear streaked face as I stand and walk over to the wall in front of the bed.
Placing my forehead on the wall and crossing my arms behind me.
"Grab you elbows," he instructs and I do - bringing my arms up and grasping the opposite elbow.
I can hear him moving from the bed and into his bathroom, opening drawers and returning to sit on the bed. My head is spinning as I try to think about his words.
"Come here Sia", he says and I turn keeping my eyes down and stop as I'm standing between his legs.
"Back over please", he says patting his leg, my eyes flash up and I almost begin to cry again but obey
before I can ask if he's going to spank me more his hand is touching me with a cool lotion as he rubs my sore cheeks and I relax at his touch. When he is finished he pulls me up into his lap and wraps himself around me.
"You did so well, you took that spanking so well", he says kissing my forehead.
"Can you go get me my cover up?", I ask sheepishly hoping he's not expecting me to return to the party with my red butt on display, he chuckles in response.
"Yes of course, get your bottoms back on and I will go grab that", he says shifting me off his lap and onto the bed
Getting up I get to have a look at myself in the mirror before slipping into my bathing suit bottoms again. I'm not nearly as red as I expected to be but it's definitely an unmistakable glow and I'm glad I have my coverup coming.
Bounding back coverup in hand Jake catches me examining myself in the mirror
"It's not too bad love", he says smiling as I scowl at him
"Easy for you to say, yah big meanie!", I say in mock anger which makes him smile as he reaches for me, pulling me in close.
"I guess you are just going to have to behave from now on, huh?" He says looking down at me but keeping me close.
"Hmmm, I'll think about it", I say sassing him as he grabs my chin and the expression I can't quite name yet returns.
I blush, aware of the sensation it garners between my legs.

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