His Apologies

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"You know what Sia, really - this is my fault and I'm sorry" he begins as a heavy hand connects with my already pinkened cheeks.
"I've let some things go lately, staying up past lights out, not keeping your watch charged and your food log up to date" he continues as smacks rain down accentuating his proverbial apology.
"Clearly I shouldn't have done that, I should have been more on top of these things, and we wouldn't be in a situation where you felt like you could ignore my instructions" his smacks getting harder as he lowers my legs off his right knee to the floor and brings his legs over to trap mine.
"Where you thought, while over my knee, you could say things like "you didn't tell me to go to bed yesterday" like you don't already know the expectation" -

Ugh why is this man so good at lecturing me?! How does he know exactly what to say to make me regret all of the choices, & all of the sassy things that come out of my mouth when I'm feeling like a much feistier version of myself.

"I don't have time to finish this, which is likely going to be in your best interest anyway - it will give me some more time to calm down, because make no mistake - I'm angry" he confesses "I'm feeling pretty disrespected, and it's not like you to directly not follow my instruction. You KNOW if you need this you can come to me before you get yourself in trouble" he reminds me, which of course I know.
Two hard snacks land just at the top of my thighs and I squeel as he settles his hand before lifting me up to standing between his legs. Having been spanked for at least ten minutes without pause the heat is radiating from my behind but I know better than to attempt to sooth it.

"Kids are about to wake up, go get yourself in the corner for five - during nap times today or whenever you have a minute I want to you write a journal reflection on what's going on with you, okay?"

"Yes, Sir"

"If you get it done you can send it to me, if you can't manage to write it before I get home I will give you time to do that tonight. At the very least you need to be reflecting on that today"

"Yes, Sir"

"Alright, give me a hug" he says pulling me in close and my tears finally spill over as he rubs my back
"I love you, you need to take care of yourself" he soothes
"I love you too, I'm sorry"

When he can feel my body has calmed he gives me a kiss on the forehead and spins me toward the corner to begin my day of reflection.

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