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Sorry for the long wait! I liked the picture above so yeah... Hope you guys enjoy the first chapter!

Shoto's POV.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm and sigh realizing that it means I have to wake up but I don't want to go to school. Grabbing my alarm I stuff it under my blankets but sadly it did not make it any quieter. I take it out from under my blankets and turn it off knowing that I have to wake up. I sit up and groan from the soreness in my side and legs. I shift putting weight onto my feet and go to my closet grabbing my uniform and putting it on carefully. I hate that my pack members all beat me but there is not much I can do about it so I just ignore the pain in my side and open my curtains letting some light into my room. I go into my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I grimace because all I see is a pathetic person who can't stand up for himself. By the time I stop looking I feel like crying or throwing up I cant tell. I leave the bathroom and put on my shoes before heading out the door I go downstairs in the packhouse realizing that not many people are here right now. I feel a little relief and go to the kitchen to drink some water before I head for the door quietly. so far no one has noticed me but I prefer to stay cautious and continue to be quiet. I leave the packhouse undetected and head for school. I make it to the gates and sigh knowing that I was gonna have to deal with another tough day. I go inside and the first thing I notice in the classroom is that there are only two other people in there Kirishima and Deku they're both sitting there waiting for the class to start minding their own business. It's not a tough decision to decide to do the same. I sit down at my desk quietly and Deku finally notices me looking over and smiling. "Hi, Todoroki How is your morning," He asks too cheerfully. "It's fine" I respond not really feeling like talking "That's Great!" He said still too enthusiastic it's almost unrealistic. I Lay my books out on my desk and wait until everyone starts to finally start showing up. Aizawa enters and the room goes silent. "Ok everyone read the chapter 27 in the book about quirk history. I'm taking a nap so be quiet." He then grabbed his sleeping bag and zipped himself up in it. I turn to the page and start reading. I hear bakugou mouthing off at midoria and sigh but I'm used to it by now. I know midoria is from another pack but I think Kirishima and bakugou are in the same pack as midoria... I dont know though because Ive never asked. I know that bakugou and kiri are pure blood alphas and pretty strong so I've always made sure to avoid them. Just then Bakugou looks over and glares at me. I look away quickly. I feel nervous because I dont feel like getting into a fight with someone as strong as him. I look over again and see him arguing with deku again I sigh in relief knowing I narrowly avoided the situation. I study his earings because everyone has earings signifying there secondary gender. Alpha's have studs of any shape or size or gem. 

Where as Omega's have dangly earings with a chain attached to the end of one that connects to a cuff on the top of your ear

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Where as Omega's have dangly earings with a chain attached to the end of one that connects to a cuff on the top of your ear.

like this.

Also those are gonna be shotos

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Also those are gonna be shotos.

I have Alpha earings to hide my secondary gender though. Betas Usually wear plain dangly earings like this 

I just study bakugous whose are a red gemstone that I find pretty

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I just study bakugous whose are a red gemstone that I find pretty. 

The alpha earings I'm wearing are plain black because I didn't want anything flashy

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The alpha earings I'm wearing are plain black because I didn't want anything flashy. Generally flashier ones were for stronger alphas and I didn't want that kind of attention. I can understand why bakugous are so pretty though considering he's considered so strong, I look away after I realize that I've been staring. As soon as class ends I leave and head for the roof. when I get up to the top I'm happy because there's no one else up here. Just then the door opens and uraraka comes in with midoria. I sigh feeling my relief vanish. "Hey todoroki hows it going!" Midoria asks Cheerefully. "It's going fine" I say starting to sit down knowing there's no escaping now. They sit down in front of me and I inwardly groan because I feel like they don't really like me there just pretending to keep me form feeling lonely. "Hye todoroki Why were you staring at bakugou in class earlier?" Ururaka asks. I glance uo and then sigh "I was admiring his earings Because I know he must be strong. He is another one of my rivals" I say looking at them like it should be obvious. "Oh yeah I know Bakugou is a little intimidating sometimes..." Ururaka says looking at the ground I know it's probably because shes an omega because I feel the same way. I see her blushing slightly. "Do you like bakugou ururaka?" I ask In my normal emotionless voice. Her face turns a dark shade of red "N-no!...... Maybe a little bit.." She said looking at her hands. "hmmm" is all I say before closing my eyes and pretending to try to go to sleep so they will leave me alone. I dont like that ururaka likes bakugou because it's just gonna be problematic if she confesses to him. They seem to take the hint for once and I hear them leave. All I can think is that now I will finally get some piece. But apparently that's to much to ask for because I hear the door open again and then hear Bakugous classic loud voice. "SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR I DONT CARE HOW MANLY IT IS TO EAT THREE MEALS A DAY!" He yells Which as much as I hate it scares me slightly even though I know its not directed at me. "Come on Bakubro you know I'm just telling you because It's cool!" Kirishima said I finally open my eyes to see bakugou glaring at a hopeful looking Kirishima. "Sooo are you not mad no more?" Kirishima asks smiling. "SHUT THE HELL UP SHITTY EXTRA!" Is all he says turning away and walking in my direction before he notices I'm there and stops looking at me angrily I cant help but wish he would look somewhere else. "What are you doing up here half and half your group of extras get bored of you?" He says snickering I sigh and decide to try and sound like an alpha putting in some effort for once. "No sadly I'm not quite as forgettable as you are." I say looking up emotionlessly. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY ICYHOT?" he yelled which I found annoying but also terrifying. "What you def to now?" I say which I instantly regret when I see his expression seem to darken along with his eyes turning a deeper red. I swear at myself inwardly and get up to leave heading for the door quickly I walk past Kirishima who seems to just be watching the encounter. I make it to the door and as I'm walking through I here bakugou yell "FUCKING BITCH GET BACK HERE!" He said I hear him coming after me and decide to cut a corner hiding and sighing in relief when I dont here him following. I relax and sit down deciding  to spend the res tof lunch here.

Well that's all you guys get for now uwu sorry! I'm gonna start working on the next chapter immediately though so dont worry! Thanks for reading please comment and vote I would love to hear from you guys!!!

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