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Shoto's POV.

Everything is dark and I feel like its suffocating me. But for some reason it doesn't hurt it's almost peaceful. But then It starts to get brighter and I here some beeping. I turn my head noticing that I'm in the pack hospital and remember what happened. I look over until I see katsuki. He's sleeping and he looks so peaceful. I nuzzle him and realize I need to shift back. As I'm shifting katsuki opens his eyes and looks at me quickly looking alarmed "hey are you alright? How are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere? Do you need anything?" He just kept asking questions so I shushes pressing my hand over his mouth and shaking my head "I'm okay kat" I say to calm him down although I'm still sore. " I'm sorry It took me so long to get there sho" he says dragging me into a hug I nod into his chest " but you still came that's all that matters" I say pressing myself into him feeling comfort from bing pressed against his strong and much larger chest. I sight contentedly. He pulls me closer though I didn't think that was possible and I start to purr. A few seconds later recovery girl enters she looks at us and smiles " I'm sorry I should know better than to interrupt" she said and came closer " I just was gonna tell you he could be discharged as soon as he woke but hes already awake." She said and handed me some of my personal belongings. "Thank you mam" I say sliding off of katsuki to hide behind him. She smiles at me and nods to katsuki before leaving. "You ready to go home?" Katsuki asks I look up at him and give a small nod. He quickly picks me up ignoring my protests and leaves the room carrying me bridal style.
"Kat I can walk!" I say but he ignores me. I just grumble and let out I little "hmph" before snuggling into his chest and getting comfortable. We pass through the main room and kat stops for a second before I hear kiri speaking to him and peak my head up to look. "Hey bakugou how's shoto doing?" Kiri asks sounding concerned "he's okay now but still recovering thank you for the help if you hadn't come  it would have been much  worse so thank you." Kat said looking at kiri who seemed shocked but quickly nodded and smiled his signature bright smile. "No problem bakubro!" He said and enthusiastically went over to snuggle kaminari looking very happy. I smile and snuggle my head back into kat. I hear him purr at me quietly and I blush. I grip his shirt and look up at him grumbling but most of it is jiberish. "Stupid ..dbjsba. Kat..jdjjs embarrassing....hdjsbsj stupid...hsjs-" then I hear kat chuckle and stop looking at him with a small blush on my cheeks he just laughs a little harder and opens the door making me realize were at his room now. I smile and quickly jump down groaning slightly from being sore but I go over to his bed and start shoving blankets around making a sort of nest.

Katsuki's POV.

We enter the room and shoto looks excited hopping from my arms to the floor. I see him wince and am about to say something but he just takes off and hops on the bed making a weird bird nest sorta thing. I see him use every blanket on the bed and then he sits down and looks unsatisfied. He turns to me meeting my gaze as his eyes start to tear up. I quickly go over there and hug him "hey what's wrong sho?" I ask and he just pulls back and looks me in the eyes "I need m-more blankets" he says which is astonishing cause hes already pulled the extras from the closet as well. I just nod " OK I will go get some more you stay here okay" I say and he nods back seemingly happier now. I leave and go downstairs "momm!!!" I yell and she comes skidding out "yes brat?" She asks looking at me curiously. "I don't know shoto is making some weird birds nest and asked me to get him some more blankets" I say looking at her expectantly. She gestures for me to follow her leading me to our storage cabinet and taking a pile of blankets "hey mom that's good we don't need this many!" I say as she continues piling them on "hes nesting so he will need a lot" she says and I give her a confused look "what's nesting?" I ask curiously. She looks at me and explains "its something omegas will do before they start there heat it makes them feel comfortable they will usually use there mates things for there nest like blankets or spare clothes. If they haven't found there mate they will use an alphas who's close to them's things instead. Right now he's nesting which means anytime this weak he could go into heat." She says and ushers me back upstairs while I think about everything she said. So basically shoto is almost in heat. As soon as the thought  crosses my mind I blush hard. I go back into the room and see shoto pulling clothes out of my closet. I laugh and put down the blankets to him. He quickly gets them situated into his nest and honestly it looks pretty cozy. After he finally calms down he sits in the middle and starts crying which startled me "hey what's wrong??" I ask staying a little ways away knowing some omegas don't like anyone in there nest. "Its my nest, it d-doesnt smell like y-you" he says continuing to cry. I feel my stomach flutter and I gesture towards his nest asking permission to go over there he nods quickly and I go over there taking off my hoodie. I hand it to him and he smiles a really big dorky smile that makes me chuckle slightly. He keeps that one in his lap and looks at me nervously "k-kat can you sent with me..." He asks looking at the ground. I smile and quickly go over there and hug him "sho you don't have to ask" I say and rub my neck on his scent glands before doing the same with our wrists. He smiles and snuggles closer to me. "Hey shoto I want to tell you something" I say and he straightens and nods looking at me curiously. "W-well were m-mates" I say and his reaction goes from pure shock to a huge grin "YES!!!" He yells and jumps on me snuggling close and nuzzling my neck "that's exactly what I needed to hear your the best person ive ever met!" He says happily I feel my stomach do a flip and I smile broadly "aren't I though" I say with a smug grin. He scoffs and sticks his tongue out at me making me laugh but I quickly lean forward and kiss him biting the tip of his tongue gently. I hear him moan into my mouth and I grab his waist pulling him closer. He returns the gesture wrapping his arms around my neck. I've never felt more alive then I do now. I ask for entrance and he quickly grants it allowing me to explore the inside of his mouth I growl my approval and bite his bottom lip I hear him moan again and I am pretty sure I almost die he's so adorable. I feel myself losing control and so I lean back taking a few deep breaths. Shoto is completely flushed and nibbling his bottom lip which I find quite adorable. I reach out and drag him Into a hug picking him up and putting him in his nest I'm about to leave but he grabs my hand and nods at me "you can sleep in my nest with me..." He says blushing and looking away."aww thanks shoto" I say and lay down next to him not long after I fall asleep.

Shoto's POV.
I lay awake for a bit rolling around giddily. I can't believe were mates. After a few more seconds I stop and stare at kat he's soooo handsome when he's sleeping. I snuggle up and press myself against him. Once I'm comfortable I peacefully drift off feeling happy.

_______________________________________Here u guys go another chapter sorry for this one taking a bit longer I'm currently a little depressed and haven't found any inspiration any who goodbye 😘

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