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Shoto's POV.

I wake up and notice its getting dark and Katsuki isn't here. I get up quickly and search for him but I can't find him so I sit down head between my paws whimpering quietly. I must have been letting off distress signals because katsuki comes from the direction of the creek and quickly wraps himself around me letting of comforting pheromones. I Snuggle closer quickly starting to feel the chill in the air. Katsuki notices my slight shiver and nestles closer. "Are you cold we can head back if you would like" he said through a mind link. "No I want to stay here its more peaceful being here with you" I say stuffing my head under my paws. I hear katsuki start purring and nuzzle into his neck making sure to rub my scent glands on his. I hear him purr louder and decide to lick his cheek. He quickly pins me down licking my cheek instead and I purr. "Hey I was doing that!" I say through our mind link. I feel him stop and he looks down at me "I'M the alpha in this situation." He says through the mind link before continuing to lick my cheek. I feel my face heat up and I'm suddenly very glad that my wolf form can't blush. I push katsuki over and snuggle close starting to feel a little cold again. I feel him nuzzle me rubbing our scent glands and suddenly he stops making me curious I turn to look at him and he is staring at me. "What is it kat?" I ask though our mind link. "Its just that I umm I will tell you tomorrow get some sleep shoto" he says and I nod simply nuzzling into him. I slowly drift off feeling comfortable snuggled next to katsuki.

Katauki's POV.

Shoto pushes me over snuggling close and I realize he must be cold so I quickly envelope him as best I can. I don't know why but all I want is for him to be comfortable and happy. I start to nuzzle his neck and rub our scent glands so that if anyone approaches they will know I am protecting him and to stay away... Also I just feel possessive of him but I don't want to think about that I know I shouldn't he's his own person but I want him to be MINE. As I think that our scent glands connect and I realize the feeling I've been having is because of what he is..... He's my mate. my mate. I keep repeating that in my head sitting Very still. Shoto seems to notice "what is it kat?" He asks and I tell him its nothing deciding to tell Him tomorrow cause he looks tired. He nods accepting my answer and drifts off to sleep.  I rub my scent glands over his one more time feeling content after he smells much more like me and rest my head on top of his neck and drift off as well.

I wake up the next morning sensing something is off. I look around till I see 3 rogues entering the field on our left side. I let out a low growl making them halt momentarily before continuing there approach making there way closer to us. I feel shoto stir next to me and the rogues stop seeming to just now notice him. I see one of them scent the air and lock eyes on shoto before letting out a low growl of dominance. I get up growling louder and step towards the alpha rogues pitting myself between them and shoto who is now fully awake crouched low to the ground growling quietly but looking scared. I growl louder when I see the rogue on the left step closer. I step closer to them and mind link with kiri "Hey kiri rogues in the field on the north side of our territory!" I say and I instantly get a response "on my way with sero Mina and denki although I don't want him to come. See you in a minute" is all he says before we both sever the mind link. I step closer to them getting ready to fight when to my horror I hear shoto yelping behind me. I quickly turn around to see 2 more alphas one biting his scruff and dragging him away and the other nipping at him when he tries to fight back. I try to get to him but am met with the other three alphas who are blocking my path I let out another growl tackling one of hem to the ground beginning my fight so that I can end it quickly and get to shoto. I continue fighting as hard as I can hearing shoto trying to get away as well but there quickly gaining distance and I start internally panicking. But then I see kiri and the others enter the field and all out battle erupts as soon as kiri tackles the rogue I'm fighting he yells at me. "GO FIND SHOTO!" I nod at him and take off in the direction I saw them go in.

Shoto's POV.

I kick my leg out and hit one of the rogues but he recovers quickly and bites down on my leg making me yelp in pain. Were a little ways in the woods now but I can still smell katsuki so I know were not to far but they continue to literally drag me out making panic slightly not wanting to be away from katsuki. I start letting off distress signals knowing katsuki can sense those from a greater distance. We get to a strange place I guess to be there den. They drag me over to a corner nipping and biting at me. I yelp and bite the one on the rights leg before bolting for the door only to be stopped by sharp teeth gripping my leg. I yelp loudly and bite the alphas ear. "Hold still omega!" One of them says through mind link I bite him again defiantly "LET ME GO!" I yell back through the mind link but they only drag me back biting me to keep me from going anywhere. I feel blood trickling down from fresh wounds and whimper getting back up and trying to get to the door but being stopped by more teeth sinking in to my back legs I yelp and fall to the ground from exhaustion blood still pouring out of my wounds. The rogues circle in front of me and sit down "Shift omega" they say but I just turn my head away from them and continue to pant. "Shift now" the one on the left says using his alpha voice. I shift back groaning and lean against the closest wall on the cave. I watch as they shift as well coming closer and inspecting my body. I'm wounded all over but refuse to show any amount of fear despite feeling like I'm drowning in it. "He's cute" one says making me want to vomit. I use this chance of them being distracted and quickly shift back bolting for the mouth of the cave  but they shift and quickly catch up dragging me back in from just outside the cave I yelp and let off distress signals as they throw me against the back wall. I hear something crack and yelp slumping to the floor and panting heavily. I lay there but they are angry and come over biting and clawing at me like I'm a doll. I yelp and kick back trying to push them away and failing miserably.

Katsuki's POV.

I continue following the scent trail until I sense shotos distress signals and take off quicker in that direction. Im worried as hell but it only gets worse when I get another scent as well.... Blood. I quicken my pace bolting through the mouth of a cave. When my eyes adjust I growl loudly seeing them biting and clawing at MY omega whose laying there limply. They both turn upon hearing me and growl back but I waste no time attacking the one who seems to be favoring 3 of there legs and being careful with the fourth. I launch myself at his injured leg and pull it out from under him making him yelp and I tear his throat out with on clean motion. Last alpha looks at me growling and throws himself at me latching on to my shoulder before I slam him into a wall making him yelp he quickly gets up and runs out of the cave leaving me and shoto alone. I go to shoto swiftly and nuzzle his head making his eyes flutter slightly. I hear him let out a small whimper and I know that all I can do is be here because my presence will help him to heal a little quicker. I leave the cave for just a moment and howl letting the others know where were at before returning to shoto. I lay next to him licking his wounds and trying my best to comfort him. I hear footsteps approaching and get into a defensive position growling until I see a familiar auburn and red wolf. "Is he OK?" Kiri asks he moment he enters. "No but he will be help me get him on my back we need to get him to recovery girl quickly." I say through the mind link and kiri quickly shifts back into a human form and lifts shoto onto my back which is another perk of being alphas seeing as were actually strong enough to do so. I let kiri situate him and tie him down with some spare rope he found in a pile of junk that the rogues must have been collecting. I feel kiri pat my shoulder as he shifts back signaling that I can go. I take of quickly and head straight for our territory. I run for quite some time kiri barely being able to keep up with me until I reach our territory and I turn knowing he exact direction to get back. I rub straight through the field and make it back quickly stopping Infront of the infirmary I wait there and mina pops out of no where untying shoto and slipping him gently off my back as soon as he's off I shift picking up his small wolf body. I think he's small even though he's pretty big compared to normal wolves. I bring him into the infirmary and as soon as recovery girl sees she gestures to a room. I enter the room placing shoto on the bed and watch as recovery girl works on him. "Bakugou can you leave your angry pheromones are distracting and will slow down his healing." She said but I quickly shake my head no "I have to stay so he will heal quicker." I say and she looks at me confusion evident on her face "bakugou will power alone won't help" she says sympathetically " its not just will power he's my mate" I say and her eyes grow in shock but she quickly nods and smiles at me. After what seems like forever most of his wounds are closed and the rest are closing slowly. I go over and sit next to his bed running my hands through his soft fur and end up falling asleep hoping he will wake up soon.

_______________________________________ANOTHER ONE!! Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please comment and vote your opinion matters!! Plus if you got anything you would like me to add im more than open to it 😖 THANKS FOR READING!!! 😘

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