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Shotos POV.

I wake up in mine and kats room confused how I got here, I look around but kats no where to be seen. I whimper slightly sad I can't see him but Just then I remember falling asleep on Kat and blush lightly. I start to get up but sit back down quickly after feeling a sharp pain in my stomach. I gasp slightly and whimper knowing it's my heat come to kick my ass again. Struggling I slowly make it to my nest on my part of the bed which takes up like 75% of it and curl into a small ball. I let out some distress pheromones by accident and almost instantly I hear footsteps approaching quickly. Someone opens the door and I look up to see Kat looking at me confused before breathing in and seeming to understand. I watch as Kat closes the door before  approaching slowly knowing omegas don't like people in there nest. When he gets to my side of the bed I nod at him saying he can come in. He wastes no time cuddling me close and mumbling in my ear that I'm alright. I feel the pain ebb away slightly and purr at his touch. Remembering that im in heat I try to put some distance between us not wanting to force him into a rut, but he quickly grabs me and drags me back. "don't worry sho just go to sleep" Kat pulls me slightly closer as I start to drift off...

I wake up to lights overhead making me flinch slightly and close my eyes  tightly. As soon as I start to stir I see katsuki come over from his spot at the desk on the opposite side of the room. I feel a slight tingle of guilt knowing he was probably trying to keep his distance to help control himself. "Hey sho you feeling any better?" Katsuki asks pulling me between his legs and resting my head on his chest. I sigh contentedly and nod my head "yeah it's not as bad right now." I say nuzzling closer "thank you kat" I mumble into the blankets pulling them up around my face slightly. I start to relax listening to the sound of katsukis breathing and trying to calm down. After a few long minutes I start to feel my insides twisting uncomfortably making me gasp and whine quietly clutching the blanket tighter. Katsuki notices almost instantly and turns his face when my pheromones start to get heavier. 
I whimper feeling my stomach turn once again and I cling to katsuki he seems to be struggling with containing himself but after a minute of thinking I'm not sure I want him to. Grabbing him by the shirt I drag his face closer leaning up slightly. I see him gulp before he slowly melts into a kiss leaving me feeling hot and red in the face. I kiss back immediately and feel his arms wrap around me sliding down to my lower back. I moan slightly at the touch as Katsuki slowly pulls me closer sliding his hand up the back of my shirt. I moan quietly again at the feeling of his skin on mine loving the heat that spreads from his hands. Katsuki slowly pulls my shirt over my head almost asking for permission which I give gladly. Not long after he takes his off as well I take a second to just stare at his toned abs and notice he seems to be breathing harder than normal. I look into his eyes and feel a sense of pride when I see the normal crimson turned a dark maroon. Knowing I sent him into his rut makes me so happy for some odd reason my inner omega seems to be beaming at the fact we synced up so easily. Katsuki notices the smile on my face and kisses me harder leaving me blushing. I wrap my arms around the back of his neck slipping my hand in his hair and marveling in how soft it is. I feel the pain in my stomach growing worse and whimper curling into katsukis side slightly. "K-kat.." I mumble wanting to feel him closer. He seems to understand because he quickly pulls me closer and coddles me like a baby. Which I find slightly amusing but at the moment the pain is slightly less amusing " k-kat I need you." I mumble tears in the corners of my eyes as I try to endure for as long as possible. "I know baby" katsuki says tugging at the top of my pants silently asking permission. I nod my head quickly and he takes them off gently. I feel him slide his own off before bringing my lips to meet his once again my breathing is heavy from my heat but I'm slightly calmer now that he's kissing me. I feel the slick start to run down my inner thigh making me whimper quietly. He pulls back from the kiss and fully undresses me before doing the same to himself. I glance away slightly embarrassed but happy that im with him. He leans down resting his forehead against mine before kissing me once again. I don't realize he was trying to distract me until I feel a finger push into me making me moan loudly into his mouth. I feel an almost gutteral growl coming from katsuki and shiver in pleasure. I moan and squirm slightly feeling him slip another finger inside of me. He starts to pump in and out making me writh under him moaning. As soon as he slips another finger in he begins pumping some more and at this point I'm just a mess beneath him.  I feel katsuki pull out soon after and I whimper at the loss of contact but he gently pulls me closer lining himself up with my entrance making me purr quietly. Katsuki kisses me gently before Thrusting into me. I moan loudly as I feel myself tighten around him pretty soon after we're both sweaty and panting but that doesn't stop us and after our third round we finally start feeling the drowsiness setting in. I feel him thrusting into me and pleasure continues to spread through my body making me moan loudly. I feel him getting larger and know his knot is forming. "K-katsuki I'm gonna c-cum." I moan out having a difficult time forming words. "Go ahead baby" Kat says starting to pull out but I hold onto him keeping him in place "I-I want u to knot me p-please" I mumble quietly. Katsuki meets my gaze and nods gently before relaxing himself back into me. I cum on my stomach and moan quietly. Before I feel his knot fully grown inside of me and smile contentedly. I can feel myself slowly drifting off and pull a blanket over me. Before I fall asleep cuddled into katsukis side..

_______________________________________I am so sorry that chapter took so long to finish I have been so caught up in work lately! But thanks for reading! And please comment and vote nobody ever does but I love hearing from u guys! ❤️❤️❤️

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