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Shoto's POV.

After about 15 minutes I could tell everything was moving along. The pain had Increased and I was now just a panting mess. By the time the nurse said she needed to put me under so they could finish everything up I was totally ready for it. The numbness edged in as the nurse put the mask on me. And after that everything went dark...

Time skip...

I wake up to a bright light above me and I sigh but the intake feels light and easy rather than hard from the pressure on my lungs. I look down and see that my baby bump is gone I quickly remember the past few hours and tap a bottom letting a nurse know I'm awake. I see recovery girl come in smiling. "Hello Todoroki how are you feeling?" She asked still smiling. I smile back "I'm feeling alright just a bit tired" I say back and she nods jotting some things down. "Where are they...?" I ask looking hopeful. "They are in an area for the newborn children right now we decided to wait for you to wake before we Introduced either u or bakugo. We figured you would want to see his expression when he see BOTH of them" she says smiling brightly. I nod smiling. "Can you bring Kat on here now then?" I ask quietly she nods and leaves the room. I look around waiting for him to arrive. I like my stomach where I know the C-section was cut and it's slightly sore but I don't mind. I hear the door open and Kat comes in coming to my bed happily. I reach my hand out and he takes it happily. I smile as recovery girl comes in holding two babies in either arm. Kat heard the door open and turns around his focus going from one to the other confusion evident on his face "which one is ours and who's baby is that??" He asks clearly concerned. I laugh outwardly " there both ours love" I say and he turns his head to me looking me in the eyes confused until suddenly it seems to dawn on him. I smile and he follows suit getting up and grabbing the bothe of them hand one to me. "Aww hey baby.." I say gently caressing the sleeping child's face and just like that I knew I could not have been luckier....

3 years later....

I'm sitting in the kitchen making breakfast when I see a small child run through the kitchen door and hide behind my leg tears in his doe like eyes "mommy Katsuo is chasing me" the young boy cried clearly scared. I sigh knowing that Umito is more laid back and shy than Katsuo. Katsuo quickly rounds the corner but stops when he sees me "oh... Hi momma" he says smiling. Umito isn't having it tho and shrinks back further earning a step forward from Katsuo. I laugh knowing that there just a bit playful and they both look at me with those cute little eyes. "Hurry go tell daddy that mommy says to get in here and carry these to the table or sleep on the couch." I say and they both giggle running right back out the door I laugh slightly. I quickly hear footsteps approaching and katsuki rounds the corner smiling slightly. "Oh so Thai house runs on threats now huh?" He says leaning forward and kissing me gently. I kiss back and he leans back taking the food to the table before helping Katsuo and Umito sit in there chairs. I sit down and giggle when Umito pouts at his last piece of corn before stuffing it in his mouth. He stares down at his plate for a minute before Katsuo taps him in the shoulder lightly. "Here u go Umito." He says giving him another bite of his own corn I smile and lean my head on kats shoulder sighing happily. He seems quite happy himself as he continues to eat. After breakfast is finished we decide to go to the gardens since it's still very early considering we all wake up around 5:30 every day. It's about 7 when we get to the garden and I admire the beauty of it all remembering that I was relaxing in the same garden on the day that they were born. I watch as they both run around happily until Umito trips over a small rock and holds his knee tears pricking the corners of his eyes "oww.." he says his small voice trembling. I start over there but I'm quickly beat by little Katsuo who take the small pebble and throws it then stands all heroically and helps Umito up. I smile and take there hands knowing that they will always take care of each other. I feel Kat pick up Umito and quickly replace umtio's hand with his own graphing mine tightly I smiles and kiss him quickly while we continue to enjoy the garden. I feel a drop land on my nose and look up seeing the same tree from that day and I smile feeling happier than I ever gave before...

The End.


Omggggg that was sooo funnn!! Thanks for all the positive feedback I hope you all enjoyed this book! Love you all!! ❤️❤️❤️

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