Chap 2: Creepy x Number x 44

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He walked away, slightly irritated about the interaction, and made his way to a corner in the cave.
On his way, he notices the tall man who had walked up behind him at the door.
He was really quite the character..

Pink hair stood up with what he can only imagine took hours and tons of hairspray.

Matching pink rings made-up of who knows what strung around his neck and stomach in rows.
He was... Fashionable..?
It looked to be Haute couture so M/N probably didn't get it.

Nonetheless, the pink haired man stood confidently tall, his built body blocking where M/N was determined to sit. It was too bad for the man that M/N was not willing to give up a good spot.

"Excuse me."
He spoke above the noise.
He had always been told his voice could be heard in a crowd.
And it seems those who told him that were correct as the man's attention snapped to him right away.

His eyes held a lot.
He was quite the anomaly.

The man, in an insane sort of way, seemed to be aiming to sound seductive?

"I want to sit there. Move...please?"
M/N, in his very best attempt to stay out of trouble in his first hour, asked with a stretch of his manners—of which he had very little to spare.
He narrowed his eyes in response, a small quirk on the corner of his lips that M/N's eye flicked to for just a moment before he looked into his yellow eyes again.

"Interesting." His lips followed the quirk, a full and unpleasant smirk widening his decorated cheeks.

"Sure. Here you are~"
He moved just inches to the side, looking to the gap he gave and gesturing the smaller.

"Go right ahead."

M/N sneered and reminded himself of his goal, shoving his headphones back on and contorting himself to get the very least contact with the man.
All the while, Hisoka was thinking to himself.

He loved the glare on this kid..
It's like he didn't even notice that he had it, like he thought everyone was below him subconsciously.
He'd be waiting with baited breath for the day he could wipe that look off his face.

And this kid definitely wasn't ugly, that's for sure. His face was nicely formed, symmetrical -he'd weirdly noted- and he had nice eyelashes, almost.. seductive. He felt Illumi would love him..

On that, why had he stared into his eyes so long? It was like he couldn't look away.
Maybe he had fallen for him?

Wouldn't be the first time someone had on first glance~

Too bad he seemed to have potential..
He couldn't miss out on a good fight, no matter how far the boy had fallen.

All of these thoughts ran track simultaneously through the now stoic expressioned Hisoka whilst M/N sat in the corner, bag flush to the ground but close enough for him to place one of his arms over top it, to keep it safe.

His headphones didn't drown out the noise of the room entirely, as he wished they would, but it was enough for him to sit back and calm himself, no longer ruminating on the annoying others he had encountered upon just his entry.
He hoped this wouldn't become a theme.

♧                     ♢                     ♤                      ♡

After a suspiciously long time of unbothered relaxation, something unusual happened.
A loud echoing scream rang throughout the room, overshadowing the chatter.

Red petals flew gracefully throughout the air, littering the ground like glitter, some of which from the close vicinity to M/N, landed near to or on top of him.

He looked up, a striking amount of petals invading his eyeline. He followed their trail to the source, which so happened strange man that peeved him earlier.

He stood in front of a another constestant, a sickeningly sadistic grin on his face.
Said man was disintegrating, as it seemed, into the red petals that floated around him.

He quickly scurried up, out of the petals, attempting to avoid any touching him.

"My~ how truly unusual. This man seems to have turned into petals? How did that happen I wonder..?"
His eyes searched around, catching sight of
M/N to observe his reaction.

The same M/N who was swiftly avoiding the petals while he attempted to escape.
It almost looked like he was dancing.

How.. silly.


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