Chap 12: M/N's x The x Smartest!

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Again, contestants were upset by Menchi's idea, finding it just as ridiculous as they thought the original phase was.

It made M/N wonder how truly stupid these people must be.
It's meant to be challenging, not fun.
If it was for fun, M/N thinks they'd all be playing video games or something right now..
Not competitively cooking and walking hours through dirty humid halls and swamps.

Though they didn't have much of a choice if they wished to pass, so most contestants boarded the old man's ship, despite their feelings.

The ship floated without a hitch through the sky, its smooth pathing aiding M/N in taking a power nap during its journey.
Though it didn't feel like very long till he was being awoken by Gon, who shook him rapidly.

"We're here M/N! Wake uppp!!"
He had, at first, shook him by pushing only one of his arms, but was now grasping both his arms and dragging him back and forth.
He had almost clumsily knocked him over more than a few times.

"Gon! Leave him alone. If he wants to fail he can just stay here.."
Killua tapped the boy's shoulder, then gripped it, dragging him along.

As opposed to his cold words, Killua's eyes were glued on M/N's now slumped figure whilst he lead Gon through the large entrance.

Kurapika, who had taken to exploring the blimp with Leorio and was separated from the three, spotted M/N curled over near to the door and signalled to Leorio.

"Do you mind carrying him out? It'll do him no good if the ship leaves while we're all outside and he's still in it.."
Leorio scoffed then dragged the boy onto his shoulders, dumping him on the desert-like ground soon as he reached the exit.

♧                     ♢                     ♤                      ♡

M/N woke up to a mouthful of dirt.
He was sprawled across the ground next to the blimp he remembered just entering.
He groggily looked up to see Leorio and Kurapika walking away from his discarded form, Leorio arguing with the calm blonde.

Where the hell was he?

Well, he'd find that out when he catches up to his two acquaintances.
So he stumbled through the dirt, brushing all of it off of his clothing, -whoever dumped him here would have hell to pay if this stuff stained-, and ran his way to the figures whose backs were to him.

A blast of warm air hit M/N's face when he met up with the group.
Everybody was looking into a big crevice in the earth, Menchi the closest to its corners, seemingly explaining what it was.

He peeked over the edge, looking closely at the widely spread spider webs holding dozens of eggs from strong net-like webs.
It made him quite curious.
So, stupidly, he leaned in more.
He quickly lost his balance and almost fell into the ravine, if not for a hand gripping his sweater and tugging him back.

He thought about it for a second, looking behind him and expecting to see one of the four familiar faces that had been around him all too often throughout this test, though instead of a scolding, or even grinning face, there was no one to greet him at all.


Though it didn't matter much to the boy as he walked calmly from the edge towards Kurapika, who was standing but a few contestants away from him.

"Where are we?"
" 'Split mountain' I suppose. I think this phase has something to do with those eggs."

He pointed into the crevice, watching M/N follow his finger with his gaze.
M/N nodded as Kurapika went silent, waiting for Menchi's further instruction.
Though instead of instruction, the woman jumped off the edge, posing as though she was going to do a swan dive.

As embarrassing as it was to admit, M/N did worry for the woman for a second; perhaps she was looking to make a legacy? Jumping in front of all these people?
Though that evidently wasn't true as she grasped one of the webs and flung herself upwards.

"Oh. The draft.."
M/N muttered, receiving a look from Kurapika who thought he had been the only one to figure it out.

He dryly added.

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