Chap 3: Starting x The x Exam

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M/N was now safely away from the gross blood petals. He watched as a group of rather young-looking applicants received Tonpa's soda spiel, just as he did before.
It made him wonder if he should help...
Though rather than helping, it would be quite funny to mess with the annoying Tonpa...

So he put his plan to a start by setting out to walk by, pretending to have an objective, and sticking his leg out as he strode.
Though he didn't plan to wait for the fates to find Tonpa, instead M/N did the heavy lifting and swiftly kicked Tonpa's ankles with a brutal swing, reaping his reward in the satisfactory groan he gave as he almost ate the dirt on the floor below them.

"Woah. Hey!"
A briefcase bearing man in a suit, who towered far over him, yelled at the action.

"Say sorry! You just kicked him!"
He pointed to the scene, using it as evidence as if M/N didn't just do it.
M/N wanted to ignore him and continue to walk, but just from his tone M/N felt he was the 'determined' kind.
So he lazily kicked himself around, his gaze sharp.

"I'm doing you a favour."
He spit out, his vision catching on the abstract full-green outfit the smallest of the group was wearing.

"He wasn't bothering you. How about you take off your headphones and show some respect!!"
His finger flew scorningly through the air, accusatory and aggressive.

"What are you, 40? You think you'd learn to mind your own business after all those years..."
"I'm 19!" The group went silent and still as he continued.

"And even at my ripe age, I know common decency!"
"There's no way that's true. I'm 19."
"Leorio you're 19?? Really? Seriously?"
The little green-themed one said peering incredulously upwards at said '19' year old.

"It's not good to lie, Leorio."
The blonde calmly said, arms crossed perhaps disappointedly.

"You do."
M/N flatly answered.
The same blonde from before nodded along.

Tonpa watched as the four began to bicker, slowly stepping back and walking away from the group.

"Bye Mr. Tonpa!!"
The green-headed one yelled after him waving rapidly. He winced as the groups attention was brought his escape, and ran off, M/N scoffing and crossing his arms at the loss.

"Now look what you did! I was thirsty! You made me lose my drink."
"You would have been drugged though. Is it not a small price to pay for a slightly larger chance to pass?"

M/N looked up at the taller, his gaze imploring as the other went silent for a moment.

"You don't know that for certain!"
He exclaimed after his brows flew up in realization.

"Be stubborn then." M/N slipped his headphones back on to his ears, floating away from the group after nodding at the blonde, who he had to say he didn't mind.

♧                     ♢                     ♤                      ♡

At long last, a bell rang quietly throughout the room. In just a moment the entire room quieted and a wall reminiscent of a garage door slowly lifted.

In the middle, stood a man, his full head of periwinkle hair drawing the eyes and attention of the crowd.

In his hand, from a string, hung a green ball which stopped ringing soon as the door hit the ceiling and nicely disappeared, dust falling as it did.

M/N kind of liked him.

"I apologize for the delay."
He didn't have to speak loudly, his presence asserted itself over the room silencing most every applicant. His moustache wiggled as he spoke, it was almost laughable in contrast to the seriousness in his eyes.
But for M/N to laugh... he couldn't dare.
So he held himself back.

"Thank you for waiting. Since we will accept no further applicants, the hunter exam will now begin."
Many cheered, exhausted at the long wait, while others put on a serious attitude, aiming from the start to give this test all they had, and more.
Seemed easy to M/N though.. perhaps it was a skill issue amongst the few?

"One final word of caution, if you happen to be short on luck or ability, I recommend now that you make your way out. You could end up injured or dead. An elevator is behind you, if you wish to leave."
No one so as shifted at the information. Instead, continuing to stare straight ahead at the man in collective impatience.

"Then, very well. Let's begin. All 404 applicants will participate in phase one."
He swiftly flipped around, exaggeratedly swinging his arms as he did.

With the ability of a gymnast, one of his legs was thrown up into the air, ankle almost touching his forehead and he began to take rapid and rather silly-looking steps.
Those at the front filtered through the door to follow and the individuals who wished to catch up couldn't because of the long strides the purple-themed man took.

So this must be phase one.
Seems rather easy, doesn't it?


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