Chap 6: Creeps x Of A x Feather

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Regardless of the fact that the door was still open and people were still arriving, Satotz began to introduce the rest of the phase.

"This is milsy wetlands, or swindlers swamp, as the locals call it. We must cross it to reach phase two of the exam."

Just like Satotz relayed to Gon, there was more to the phase.
But did it need to be more running?
It was just a bother at this point.

Satotz then went into something of a Wikipedia-like tirade, about the inhabitants and state of the swamp.
But M/N's curiosity was only peaked when the examiner turned to face the crowd and a dark aura consumed him.

"If you're deceived, you will surely die."
Woof. Heavy stuff.
It's too bad M/N was an unfoolable genius.

As if on cue to the end of the examiner's words, the door began to close, a fellow contestant face planting just steps away from making it through it.

How unfortunate. But, not M/N's problem.

Ignoring the despair of the man behind the now-closed door, Satotz continued, his posture displaying his unsympathetic feelings towards the situation.
But M/N was tired of his long-winded explanations and his eyes began to wander.

Hold on.
Who's this guy?
Oh.. He's not actually a person.

Everybody else noticed him too, but only after 'he' yelled something in an unwavering and confident tone.
"That man is a liar! Don't believe his deceptions."
Very convincing little monster man.
"I am the real examiner!"

By whatever means, people began to believe the rougher-looking man peeking around the corner, while others stayed on the fence about the whole thing.
But even if M/N hadn't seen that he was a fake through his eyes, the scenario and overall behaviour of the guy raises its own flags.
Red ones.

And those flags only grew larger when he pulled out a literal and whole dead body.
But just like the one holding it, it was roughed up.
It was hairier for sure but M/N thinks they might be of the same breed?

"This is a man-faced ape. They love the taste of human flesh and this here,"
He rustled the body, a harsh grip on its fake Satotz hair.
"is exactly what the 'examiner' you're following is. An ape."

Varying shocked gasps echo each other throughout the group as M/N saw some start to violently shake.
These people are terribly impressionable, they won't last very long, he guesses.

Past M/N's face -too close for comfort- flew a playing card aimed directly at the 'real' examiner, speedily hitting one of his vitals and killing him instantly.

M/N follows the track of the card to see it came from the same man that was starkly dressed in card suites -it does make sense that he would utilize cards- staring at him fiercely whilst shuffling a pack.

"That settles it then. You're the real one.."
He smugly quips.

And of course, next to pinkie stood the purple-coloured man as well, because why would M/N ever have peace.

And now that M/N was really looking, it seemed they were sort of matching...
It was a creep union.

♧ ♢ ♤ ♡

The pinkie received a scolding from the examiner and the journey for phase two began, the task? Exactly the same as the first.
Keep track of Satotz, and run.

His footsteps stamped quiet on the soft grass while leading the group just like he had before.

A fog had settled thickly upon the trees, adding an unwelcome layer of humidity that made it all the more unpleasant.
And M/N was starting to notice the wetness on the grass as well, absolutely covering his ankles and shoes with dew.

This phase kind of sucks.


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