: the calm

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i can smell the comments on this one. enjoy ♥️ 

The office heard about the success of the IRS the next day. Patricia along with many others wondered if that meant it would be the end for Armin. He'd done well but he was only supposed to be here to fix things, and then you could get things back to the way they were; all women working in the office one more. It made sense, it was the original plan but, there was an uncertainty lingering in the air, and it continued until Friday, the weekend prompting action and conversations inside and outside the office.


"Well, have you left yet?", Carmella asked Armin. She hoped he did. He brought her coffee before she was off to work. It was her second day and she was a bit irritated that Armin hadn't even acted as if he cared, but she understood once he told her that the IRS cleared the company, even though that was days ago. She figured that his morning coffee run was his apology, but she was still giving him a bit of attitude, but not too much. Armin shook his head shrugging, "Haven't made any plans to, no...I'm just waiting on what she decides to do."

Carmella sighs, stirring her coffee a bit as Armin squeezed her other hand in his before sipping his own, watching her mind move. She knew that Armin didn't necessarily need to work there and that it was only supposed to be for a limited time. He'd done his job and she got fired from hers. So it made no sense for him to be there, especially if there was no discussion about a further role in the company. From Carmella's understanding, there wasn't. "I mean, it's not like you even need to be there anymore, she's bound to hire someone else. I'd leave when I could."

"Well, that's why I said I'm waiting on what she decides to do. Who knows, I could be promoted or let go. I'm going to let her make that decision.", Armin reiterated. He didn't have the patience to coddle her. Honestly, Armin was just as nervous as everyone else thinking about what you would do. Sure, him leaving would be great business-wise for the both of you, but then Armin would lose his primary access to you if he left, and he didn't want to do that. He wished Carmella would understand that, but she didn't. "Why wait on her? Just do what's best for you Armin it seems like this would be"

"To you, Carmella.", Armin cut off. "To you. I've already told you what I'm not going to do. Can we please move on?"

"God, forgive me for having an opinion, I'll be sure to never do that again."

"That's not what it is and you know it. I just don't like that you won't let it go."

"I mean--she is supposed to hate you. She doesn't like having men in the workplace that's how she is! She was mean as hell to you when you first got here, she'll replace you with some woman in a heartbeat so I don't see why you would stay and wait for her to do that!"

"I just brought the coffee and wanted to catch up, but I did not expect to come into a fucking interrogation," Armin muttered, finishing his coffee as he stood, holding his free hands up to her as the other threw the cup in the trash. "So with that, I think I'll leave.", he spoke curtly.

Carmella's eyes widened and she went to meet him at the door after he grabbed his keys and slipped on his shoes. "Look, I'll leave it alone, for real this time please just- don't just leave--", she trailed off, looking up at him as his stance didn't change. He pressed a kiss on her cheek forehead, before moving beside her, unlocking the door.

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