:despite it all

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"Is something wrong, Mr. Kirsten?"

Carmella looked at Jean. He seemed like he was alright, as much as a co-CEO could be. She didn't understand why he wanted to talk to her off record. Everyone had practically forgotten about her since she went to this job. Everyone except Connie, who'd given her a promotion within a month of being there, BEFORE he admitted to liking her. That had gathered some stares and jealous eyes, but despite the co-CEOs budding crush, Carmella had to work better, work harder than anyone else. Not for everyone else, but for her...and Connie.

What started as a slight need and retaliation hire (against you, of course) had budded into a genuine crush and desire for Carmella within Connie's being. He told Carmella he's talked to Jean about it, and he seemed alright with it, forever supporting his business partner. 

But what if that was a lie?

What if he called her in here to break it apart, hold her job and love life at opposite ends, and force her to choose? 

Carmella choose love before and she had been burned, badly. She didn't know if she could take that risk again, and it's way, despite the way she felt about Connie, it was harder for her to completely open up her heart. Not her legs though, those were easily opened time and time again by him, everywhere they weren't supposed to be.

"You were in a relationship with Armin before coming in here, weren't you?", Jean asks, interrupting her thoughts as she digested the question before nodding. "Yes, we were briefly together.", Carmella responded. Now she sees why he wanted to keep this off record. 

This was personal.

"Is he generally a good guy? Like, did he treat you right before you guys broke up and stuff?"

Carmella's brows furrowed in confusion before shrugging, shifting a bit uncomfortable. "Sure? I guess you could say that. He was a gentleman...he'd buy me pretty dresses and red roses-", Carmella stopped, the recollection of those times producing a sudden stress-induced headache. She visibly winced in remembrance. 

Everything  Armin did was never for her. It was for you. Even the dresses he had Carmella in, her hairstyle would somehow mimic yours the following week. Armin wasn't into dolls but he did see a beauty in women that caused him to treat them like one. Fixing up their look, making sure their aesthetic was met once he learned them. But for Carmella, his obsession and adoration with you made him create you in Carmella.

Carmella wanted to be honest with Jean, but fear crippled her. What Armin had done in the past only thinking that Carmella had said something putting you in jeopardy even though that wasn't the case; almost killing them both and totaling Connie's car due to explosion had cemented Armin's point time and time again.

"Yea, um...he didn't love me though, he loved someone else and I wish I hadn't spent that time being with him."

"Is there something you're not telling me, Carmella?"

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