Family (Chapter 12)

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A combination of the pounding headache you have and the sun shining through your window directly into your eyes causes you to stop your attempt at sleep. You spent most of the night just laying in bed listening to music. During your sleepless night you made the decision that there was no way you could show your face in the tower today. The events of yesterday were just too embarrassing for you to handle. You hate attention and there is no way you will get away with not being asked a million questions if you decide to leave your room.

Like you told Wanda last night, your bones were healed and you no longer had any sort of internal damage or a concussion. The only reminder of yesterday's debacle would be the pain that you feel all over your body. You've come to be able to handle and take a lot of pain, either from necessity or because you used it as a way to justify the negative feelings your head never let you escape. Understanding that in theory you shouldn't have to experience pain, in reality you can't bring yourself to believe that to be true. Pain is something that you feel you deserve and is the least you can put on yourself considering you somehow have made it this far in life and your family didn't.

Knowing you had no intention of leaving your room today you still decide to get up and take a shower and change into new clothes. Thankfully you have a shower in your room. Making your way to the bathroom you grab a sweatshirt, some sweat-shorts, a new sports bra, and some compression shorts (normal underwear sucks ok. I much rather wear men's compression shorts than women's underwear. Sue me).

Super hot showers have never been your thing, they always made you feel like your skin was burning when the hot water grazed it. In general, you hate being hot so a hot shower is more a form of torture than it is relaxing. Because of this, you turn the shower as warm as you can and give it a minute to heat up as you brush your teeth.

Before getting in the shower you take your phone out of your pocket and put on some music, not wanting it to be too loud since it still is early and you know Yelena wouldn't be awake yet. You place your phone as close to the shower as possible and keep it at a low volume. Shuffling songs from Rex Orange County, you get into the shower and do your best to scrub away the embarrassment and general anxiety/stress that riddles your body from yesterday.

You hardly slept last night, the music emitting from your headphones and your thoughts kept you company as you laid silently in your bed. Continuously replaying the fight in the training room, Yelena cleaning your wounds, and the conversation you had with Wanda after. The only time you escaped the pain and embarrassment from the day is when your mind allowed you to remember the movie night you had with Yelena.

She has no idea how much I appreciate her.

The music from your phone pulls you back from your spiraling thoughts as the song changes to the next one. The brief relief of not overthinking was quickly cut short when you remembered what Wanda said last night.

Shit. I caused Wanda to feel like she is a monster. I would never want anyone to feel that way, especially her. I have already seen with Jessica how badly that this association of powered people and being labeled a monster or uncontrollable can hurt someone first hand. The city crucified Jessica until they needed her. I don't want that to happen to anyone else. I don't want Wanda to ever feel that way.

Finally shaking your thoughts, you end your shower and get changed into the clothes you picked out earlier. Unfortunately you have no food or water in your room, and definitely no coffee, but there is no way you're going to the kitchen. At this point, it's now late enough in the morning that people will be awake.

Sliding back into bed you place your headphones over your head and cover your ears. You have multiple sets of headphones but your over the ear headphones are your safety blanket of sorts. They engulf you completely in the music and block out the world around you. They literally have noise cancellation.

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