Little Widow (Chapter 14)

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After Wanda left with Vision last night you decided to stay in bed and finish the movie you both started. After finishing a second movie the tiredness started to kick in since you didn't sleep much the night before. Pushing yourself out of bed you change into a sleep shirt, you head to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face.

Sliding back into bed you let the tired feeling overtake your body and the next thing you know it's 6:00am the following morning. You ended up falling asleep so early last night that your body just naturally woke you up. Deciding to take advantage of your early day, and still not fully wanting to be around everyone just yet, you quickly jump in the shower and get ready so you can head to Alias.

By the time the elevator doors close behind you, sending you to the lobby, it's only 7:30am. Luckily nobody ventured out of their room so you didn't have to let anyone know what you were doing or talk about how you were feeling today.

On your way to Alias you stop and grab a coffee and a bagel from a shop nearby. Thankfully this time around the elevator doors didn't get stuck once you arrived and you were able to get out without having to punch anything. Sliding your keys into the door, you make your way to your desk and finish eating your bagel before opening your computer.

Just as you had assumed, client requests have slowly trickled to a stop since Jessica wasn't around. You still get a couple emails a week but not nearly enough and not nearly as many as you had before. Deciding to take on a client's case that just emailed you yesterday, you pull out the needed materials to get the paperwork portion out of the way and call up the client.

After about a 15 minute conversation you have the details necessary to pursue their request. It's nothing special, and not anything you haven't done a million times already. The client has a suspicion that their brother-in-law is cheating on their sister. In fact, the client thinks the brother-in-law has a whole second family. Lucky for you, the brother-in-law in question lives in the city and the potential secret family of theirs also lives a few hours away. Which means you won't have to travel too far for this one.

The client informed you that the brother-in-law tends to leave every 3-5 weeks and will be gone for 1-2 weeks at a time. Right now he is at home (with the client's sister) but he plans to leave on another "business trip" in a week or so. That means for now, you wait until the client reaches back out with exact dates of the husband-in-laws "business trip".

It's only about 1pm now. All of your emails and client requests have been responded to and you've already sat in every room in the office, trying to waste time. Pulling out your phone to scroll through social media, you notice you have some texts from Yelena.

Yelena: Hey. Where the hell did you go?

Yelena: You always seem to sneak out from this place.

Yelena: and you do it without me.

Y/N: I somehow woke up extremely early today so I decided to head to Alias to get some work done. I will probably be back in a few more hours.

Y/N: Try not to miss me too much, babe ;)

Yelena: Cool it

Yelena: But you should mentally prepare because Nat thinks we all need a night in to have some fun. Which means you will be drinking with me tonight. Get ready.

Y/N: You, my little widow, are the one that needs to get ready. We both know as much as you think you can, you can't hang with me when it comes to alcohol.

Yelena: Don't call me that y/n

Y/N: What? You don't like me calling you, little widow????

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