Stars (2)

495 11 2

Jake was out of his mind with worry.

He managed to continue with his duties as an idol, although every moment he was distracted with possibilities and dilemmas about Bella. He wondered if she was okay, if she was eating properly, what he did to hurt her so badly that she locked herself away from them for almost a week.

When he knocked on her door that first morning, his intention was to ask how her night with TXT was and smooth over anything his members could have said about him missing her. Of course they were right, but she couldn't know that. He wanted to leave her room with a satisfied mind and that little spark in his heart glowing like it always did after he interacted with her. 

Instead, he left with the leaden weight of knowing he hurt Bella yanking at his consciousness. She had completely ignored his attempts to communicate, and if it was only once in the morning he could chalk it up to her sleeping in a bit. 

It wasn't just once in the morning though. It was multiple times through the day, every day for fours days so far. Jake could feel it, this was because of him and he had no idea why.

Maybe he made Bella uncomfortable with all the cuddles and possible flirting? Maybe she was hiding from them because she realised she was the only girl among seven famous, handsome boys? 

He flipped his hair out of his eyes and watched his reflection in the mirror of the practice room. Not gonna lie, he was kinda hot. Immediately he averted his eyes while cringing at himself, the thought of the face in that mirror belonging to someone who hurt Isabella one he couldn't stomach.

"Hey Jake, you've been practicing for a while. Want to come help Jungwon and I make cookies?" Sunoo didn't want to express it too obviously, but he was extremely concerned about his friend.

"Oh yeah, sure." Jake absent mindedly started the music again, heading back to the centre of the room to run the dance again.

"Jake I asked if you wanted to help us make cookies." Sunoo paused the music, placing a hand on Jake's shoulder. "And now it isn't a question, Jungwon wants you to make cookies with us."

The older boy looked blankly at the wall. "Oh, sorry. Yeah I'll come make cookies with you." He shot the smaller boy an even smaller smile before following him out the door.

"Hey hyung, glad you could make it." Jungwon grinned at Jake before gesturing to the bench next to him. "Can you measure out the sugars and put them in the mixer when you're done?" Jake nodded.

He measured out the 1 1/4 cups of brown sugar and the 1/2 cup of caster sugar before dumping them into the mixer. Sunoo finished cutting up the butter, and Jungwon turned the mixer on. The way it all churned together in a messy blob sort of reminded Jake of his feelings right now; a mess, but hopefully would become something beautiful in the end. It had to, right?

"Okay, now the eggs, vanilla, cornflour and chocolate chips. I feel like I'm forgetting something... Oh yeah." Jungwon listed off his fingers before sending Jake and Sunoo to collect the rest of the ingredients from the fridge. They added it all in, dumping almost triple the amount of chocolate listed into the bowl and mixing until it looked like edible dough.

"I'll put it in the fridge!" Sunoo eagerly placed it in to cool for an hour, and Jake turned to Jungwon.

"What now?" The leader looked sadly back at him, mustering a smile.

"We make jajangmyeon for Izzy and hope she eats it." Jake blinked slowly.

"Okay." They set up around the kitchen again, gathering necessary ingredients and turned on the stove top to cook the noodles in the boiling water.

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