Chapter Three. Walking Travesty

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// Alright, so I f*cked up super badly by skipping a chapter but I guess we'll roll with it(?)

Thanks so much for the nice comments and for calling me your favourite author, I really just try to write stuff different to what's already been done.

But annyway, thanks for reading and leaving your comments, enjoy it and sorry it's still such a short one!


Izzy had been locked inside her bedroom for a few hours now, Gi was worried, and she knew sometimes her cousin needed time off and away from people; she was very sensitive and at some moments she needed to step back and take a breath, but there was something different about this. Gi had noticed from the day before that Izzy was quiet, that she kept reading and re-reading the same page of her book over and over again as she patted her cheek in an attempt at concentrating, but her mind was somewhere else.

Izzy's mind was back in her first night at the centre, when she tried to fall asleep in that ugly foreign bed. She had failed to keep the tears from falling so she had cried for almost the entire night, thinking that she could never forgive Bill for giving her the wrong idea, she had felt used and she had felt rejected; none of which she needed to feel in that particular moment. After a while, Izzy could understand why he did what he did, why he let her go, because as much as she had felt like he had abandoned her, in all reality he had let go of her. Izzy finally understood that he must have really cared if he was able to leave her even after she yelled at him that she would never forgive him.

She did forgive him.

And now she regretted it.

In her mind, they would have a friendly conversation and she would be able to thank him for what he did when they saw each other again; but what had happened the day before had been something completely unexpected. A cold shoulder and a cold stare accompanied by a couple of words pronounced as rudely as possible. She felt rejected all over again, she felt abandoned and although she knew how to deal with it, she had trouble accepting that they had become strangers. Izzy was not a teenager anymore; she wasn't stupid and could realize that he didn't want anything to do with her anymore. But it hurt. It hurt that he could forget how much he meant to her.

"Izzy?" Gi's voice broke the silence in her room as she knocked. "Izzy, is everything alright?"

She was sitting now near the window looking down at a picture she had taken of the view from her room back in the Netherlands, it showed the garden from the window down and the colours in the image helped her feel better. Izzy had to be honest and accept her feelings so she could let go of that what hurt her, so she replied with her tired voice:

"No. But I just need some time." She said.

"Some time?" Gi opened the door a little bit and stared at her from the doorway. "May I?" Izzy turned to her and nodded.

Gi closed the door behind her and sat down in front of her cousin. She had seen the picture she was staring at and she knew it had something to do with her feeling down.

"Do you want me to call someone?" Gi asked her with worry; it seemed that Izzy was having it harder this time. The blonde shook her head. "Do you want to tell me anything?"

"I..." She was quiet for a few minutes and Gi waited patiently. "I met my friend. The one I told you about." She said. Gi didn't know it had anything to do with boys, but this caught her attention. "I thought he'd be happy to see me. I was!" She looked at her, the blue eyes looking dull with disappointment. "He barely spoke a word to me. He was so distant, so cold."

"Well...things happened while you were away from each other, right? Maybe this wasn't the right time and I mean...Izzy, he's just the first guy you'll fall for, we don't always get it right on the first try!" Gi tried to cheer her up. "He's not ready for you and you don't have to wait for him."

"It still makes me sad." She admitted, feeling so much like a little girl.

"It would make me sad too." Gi replied. "How about we go out for dinner tonight?" Gi smiled at her cousin, hating to see her on such a miserable state.

"Will you bring your boyfriend?" Izzy didn't enjoy being the third wheel. Gi nodded.

"But you..." She brought out her phone and put it in front of her. "You are bringing someone too."

Izzy grabbed the iPhone and looked at the screen, the contact was already opened and she just had to press on the "call" button. She shook her head.

"I don't want him to believe it's some sort of date..."

"Well, dah! It is!" Gi chuckled.

", you know I don't like these things. I've never been on a date with a guy"

"I will be there! It's perfectly fine, come on!" Gi begged. "It will be fun!"


There had been a report early in the morning, a body had been found near the campus and it was believed it was Albert Fruhman. Bill went down to the forensics' office with Georg to clear things out.

It was, indeed the young man's body. It looked bad but everyone in the cold room had seen bodies in worse conditions.

"So now we're investigating a murder." Bill sighed. For once he wished he didn't have to find so many murderers. "Fucking perfect."

Georg and Bill would have to wait for the full toxicology and autopsy reports.

"He must have been in some trouble, why would a law student get killed?" Georg said as they stared down at the decomposing body.

Bill went back to the station and found Tom talking on the phone. He was writing some information so he didn't bother him, but he waved.

Tom was usually on robbery cases, this time because of the conversation Bill could overhear he thought it was a stolen car case. He didn't like to take the murders or the more violent cases, he had enough with the stories Emma told him. She was still working in sexual crimes and much to everyone's surprise; she was also still Tom's girlfriend.

"Hey, are you gonna cheer up already?" Tom yelled at his brother as he typed something into the computer, he was now going to try and make a suspects' list.

"What do you mean?"

"Reed, you're all grumpy I know you saw Elizabeth last week." Tom said. "If she was kinda cute, she's actually-"

"Don't fucking say it." Bill turned on his chair and cut Tom off, he smiled and Bill knew he had just given him what he wanted.

"Alright, now, here's a picture of her. You might like to keep it." He threw a newspaper at his face. "

"It's funny, I can never bother him with anything else but when I talk about Izzy Collins..." Georg said as he stepped on the brothers' conversation.

"He says he doesn't have time to date, but I bet that he'd find time to go out with her if he wasn't so goddamn proud." Tom told him.

"Get back to work, would you?" Bill turned back to the screen with annoyance. 

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