Chapter Fifteen. Just Like Runaways

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Izzy stepped in the car and let out a loud sigh.

"So how's the baby?" Bill said as he started the car. "You were in there for a while."

"I got remitted to another doctor, because apparently I am not pregnant and I might need to check my stomach." She explained without any signs of amusement. "You have no idea how weird that went..."

"Well no, and I really don't feel curious, Elizabeth." Bill said with his eyes on the road.

"Not that I would tell you..." She blushed, but Bill couldn't see that. "Anyway, I got something. Caroline Jensen's got a sort of Leukaemia called chronic myeloid leukaemia and..."

"I'm not a doctor, you know? I have no idea what that is."

"Google it then, but listen: she has taken one session of chemotherapies and in her file there is a little is information about her sister, Barbara; she's the one who's going to give her the marrow transplant."

"Wow, how far that file did you read?" Bill was astonished.

"To the end." Izzy said. "She's still in the first stage or that's what I gathered... Bill, she's is hiding it from her husband."

"And therefore from us..." Izzy nodded. "Alright, we'll ask her about it."

"Yes, we should talk to her in private before blowing her cover." She rubbed her eyes and leaned back on the seat. "I'm thinking some disappointed mother might have taken him."

"But then, what's with the man's calls?" Bill turned to look at her when he stopped at a red light. Izzy was leaning back on the seat with her eyes closed, looking tired as she blinked and tried to keep awake. "I'll take you home. You should get some rest."

"No, you have the tact of a donkey..." She complained. "That's why Schafer wanted me to work with you."

The two arrived at the Jensen's home a little while afterwards and Georg, who was still there got to sit with the husband as Izzy asked Caroline to talk in private.

"What is it detectives?" She asked, looking between Bill and Izzy. She looked pale and fragile but the blonde pair couldn't figure if it was because of her illness or because of her missing child.

"We found some interesting information in your desk in the office." Izzy said. She sat down with Caroline in the kitchen table. Bill was standing behind her with his arms over his chest. "Caroline, we need to know everything so we can find Henry on time."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She stared up at Bill in confusion. Izzy reached over the table to take hold of Caroline's hand. The woman looked down at the hand that kindly covered hers and then her reddened eyes met Izzy's tired blue ones.

"Why have you visited so many doctors?" Izzy asked quietly and Caroline looked at the doorway before she spoke equally quietly.

"Please don't tell Ruben." She let out a sigh. "He'd be destroyed if he found out, especially now..." Izzy waited patiently, giving the woman's hand a light squeeze. Bill saw her and thought she was indeed very smooth. "I got diagnosed with leukaemia; a sort apparently easy to cure. I was going to tell Ruben the day I went to the doctor after my first chemo."

"When was that?" Bill asked severely.

" was the day Henry disappeared. I didn't want to say it front of Ruben, but... I didn't know it was that important!" She said.

"Don't worry, we're not going to tell him; but Caroline...I will make sure to find Henry, but you have to make sure he's got a mum and a dad to come home to." Izzy gave Caroline's hand a last squeeze. "You can't do this without Ruben."

Bill drove Izzy back to her place and when they took the lift up he was looking at her with an odd expression – she thought –. Izzy smiled and turned at him.

"What is it?" She said.

"You said something about marriages... why?" Izzy let out a sigh.

"Because sometimes I wonder if my mother ever loved my father... he just seems like such a hard man to love."

"For some reason, those are just...fathers." Bill shrugged. "Tom and I don't get along with our own father either. I mean mom married this...amazing man and he raised us as if we were his own; I guess...he's the only man I look up to." Bill said obviously deep in thought. "But our father... I would never call him dad. He is only a man I share genes with."

"That's harsh." Izzy said and the doors opened. "But at least you do have a dad who cares." She said. "I used to have that, but I think he died when I should have."

"Don't say that." They walked into the hall and Izzy looked for her keys as she shook her head.

"You and I know I was meant to die then." Izzy kept going through her bag looking for the keys.

"Elizabeth, you have no idea how wrong you are." Bill said a little angry at the way she was talking about herself. "I would have taken that beating for you if I had been given the chance." Izzy chuckled bitterly.

"Do you remember that time...when you stopped me in the rain and I was all wet from it?" Bill nodded after a few minutes, he vaguely remembered that, but in her mind it was always very clear. "I had been waiting all day in school so I could go back home and take a whole bottle of sleeping pills..." She touched the keys in the bottom of her bag, but she pulled her hand away. "And then you let me stand under your umbrella and when I was getting beaten all I could think was: "I should have taken the pills when I could." I kept telling myself that I wasn't meant to live that long."

"I thought you were over this." Bill told her with a knot in his throat.

"Well step on the line, behind my father...because I haven't. And I don't think anyone will ever understand how it feels when no one's here to distract me. Believe me; I don't have that many friends."

Bill stared at her and she stared back for a couple of minutes before she decided to take the keys out of her bag and open the door, but Bill stopped her when she put the key on the keyhole.

"No, don't look away." Bill cupped her face and made her stare back at him. "I told you I could read you just didn't understand you." He smiled a small smile at her. "I can now, I think..."


"You're bleeding." Bill said. "You used to be so afraid of everything, but I couldn't see it. I thought you were traumatized. Izzy, you've never been sick. You've been hurt. You've been scared – you still are!" Bill leaned down a little bit. "You never needed any recovery centre."

"I needed you." She whispered and Bill nodded and pressed his lips on hers softly, almost as if he didn't want to; but the feeling of her kiss was something he couldn't overlook too easily.

"And I need you." He said with his eyes closed as he was still so close to her. She took a step back and turned to the door, leaving Bill standing there with confusion.

"I know I still do too, but..." She said. "I can't." She ran inside and closed the door quickly so Bill wouldn't have time to ask her to wait. 

// I'm sorry that this is so short, it just turned out like that!

But the next one has some unexpected things and you'll love it (I hope)

Thank you so much for reading, voting and leaving your comments! //

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