Chapter Thirty Two. Don't forget.

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// Today I am listening to Demi so... here's one of my favourite songs from her along with the chapter, tomorrow will be the last upload for this story and I hope you like the way things are coming together! //

Izzy was out of the hospital that same day and she didn't have to deal with Philip until the day her father and Martin – one of Graham's best lawyers – went with her to meet her husband. They had conceded him nothing for the divorce but he didn't have anything to say since he really wasn't in a position to do it, he was also facing a lawsuit now and Graham Collins was not going to let go of the young Parker man until he didn't have a life in London and he was glad to know that he would succeed eventually.

While he helped his daughter get her life together, Graham made no attempts at explaining anything to her while Eryn was happy to find out that her father wasn't a complete stranger, Izzy still felt hurt and if it hadn't been for Bill's support she would have distanced herself from both: Eryn and her father.

Izzy had taken her cousin's offer of moving back to the apartment with her and they got along perfectly regardless of the fact that Izzy had forgotten what it was like to live in an apartment with a dog and a roommate. But she was sleeping very well now that she was able to lock herself in her room. Eryn was happy to go freely to visit her sister now, although Gi still looked at her in a funny way whenever she was at their apartment.

"I feel like I need to meet the entire family..." Eryn said as she sat with Gi, they were waiting for Izzy to be back from that last meeting with the lawyers and Philip, the past couple of months had been a mess and Izzy had been close to failing her classes, although with Eryn's and Gi's constant support she made it. Bill tried to be there for her, but she asked him not to call her until she was done with finals, she didn't need the distraction and he understood so the day her finals were over a tall man with a perfect single orange tulip in his hand had appeared at her door.

"Oh, please it is only Chris, Felix and me. And you've met Joe: he's a complete idiot." Gi replied.

"But I think I should meet them, Izzy is always talking about how much she loves you, you know?" Gi's brow furrowed as she shook her head. "Oh, she adores you all. It's Graham she's never too happy to talk about."

"I was never very close to her when we were kids but I know Uncle Graham is discrete." The blonde nodded and she looked at the furry animal sleeping on Gi's lap. She found the animal ridiculous in size, but cute.

"I need food, do you mind?" Eryn pointed at the kitchen and the brunette shrugged.

"Help yourself." Eryn was usually hungry, she was just always eating.

When Izzy opened the door and walked inside she was smiling.

"Look at my hand! No ring!" She yelled as Gi got up from the couch.

"Oh, congratulations!" Gi went up to her and hugged her while Eryn congratulated her too with her mouth full of crisps.

"Thank you! I'm so relieved!" Izzy smiled looking up at the ceiling. "And dad was awesome, he said this really serious stuff to Philip and he looked so, so, so stupid when he heard him, it was so good!"

"Tell us all about it!" Eryn said as she put the crisps down on her lap while sitting down on the couch.

"Eryn, have you gained weight?" Eryn looked down at herself and shrugged.

"Have you?"

"I know I have." Izzy said as Gi still felt confused whenever those two talked, it was as if they had their one thing going on and she didn't get it.

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