Chapter Twenty Eight. Life Is Cynical Despite Your Heart of Gold

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// This one is a little more... cheerful? I hope... 

By the way, Lea is pronounced Leh-ah.//

Izzy had grown tired of waiting for a phone call, luckily for her Lea hadn't said a word to Philip, who'd apologized again about her hand when he was back home from the office, she had accepted his apologies without really accepting them.

When the morning came she was out of bed early, Lea wasn't in the kitchen and Philip was sound asleep next to her so she got changed quickly before anyone noticed she was awake, she sent Bill a text hoping he'd see it soon and lost no more time, taking her car keys she went to the garage and got on her car, the same one her father had given her and in which Marco always drove her.

Izzy didn't mind at that moment that she could be doing something illegal or reckless, she'd just had enough and if this was the only thing she could solve, she'd do it. Izzy's plan was very simple, although it was also very reckless: going into Matthew Godfrey's home without him noticing and looking for clues, she was sure that he was hiding something if not someone, but she still needed to figure it out and because Schafer wasn't allowing the detectives to get into his business, too worried that this would ruin the case.

But Izzy wasn't scared, not of this; she parked the car a couple houses away from the house and then walked to it, going through the front door was too risky so she decided to check the windows or sneak through the backdoor.


Bill woke up to the sound of the phone; he turned and got out of bed, ignoring his phone for a few minutes as he went to the bathroom. He grabbed his phone and walked to the kitchen on his underwear as he read the text; he stopped and leaned on the kitchen counter when he finished reading the text. He texted Izzy back; telling her to stay out of Godfrey's house and wait for him. Bill let out a sight and dropped the phone on the counter as he ran his hand across his face, waiting for the coffee to be ready.

Bill turned back around and went to his room, getting in the shower quickly before putting on some clean clothes, he went back to the kitchen thinking how Izzy didn't realize how dangerous it was for her to get in that house, by now it was clear that Matthew and his girlfriend Paget we in the business of drugs and Bill wouldn't like to see her hurt, besides if he understood right what she had said to him when he went to talk to her, Philip was going to be very angry if he found out what she was doing at that moment.

He looked at his phone before taking a sip from his coffee, there was no response from her; there was a loud knocking on the door, Bill put the coffee down and went to answer that. Philip pushed him aside when he opened the door.

"What are you-?" Bill looked outside before closing the door.

"Where is she? Tell me where is she?" Philip looked around the messy apartment and Bill had to take a couple of deep breaths before replying.

"If you're talking about Izzy I'm sorry to disappoint you, she's not here." He pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to keep his cool, sometimes remembering he had a gun on his belt helped him stay calmed, and sometimes he just refused to use it as he also preferred to throw a punch at people like the man standing in his living room. "And how did you get here?"

"Don't like to me Kaulitz, I know she's here." Philip said. "Elizabeth!" He yelled around as he went to the kitchen, making Bill feel more and more angry by the second.

"She's not here; now get the fuck out before I arrest you!" Bill warned him. Philip pushed him aside.

"Then where? Where else could she be?" Philip yelled at his face.

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