Chapter Nine. Back to Us

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Would it be too much if there was a really intense...thing happening between two characters? As in them "doing the do"??? Please tell me in the comments!


Bill decided he'd given her enough time, a week to recover from that little break down of hers was enough for her to be able to know about Eryn. Bill had to tell her, because he was sure, Graham Collins had no interest in telling her daughter about it.

Bill found the address very easily and drove down to the apartment building on a wealthy neighbourhood. He knocked on the door and waited as patiently as he could for the door to open. A girl with dark hair received him, she was a lot smaller than him, but by now Bill was used to almost everyone around him being shorter than him.

"Yes?" She didn't open the door entirely.

"I'm detective Kaulitz, is Elizabeth here?" He asked with his hands in his pockets.

"Perhaps. Let me check." She closed the door on his face and then opened it with a smile on her face. "A little joke detective. Come in."

Bill let out a sight and chuckled unamused, he thanked the girl as she stepped aside to let him in.

"My cousin's in the kitchen, she's been feeling under the weather since yesterday." The girl walked in front of Bill to the kitchen in the back. "I'm Giovanna-by the way."

"Nice to meet you." Bill said out of courtesy.

"But for real, she's... she's been weird, my cousin has a way of dealing with stuff on her own and... Please, don't push her." She stopped and turned back to look at Bill's eyes. He nodded.

"I need to talk to her in private, but I won't push it." He explained as he motioned for the yellow folder under his arm.

"Right, the investigation." She nodded. "Nice to meet you, Kaulitz." She said and turned to the other side, going into her room.

Bill went into the kitchen and saw Izzy sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of hot chocolate in her hand and a newspaper in the other one as she read an article. She was still wearing her pyjamas and had her hair tied to the side on a long braid. She blinked and turned to drink from the cup but her eyes shot up to look at him.

"What...?" She put the cup and the newspaper down.

"I'm sorry, Giovanna let me in." Bill pointed back as Izzy straightened up in her seat. "I need to talk you."

"It's not a good time." Izzy told him, her eyes agreed with her words. Bill walked to the table and sat in front of her, feeling like he hadn't seen her like this ever, he knew the scared little girl but this...he didn't even had a name for this person in front of him.

"Are you still...?" She shook her head and he didn't finish his sentence.

"I am tired." She explained. "I just get tired sometimes."

"Well, you have to pick yourself up because I need you to hear this." Bill said and she looked away. "Have you ever met Felicity Fuller?" Izzy shook her head.

"Is this about my mother?" Izzy frowned. "She's dead; I don't need to hear anything else about her."

"She is. But Felicity, have you met her?" Bill insisted. Izzy shook her head again. "Doesn't the name ring a bell?"

"It's..." Izzy shrugged. "It's my mother's last name." Bill nodded.

"Yes, you mother had only one sister. Felicity." Izzy sighed and turned her head to the side. "Your mother wasn't the only one with trouble to conceive." Izzy got up.

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