2- What It Takes To Be A Hero

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Koko has been walking for the past 10 minutes when she spots Katsuki. She runs over to him as he spots her.

"Oh here she is. The bitch is so stupid, hanging out with a nerd like that damn Izuku" one of his lackey's says as Kacchan turns around and glares at them.

"Shut the hell up, you idiots! Go away if you're going to talk to her like that" Katsuki says as Koko walks to him.

"Hey Kacchan, have you seen Deku anywhere?" she asks as Kacchan's lackey's leave the two of them.

"Why would I even walk within two metres of that nerd?" he asks as Koko sighs.

"I'm serious Kacchan. We had a run in with a monster earlier but he ran off pretty quickly and I don't know where he's gone" she said as he folds his arms.

"Look, if he really is in trouble, just hope that a hero finds him and saves his quirkless ass" Kacchan says as Koko chuckles.

"You really don't change do you? Why do you hate him so much? What did he do to you?" Koko asks as Kacchan looks at her.

Koko freezes up as she sees the monster from earlier.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asks as he holds her shoulder.

"Kacchan run" she says as she grabs his hand.

The two of them manage to get a few metres before Kacchan's hand slips from her grasp. Koko spins on her foot and looks at Kacchan who is starting to get suffocated by the monster. Koko sees his hand free so she runs and grabs it. She starts to pull as she uses her earth quirk to keep her legs in place. The monster sees this and hits Koko out of the way as she hits the wall behind her. Kacchan calls out to Koko as the monster covers his mouth again. Koko gets up and runs to the monster. It goes to hit her again but Koko puts up a wall of vines which the monster smashes through easily. The monster goes to hit her once again but she puts her arm up, stopping the monster from getting to her with a telekinesis wall. Koko goes to grab Kacchan's hand.

"Koko, stop, go find help" Kacchan says out of breath.

"I'm fine on my own" she says as she sighs.

Koko is about to run towards the monster when she is pulled away. One of the local heroes pulls her behind him.

"Keep away young girl, it's too dangerous" he says as he stands in front of her.

"I'm strong, I can help you, please. He's my best friend" she says as the man puts his hand up in front of her face.

The hero runs to the monster and is about to punch the monster when the monster grabs him and starts to try and pull him in. Koko sends her vines shooting from her fingertips and she grabs the ends, pulling the hero back out of the grip of the monster. The monster has finally got a hold of Kacchan enough that he can use his quirk. He raises a hand and then lands one of Kacchan's explosions. Koko puts her arm up and blocks the explosion.

"If the monster gets a hold of any of you, it can absorb you and your quirk" Koko says as the heroes look at her in shock of her skills.

"What's that kid's quirk and why is it so powerful?" one of the heroes asks.

"The sweat on his body can be used to create explosions. It's a combination of both of his parents' quirks" Koko says as they look over at Kacchan.

"Koko!" Kacchan yells, finally moving his head out of the grip of the monster, "use your fire quirk. If you melt the monster to the point it can't keep it's form, you can use your water quirk to manipulate it".

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