3- Roaring Muscles

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Author's POV
"Young man, you too can be a hero" All Might says he points his finger at Deku, "my power, is yours to inherit".

Deku suddenly stops crying, as both Deku and Koko look at each other, and then at All Might, their faces completely blank.

"What do you mean by inherit?" Deku asks as All Might folds his arms.

"Wow, your faces" All Might says, trying to hold back his laughter, "don't worry. I'm not going to force my power upon you. You must listen to everything I am about to tell you, very carefully" All Might says as they both nod, "the name of my power is One For All. My quirk gives me the ability to stockpile power and then pass the power down through generations, the power becoming progressively stronger the longer it is passed down. Everyone believes that I'm a natural born hero, but the truth is, I wasn't born with this power, It was passed down from my teacher before me, Nana Shimura. The whole world needs to think that I'm a hero with no flaws, but I'm nothing like that. My time as the world's symbol of peace is running short, and I need a successor. I believe you could be that successor young man".

"Hold on a minute, this is a lot to process. It's a lot of responsibility" Deku says as he starts to ramble on.

"Does he do this often?" All Might asks as he walks next to Koko.

"This is just his way of coping" Koko says as All Might nods.

"Uh stop geeking out" All Might yells as Deku gets up from the ground, "I can transfer my power to you".

"Why would you choose someone like me to give this kind of quirk to? What if I can't live up to the quirk?" Deku asks as All Might sighs.

"I've always been looking for a worthy successor and then I saw you jump into action. You may just be a quirkless fanboy, but you jumped into action like a hero would when someone needed help" All Might says as Deku starts to cry.

"Jesus, you've got to stop crying if you want to inherit my power" All Might says as Deku looks at All Might.

"I'll do it" Deku says as Koko smiles.

"That's what I like, what I expected, zero reluctancy" he says with a bright smile.

--- the next day ---

Koko is sitting at the table of her house, eating some instant noodles when her phone rings. She flips her phone over to show the screen. Deku is calling her.

K: What's up Zuki?
I: My training with All Might starts tomorrow.
K: Oh cool.
I: The thing is, I have to stick to a bunch of routines and a bunch of diets and schedules for the next ten months, so I might not be able to see you much before the entrance exam.
K: That's okay, if it's what you need to do in order to become stronger. I'll wait for you okay? Just let me know when you're free to meet up.
I: I will do. Quick question, do you really still have to go through the entrance exams, even if you got in through recommendations. You got second in the entrance exam right?
K: Yeah but I don't mind. It's something to do with watching all the examinees in the same arena to see the potential of each student. Apparently it's that easier to divide them into classes.
I: Strange but I'm not going to question it since it's U.A. I guess I'll see you when I can.
K: Yeah, see you.

Koko hangs up the phone as she looks at the letter in front of her. It is a letter from All Might.

Dear Young Yagami,
Thank you for helping me that day. I don't think I would have been able to step in and help if you and Young Midoriya hadn't have stepped in like you did. You truly have the heart of a hero. I am writing you this letter to let you know that I talked about you with Young Midoriya and he told me about your quirks. You are a special child with brilliant power and powerful quirks, and I hope I can help you with your own training over these next 10 months. Young Midoriya let me know of your copying quirk where you can copy an individual's quirk and inherit the power for up to 30 minutes. Just in case you are ever in a situation where you need to copy Young Midoriya's new quirk, your body must be ready as well or you may get hurt. So within this letter, I have left you a list of the same training schedule as Midoriya, with a few changes here and there for body weight and height. If you travel 30 minutes west by train, you will come across a beach which needs to be cleaned up. If you can follow the diet and move all of the trash from that beach within the ten months, your body will be prepared for the power. I hope this helps you.
All Might.

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